DEFINITION: v. intr., To silently signal the position of a piece of food on a person’s face using hand gestures, facial expressions and tonguing motions. n., A nonverbal communication system used to alert and assist diners with food on their faces.
VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Morselcode: /mor-sul-cohd/ i was saved from embarrasment by a nice piece of morselcode from my sister Etymology: morsel, morse code Created by: rikboyee.
Comments on Morselcode:
purpleartichokes, 2007-11-01: 04:43:00
Perfect!galwaywegian, 2007-11-01: 07:58:00
Hope you repaid your sister with a diamante brooch or similar siBling!heartnsoul, 2007-11-01: 08:25:00
SOS – stop our slob?Domhain, 2007-11-01: 09:25:00
Brilliant!Jabberwocky, 2007-11-01: 10:50:00
ah – Inspector Morselcode no doubtOZZIEBOB, 2007-11-01: 20:48:00
Simply the best!
Dribblelert: /drib-ble-lert/ Claire sent a well executed dribblelert to Tony about the sauce on his face. Etymology: dribble& lert (alert) Created by: thebaron.
Semafood: /SEHM-a-food/ Martin sat at the table across from his blind date Harriet trying to decide if her facial tics were the result of allergic reaction or just semafood. Etymology: sema(fore) + food Created by: MrDave2176.
Comments on Semafood:
galwaywegian, 2007-11-01: 08:46:00
Foodianslip: /food-ee-an-slip/ Janice sent her friend the silent facial foodianslip message across the table to warn her friend of excess crumbs on her face. Etymology: food + Freudian Slip Created by: Stevenson0.
Comments on Foodianslip:
Jabberwocky, 2007-11-01: 10:47:00
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Definition Comments:
Verbotomy – 2007-11-01: 02:30:00
Today’s definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James’Verbotomy – 2007-11-01: 02:49:00
Don’t forget to add your thoughts to the Verbotomy Birthday Blog. Go to ~ James