Verboticism: Certaintease

DEFINITION: v. To do something decisive and then immediately start to have doubts, wondering if you did the right thing. n. Second thoughts, or second guesses, about a decision or an action you have made but cannot change.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: ser tan teez
Sentence: Stepping on cockroaches was not one of the things that Marissa was hired for. But on the other hand, she was unsure if her actions caused an imbalance in life as we know it. Upon speaking with her guru, she decided that her doubts were due to certaintease and she would get over it, especially if she did not want those bugs laying a million eggs in her office!
Etymology: Certainties (somethings that are certai) & Tease (to arouse hope, desire, or curiosity without satisfying them)
Points: 992