DEFINITION: v. To compulsively wash and excessively reuse “disposable items”, like paper cups, plastic utensils or kleenex tissues. n. An obsessive compulsion to reuse disposable items, often combined with a disposal inhibition.
VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Hoardiculture: /hord a kul chur/ “I think you are taking that commercial way too literally, Rita”, said her neighbour, Bev. “When they said not to squeeze the Charmin, they did not mean when you washed it and hung it out on the line”.
Rita said, “You just don’t understand the basics of hoardiculture, Bev.” “People have to justify their carbon footprint by saving everything they can..the forests, the whales, the water, the environment and Mother Nature, too.”
Bev replied, “But, Rita, is it really wise to re-use toilet paper with brownish streaks on it? I mean doesn’t that spread disease and isn’t it just plain hard to stop germs from spreading?”
“Oh, Bev, I call it it hoardiculture, you call it hardiculture…as she gazed fondly over to her mailbox, proudly showing her name: “R. Swipe!” Etymology: Hoard (to save up or never dispose of anything) & culture (a particular society at a particular time and place or the product of cultivating micro-organisms) & horticulture (the cultivation of living organisms) Created by: Nosila.
Comments on Hoardiculture:
pieceof314, 2008-04-18: 08:21:00
great word -seems as if it should already been one!arrrteest, 2008-04-18: 16:22:00
Love it! Fits perfectly!Mustang, 2008-04-18: 18:59:00
Great word! Wish I’d thought of it first.
Recyclivity: /re – syke – LIV – uh – ty/ Belinda’s propensity for saving and recycling any all all manner of disposable materials had evolved into full blown, out of control recyclivity. Etymology: Blend of recycle and proclivity (habitual inclination or tendency) Created by: Mustang.
Comments on Recyclivity:
Nosila, 2008-04-18: 01:21:00
We should all have a proclivity for recyclivity, especially with Earth Day coming on Apr.22 … good one, Mustang!
Repsycholist: /re-sahy-koh-list/ Janice was our neighbourhood repsycholist who not only reclaimed kleenex from the street gutter for her children to use, but also cigarette butts for her husband. Etymology: recyclist + psycho Created by: Stevenson0.
Comments on Repsycholist:
Nosila, 2008-04-19: 00:38:00
Good one!
Uberuseabuse: /oober-yoos-a-byoos/ The whole family was suffering from Nanna’s uberuseabuse since it had progressed from crocheting floor rugs from plastic breadbags to soaking bandaids in bleach and then smearing some adhesive on them to re-stick them on the grandkids grazed knees. Etymology: uber (over) + use + abuse (what happens when you force someone to re-use their disposable nappy or bandaid) Created by: petaj.
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Definition Comments:
Verbotomy – 2008-04-18: 00:01:00
Today’s definition was suggested by stache. Thank you stache. ~ James