DEFINITION: n. A pop culture entertainment property, which has transcended itself and become a de facto religion with legions of devotees, prescribed rituals and sacred texts.
VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Predalektion: /pree-dalek-shun/ The predalektion is a cult made up of crazed Dr Who fans who gather once a week in parking lots and bump into each other while saying over and over in stacatto voices “Exterminate” “Exterminate” Etymology: predilection (inclination) + dalek (of Dr. Who fame) Created by: Jabberwocky.
Borganization: /bor-gan-iz-a-shun/ It wasn’t long before the Star Trek series went from a simple buycon, content with selling action figures of Spock and Kirk, to a borganization, with a huge cult-like following of devotees. Etymology: borg, organization Created by: purpleartichokes.
Phenomination: /fi-nom-uh-NEY-shuhn/ Fans of science fiction may be divided into countless phenominations. Of these, Trekkies may be divided into several hundred thousand subphenominations. Thus concludes my example paragraph. Etymology: phenomenon + denomination Created by: Clayton.
Fanaticult: /fah-nah-tee-cult/ The Spockonian Fanaticult was the new religion rivaling Christianity in 101 G.T. [Geek Times]. Etymology: fan + fanaticism + cult Created by: ohwtepph.
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