Verboticism: Literalitate
DEFINITION: v. To habitually object to and contradict other people's statements, especially if they include any facts or opinions. n. A person who finds fault what other people say no matter what it is, and lets them know it.
Created by: DevynAlexanderSkyeHarris
Pronunciation: Litter-uhll-it-tate
Sentence: "Oh I am a writer, not an artist or anything." Niiloxsi brushed off Mudulin's comment softly. "That still makes you an artist Niilo my brother. You never say what you mean its so annoying!" Niiloxsi shot back white hot and retorted, "Yeah well at least I'm not literalitating everyone all the time, constantly correcting them when you know very well what they meant you literalitator!"
Etymology: 1. Literal: Exact meaning, definition or intention. 2.Irritate: To annoy or bother repetitiously.
Points: 557