Verboticism: Thwrong

'My bikini still fits!'

DEFINITION: n. A person in deep denial who crams into their old clothing which is now somewhat unflattering, and perhaps several sizes too small. v. To wear clothing from your "younger days" just to prove that you still got it.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: thrawng

Sentence: At the family beach vacation Grandma thought it was great that she could still fit into her string bikini. Others thought it was just thwrong. To make matters worse Grandpa decided to match her faux pas by strutting around in a banana-hammock Speedow. The cost of the vacation may well be eclipsed by the eventual cost of therapy for the grandchildren.

Etymology: thong (a brief garment for the lower body that exposes the buttocks) + wrong (not correct in action, judgment, opinion, method, etc.)

Points: 923

Comments: Thwrong

galwaywegian - 2012-02-28: 07:36:00