Verboticism: Inirktion

DEFINITION: v. To complain and complain about a problem without ever taking action to correct it. n. A complaint about something which you can fix but choose not to.
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: in-urk-shun
Sentence: The gals in the office belonged to the PissandMonaLisa Club - they all complained about the leaky faucet, but being prima donnas, felt it was someone else's job to report it. It was no big surprise when their inirktion turned the first floor into the new company swimming pool.
Etymology: inaction, irk
Points: 1061
Comments: Inirktion
galwaywegian - 2007-06-15: 05:57:00
bad case of inerktia i'd say
Clayton - 2007-06-15: 07:58:00
It's words like these that help me find my inirk child.