Verboticism: Legulas

'Aren't you supposed to use a scoop?'

DEFINITION: n. The euphoria felt when sticking one's hand surreptitiously into a barrelful of rice, peas, or other legumes. v. To plunge your hand into a container of rice.

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Created by: ohwtepph

Pronunciation: LEH - goo - las

Sentence: & Anne said to his voluptuously nerdy bestfriend who secretly has a crush on her, "Oooh, the legulas is indeed..." Anne paused and looked at Chris, "Let's go make out. I feel like you look like Orlando Bloom now."

Etymology: legumes [beans and other round thingies because I don't know how to correctly define this] + Legolas [IDK, but it was the best idea that came to my mind. XD]; his charm and arrow mastery is supposed to induce euphoria

Points: 590