DEFINITION: n., A belief that the contraptions of yesteryear are superior, in almost every way, to modern, present-day technology. v. intr., To wish that the today’s technology was just as good as it was in the past.
VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Obselitist: /ob-sul-ee-tust/ jeff’s book keeping was based on the obselitist view that computers could never replace the common sense practicality of a well kept ledger Etymology: obsolete, elitist Created by: rikboyee.
Comments on Obselitist:
Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 11:04:00
and another excellent word Rikipurpleartichokes, 2007-11-08: 11:59:00
Agree! oh riki you’re word’s so fine, you’re word’s so fine it blows my mind, hey riki…OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 16:22:00
Great Word!
Abacustalgia: /ăbÉ™-kÉ™-stăl’jÉ™/ “Back in my day, we didn’t have to wait for our slide rules to ‘boot up!’ Bah!” complained Grandpa, waxing abacustalgic, again, about the good ol’ days. “And this VCR thingy you hooked up to my TV keeps blinking twelve o’clock ever since I kicked the cord out, and now it won’t stop. What a lousy, piece of junk clock that thing is…” and so on. Etymology: abacus (a manual computing device) + nostalgia (a longing for the past, often in idealized form). Created by: Tigger.
Comments on Abacustalgia:
purpleartichokes, 2007-11-08: 08:43:00
I like the way this one sounds.OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 16:24:00
So do I – nice word!
Technostalgia: /tehk-noh-STAHL-juh/ Alex’s girlfriend could not put up with his fits of technostalgia and their Pong dates. Etymology: technology + nostalgia Created by: mplsbohemian.
Comments on Technostalgia:
Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 13:47:00
Alex should be sure to turn up at Stevenson0’s tonightOZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 16:33:00
Nice word!
Atariquarian: /atari-kwarian/ The atariquarians have monthly meetings to keep alive the grandeur of a better, sturdier video game experience Etymology: atari (one of the first video game systems + antiquarian Created by: Jabberwocky.
Comments on Atariquarian:
remistram, 2007-11-08: 09:25:00
…and they usually are Aquarians…Stevenson0, 2007-11-08: 09:29:00
Great Word as usual Jabber! I’ve invited all verbotomists to my house tonight to play Pong. Bring your Atari and you can attach it to my colour TV and we’ll hook up Pong to the Black and White. We’ll play some REAL video games. Everyone’s welcome!! Purple, bring your Richard Harris and Beatle albums!!! I’ll pick up a new needle for the record player on the way home from work.Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 11:48:00
sounds like a plan Stevenson0 and remistam, maybe it is the ‘Age of Atariquarians’OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 16:25:00
Another great word!OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 18:01:00
Perhaps, they were antiquarians and yearned for “auldwangtime!”
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Definition Comments:
Verbotomy – 2007-11-08: 00:01:00
Today’s definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James’mplsbohemian – 2007-11-08: 03:52:00
I actually do think Super Mario 3 rocked hardcore.remistram – 2007-11-08: 09:18:00
Atari was the bomb!Verbotomy – 2007-11-09: 21:08:00
You can actually download a version of Super Mario 3 to play on Wii. The best of both worlds ~ James