Verboticism: Scoffle
DEFINITION: v. To injure yourself while performing a normal everyday activity, such bending down, standing up, or turning your head quickly. n. An self-inflicted injury which occurred during a period of physical inactivity.
Created by: bdraffen0002
Pronunciation: /ˈskôfəl/
Sentence: I pulled my back when I got in a scoffle with my phone, I was trying to plug it in under the counter without it turning on.
Etymology: Scoff: late 18th century (as a verb): originally a variant of Scots and dialect scaff . The noun is from Afrikaans schoff, representing Dutch schoft ‘quarter of a day,’ (by extension) ‘meal.’ and Scuffle late 16th century (as a verb): probably of Scandinavian origin; compare with Swedish skuffa ‘to push’; related to shove and shuffle.
Points: 482