Verboticism: Lyricnorance

'The pants are blowing in the wind'

DEFINITION: n. A misheard or misunderstood lyric, which gives the song a completely different meaning than originally intended. v. To misinterpret a song because you "hear" different words than the ones actually being sung.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: lir-ik-ner-uhns

Sentence: John's lyricnorance led him to some strange conclusions about some of his favorite song writers. He thinks Jimi Hendrix was gay because of 'Scuse me, while I kiss this guy' and that some member of Creedence Clearwater Revival was incontinent when they sang 'There's a bathroom on the right'. His friends just howl when they take him out for karaoke night.

Etymology: lyrics (words to a song) + ignorance (lack of knowledge, inexperience)

Points: 1163