Verboticism: Mismefunktion
!['What do mean you're canceling our date'](/jimage/broken.gif)
DEFINITION: n. Something, or someone, that/who always seems to break or fall apart, just when you need it/them the most. v. To fall apart just when you need to get it together.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: mis me funk shun
Sentence: Every time her family had a get together, Velma's husband, Harry, would mismefunktion and she'd end up going alone. One time it was migraines, another he'd have to work late or another time his gout was too bad. It really came down to 2 things...he did not like her family and he had a mistress who had a wide screen tv.
Etymology: Misfunction (fail to function or function improperly); Function (a social event)& Me (Myself) & Funk (a state of nervous depression)
Points: 1106