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Top verboticism of the day created by mrskellyscl
DEFINITION: n., Forced small talk used by professional caregivers to put patients at ease. (Not usually effective.) v., To ask insipid questions while subjecting a person to an intimate, awkward or painful procedure.
Pronunciation: spit-chat
Sentence: Harold hated having to spitchat with the dentist when he had a mouth full of drool from novicaine and dental instruments jammed under his gums.
Etymology: wordplay on chitchat: an informal conversation
Created by: mrskellyscl.
Today's Challenge:
See: This job sucks, but I love it...
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Medigab: /med-i-gab/ Dentist's medigab is designed to move the patient's attention past the procedure so they will be somewhat more relaxed.
Etymology: MEDIGAB - noun - from - MEDICAL + GAB
Created by: Stevenson0.
Whynecology: /wi-neck-ol-ojee/ It's bad enough for us ladies to endure what we do annually. Would it be too much to ask that we don't have to also engage in meaningless whynecology? Etymology: Why? Why, oh why????????? :)
Gynecology Created by: lumina.
Jabwitter: /Jabb-wit-er/ Dr B. Kindly always resorted to the tried and tested method of jabwitter to put his patients at ease while injecting them. He would ask them trivial questions, such as, where they were going for their holiday or what they intended to have for lunch to distract their attention away from the pain. After twenty years in the profession he found this was the best tactic to use on most people. Etymology: Jab(a hypodermic injection) + Witter(to speak about trivial matters) = Jabwitter Created by: TJayzz.
To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: This may hurt a little. So tell me, how are your kids?
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Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you again remistram! ~ James
OZZIEBOB - 2007-10-16: 05:32:00
Great definition and cartoon. Recently, I have had the need to attend a variety of medical professionals, and find that they engage in a fair bit of small talk. Dentists , by far, chatter and, also, seem to recommend the use of a wide range of products.
Thanks Ozziebob! I too have been at the dentist and walked out not only with a sore tooth, but also with a sore ear. ~ James
lumina - 2008-09-11: 00:50:00
lumina - 2008-09-11: 00:56:00
Sorry bout that...didn't meant to comment...hit wrong button.
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James