Laguage: Why… do… you…?

DEFINITION: n. A chronic slow talker, who plods relentlessly, even when everyone else has figured out what they are trying to say. v. To talk in a painfully slow manner.

Why...  do...  you...?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Laguage: /layg – wij/ Tessa spoke her own laguage. By the time she finished a sentence, everyone knew what she was trying to say and had long since ceased to listen. Etymology: lag, language Created by: mweinmann.

Comments on Laguage:

Nosila, 2009-09-22: 10:57:00
Great word!

Boratory: /bôrətôrē/ Whenever Jim has insomnia he knows just what to do. He goes into the guest room and turns on the TV to C-Span. The boratory is sure to put him right to sleep. He has to be careful to be lying down when he clicks to the channel so that he doesn*t fall and hit his head as it comes on. Etymology: bore (make [someone] feel weary and uninterested by tedious talk or dullness) + oratory (the art or practice of formal speaking in public) Created by: artr.

Comments on Boratory:

galwaywegian, 2009-09-22: 10:21:00

Longuist: /lon gwist’/ My friend Daryl, a gifted longuist, knows how to leave a voice mail message that, while saying very little, is so drawn out it exceeds the voice mail time limit. Starting with a period of silence followed by “Uhhh… heyyy…” just adds to the effect. Etymology: long + linguist Created by: karenanne.

Hourator: /ow ray tor/ Father Murphy’s houratory style had a very wholesome effect on anyone thinking sinful thoughts. After one of his sermons no one could remember what sins they were thinking of committing, not even the ones who remained awake Etymology: orator, hour Created by: galwaywegian.

Comments on Hourator:

Nosila, 2009-09-22: 10:57:00
Houray for you!

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

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the create-a-word game

Sociopathletes: Wait! Can’t you guys read?

DEFINITION: n. A group of runners that moves as a single entity, ignoring traffic signals and pedestrians alike. v. To run in a herd without watching where you are going.

Wait! Can't you guys read?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Sociopathletes: /so shee o path leetz/ Every Saturday you could see them running through the neighborhood. The 8 of them called themselves The Marrythoners, as they had all met while in marathon training and ended up marrying each other. We however called them the Sociopathletes. When they set out each weekend, they travelled as one and ignored traffic rules and basic mores of society. They thought they were Kings of the Road but we thought they were Things Needing Towed. They set race relations way back… Etymology: Sociopath (someone with a sociopathic personality; a person with an antisocial personality disorder (`psychopath’ was once widely used but has now been superseded by `sociopath’) & Social (a party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity;marked by friendly companionship with others) & Athletes (a person trained to compete in sports) Created by: Nosila.

Comments on Sociopathletes:

artr, 2009-09-21: 11:29:00
If everyone were a sociopath what would normal be?

galwaywegian, 2009-09-21: 14:30:00

mweinmann, 2009-09-23: 08:57:00
hehe, like it…

Joggernaut: /jopg gur nawtt/ The joggernaut appeared large and quite formidable as it came down the road. It was amazing how one small(cranky) pitbull could cause such a massive effect. Etymology: juggernaut, jog Created by: galwaywegian.

Comments on Joggernaut:

Nosila, 2009-09-21: 12:26:00
good word…run with it!

Scuttlepack: /-SKTLPK- / The scuttlepack of joggers training for the upcoming mini-marathon clogged the streets downtown, causing me to be late to work. Etymology: Scuttle + pack

Scuttle conveys both the movement of the runners and the destruction they wreak through their pack-like running style. Created by: Filthy.

Gangruntality: /gang-run-tal-i-ty/ When Jason ran with his group he joined a gangruntality with his fellow runners as they blatantly disregarded all traffic laws, daring people to honk or swear at them. His mother told him never to get involved with a gang, but he couldn’t help it. This was the street, and jogging alone here was asking for trouble. Besides, running through stop signs and knocking down old ladies made him feel rebellious and free, just like James Dean — a runner without a cause. Etymology: From “gang mentality”: a feeling that allows individual members of a group feel invincible, larger in importance or strengthened — often used in reference to street gang behavior + Gang: refers to a herd of buffalo, elk, or a pack or wild dogs; a group of people who engage in wrongdoing + run: jog + mentality: attitude or way of thinking Created by: mrskellyscl.

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

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the create-a-word game

Shampathize: I’m surprised that no one else has picked up the ball.

DEFINITION: v. To listen intently and sympathize with your colleagues when they request assistance, and then to simply, and completely, forget about it. n. The ability to sympathize with, yet ignore, requests for help.

I'm surprised that no one else has picked up the ball.

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Shampathize: /sham\’ pa thize/ Julie\’s partner said he was very overwhelmed with their joint project, and it was Julie\’s turn to call clients. Julie completely shampathized, then she went back to shopping online. Etymology: Sham + sympathize Created by: karenanne.

Comments on Shampathize:

karenanne, 2009-09-18: 15:09:00
Etymology: Sham + sympathize

jrogan, 2009-09-18: 15:55:00
Good word! And I am not just being shampathetic…

Sympalies: /sim-pa-lize/ Ied can always be counted on to sympalies with you when you’re having trouble. He says he’ll be happy to help you, but whenever you need him, he’s nowhere to be found. Later he has one excuse after another for why he couldn’t help. Etymology: sympathize: to feel compassion for another’s trouble + lies: a false statement told to pass for truth Created by: mrskellyscl.

Comments on Sympalies:

galwaywegian, 2009-09-18: 07:49:00

Compassionot: /kəmpashənät/ Always the compassionot character, Bruce was wonderful at listening to the grousing and requests for assistance from his co-workers. He disrecared about each and every one of them. They could always count on him even if it meant working overnaught. Etymology: compationate (feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others) + not (used to express the negative of other words) Created by: artr.

Comments on Compassionot:

galwaywegian, 2009-09-18: 07:49:00
love it!

Sympatigo: /simmm pat eye gow/ He was tres sympatigo, nodding sympathetically while reversing out the door Etymology: sympatico, I go Created by: galwaywegian.

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

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the create-a-word game

Thursday Next, Jasper Fforde’s brilliant literary detective, arrested at Verbotomy

In an unexpected, real-world plot twist, a copy — or perhaps a clone — of Thursday Next, Jasper Fforde‘s brilliant literary detective, has been arrested at Verbotomy. At this time the charges remain unclear, but it is apparent that Thursday, the genre-crossing heroine, has an addiction to wordplay and a habit of breaking the standard grammatical protocols that rule most fiction. In the past, she has also been seen in the company of many made-up words, or verboticisms, as they are called at Verbotomy. However, possession of these type of words would not normally result in charges, especially at Verbotomy where the recreational use of invented words is not only tolerated, but is strongly encouraged.

To test your creative wits and see how Verbotomy is played go to:

Jasper Fforde at

An alternative reading of the situation, may suggest that this is indeed as a hostage taking. There are no real charges (the game is free). And it appears that Thursday’s story is being offered up as a prize. The spokesperson for Verbotomy, artist and writer James Gang, vehemently denies this suggestion, saying that conditions for the release of Ms. Next, (see official stuff and contest rules below) are “fair and reasonable bail conditions, and should not in any way be considered to be a ransom note.” Mr. Gang has also denied any connection with the “Goliath Corporation“, and stated that the rumors circulating about potential destruction of the Ms. Next’s first book (The Eyre Affair) are completely false.”We would never knowingly destroy a book. Of course, because we are also an eco-friendly organization, we would never let a tree go to waste either. So if a book is going to be left unread, we will be obliged to put it into our recycling systems, so that it can be transformed into something useful — like paper towels.”

Author Jasper Fforde seems unperturbed by these literary threats. Perhaps he assumes that it is just hyperbole, and that the kidnapping of one his characters is really just the act of a desperate imagination. After all, in The Eyre Affair he wrote, “Literary detection and firearms don’t really go hand in hand.”

To play Verbotomy, and win a change to free Thursday Next, go to: and invent a word to fit today’s challenge.

About the book: “Eyre Affair”

In Jasper Fforde’s Great Britain, circa 1985, time travel is routine, cloning is a reality (dodos are the resurrected pet of choice), and literature is taken very, very seriously. England is a virtual police state where an aunt can get lost (literally) in a Wordsworth poem and forging Byronic verse is a punishable offense. All this is business as usual for Thursday Next, renowned Special Operative in literary detection. But when someone begins kidnapping characters from works of literature and plucks Jane Eyre from the pages of Bronte’s novel, Thursday is faced with the challenge of her career. Fforde’s ingenious fantasy-enhanced by a Web site that re-creates the world of the novel–unites intrigue with English literature in a delightfully witty mix.

Reviews: “Eyre Affair”
“Filled with clever wordplay, literary allusion and bibliowit, The Eyre Affair combines elements of Monty Python, Harry Potter, Stephen Hawking and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but its quirky charm is all its own.” –The Wall Street Journal

“Jasper Fforde’s first novel, The Eyre Affair, is a spirited sendup of genre fiction-it’s part hardboiled mystery, part time-machine caper-that features a sassy, well-read ‘Special Operative in literary detection’ named Thursday Next, who will put you more in mind of Bridget Jones than Miss Marple. Fforde delivers almost every sentence with a sly wink, and he’s got an easy way with wordplay, trivia, and inside jokes…. Fforde’s verve is rarely less than infectious.” –The New York Times Book Review

“Fforde is endlessly inventive: his heroine’s utter unconcern about the strangeness of the world she inhabits keeps the reader perpetually double-taking as minor certainties of history, literature and cuisine go soggy in the corner of our eye. The audacity of the premise and its working out provides sudden leaps of understanding, many of them accompanied by wild fits of the giggles.”

Free Thursday Next! Win a copy of The Eyre Affair at Verbotomy
Yes, you can help free Thursday Next. Play Verbotomy. The top player of the week starting on September 21, 2009, will win a copy of the book!

Official Stuff:

Prize: The Eyre Affair (Paperback) by Jasper Fforde (Approximate Retail Value:  $15.00 US.)

Contest Start Date: September 21, 2009 at 12:01:00 am EDT
Contest End Date: September 27, 2009 at 11:59:00 pm EDT

For the Jasper Fforde: Eyre Affair weekly author ranking see: See:

For complete contest rules and regulations please see our Verbotomy Contest Rules and Regulations.

Be creative,
