Verboticism: Spryedeffect

'It's about my husband's new prescription '

DEFINITION: n. An unintended consequence of medical or psychological therapy, especially if the therapy is supposed to make you feel "young again". v. To feel young and stupid again.

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Created by: Katisms1

Pronunciation: OOPS! - SHOULD READ: Sprydefect! (Pron: SPRYIDE-e-fekked. Fekked, like my typing. I can't believe I managed to misspell a word I made up! ;-)

Sentence: While Granny was initially happy the little pill had brought some lovin' back into their bedroom, being awakened ten times a night by an urgent poking in the small of her back was rapidly becoming an unwelcomed sprydefect of the drug.

Etymology: spry + defect

Points: 809