Verboticism: Fetchnpay

'Now be a good boy, and pick up your socks'

DEFINITION: v. To use animal training techniques to improve and direct the behavior of other people. n. A technique which uses the principles of animal training to solve a human behavioral riddle.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: fechnpā

Sentence: Jill is pleased with the progress with the training of her new boyfriend. He is doing well with sit (and be quiet), speak (when given permission) and stay (focused on your girlfriend only). Jill's proudest achievement is teaching him fetchnpay. All she has to do is mention she would like to have and release him to go get it. She still has to work on keeping him from getting distracted and buying too much for himself.

Etymology: fetch (go for and then bring back) n (and) pay (give someone money that is due for work done)

Points: 632