DEFINITION: n. A state of heightened, subconscious awareness that allows drivers to “safely” navigate and control a vehicle without watching the road. v. To drive without bothering to watch where you are going.
VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Napigate: /nap-a-gate/ After years of working the graveyard shift, Joel was highly skilled at napigating between his home and workplace. So successful in fact, that after retiring, he would sometimes awake with a start to find himself trying to unlock his old office. Etymology: Navigate plus nap. Created by: Nuwanda.
Comments on Napigate:
artr, 2009-09-30: 14:43:00
I hate it when I go to work when I don’t have to.Nosila, 2009-10-01: 01:30:00
Love it…
Carvoyance: /car-voy-ance/ Clair used her extra sensory powers of carvoyance to get through the last 15 miles of car avoidance because she had been driving all night and was going into a nod. Etymology: car + clairvoyance: second-sight, ESP — to be able to see in a trance like state into the world beyond the perception of the normal senses Created by: mrskellyscl.
Nodopilot: /nod o pyle it/ It’s no wonder Dora’s long daily commute lended itself to her being able to drift into nodopilot mode. She left her home in Sleepy Hollow, drove past the Yawnkers turnoff, under the Boredwalk, past Lake Weary, close to Fort Fatigue, under the Spentsylvania overpass, through the town of Tuckerdout, past Conkorde-Jetlag Airport, over the Siesta Bridge and into the city of St. Pall where she worked as an accountant in the Restminster Abbey Nursing Home. Then eight long hours later, she would turn around and reverse her journey, while listening to Perry Como cd’s in her car. Etymology: Nod (to let the head fall forward through drowsiness;be almost asleep) & Autopilot (a cognitive state in which you act without self-awareness;a navigational device that automatically keeps ships or planes or spacecraft on a steady course)
Created by: Nosila.
Kipvana: /Kip Va Na/ Ned had become so enraptured in his 5:30 kipvana that he did not hear his name called on the radio and failed to claim the $100,000 prize. Etymology: Kip= Australian for nap.
Vana= A great rock band or the second part of Nir Created by: idavecook.
Comments on Kipvana:
Nosila, 2009-10-01: 01:32:00
Kip Kip Hooray for your word!
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