DEFINITION: v. tr. To eat in a peculiar or ritualistic manner in an effort to lose weight while consuming more. n. An idiosyncratic method of eating, usually adopted for “health reasons”.
VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Celeremony: /SEL-uh-ree-moh-nee/ Elena reverently placed the perfectly trimmed stalks into place – a perfect pentagram (5 grams), in preparation for her nightly celeremony. Etymology: celery, ceremony Created by: Alchemist.
Safepecks: /safe-pex/ After failing on both the Fatkins Diet and SlimFat, Louise tried practicing Safepecks, slowly nibbling on small bits of food. Unfortunately, for her, it only meant that it took her two hours to finish off the entire pizza. Etymology: safe sex, peck Created by: purpleartichokes.
Liet: /lie-et/ she only ate fruit flavoured ice cream because she was on a very strict liet Etymology: lie, diet Created by: rikboyee.
Vegebation: /veg-uh-bey-shun/ Vegebation is the peculiar ritual Tiffany practises. She only drinks her food. She juicers all her vegetables and tofu together and drinks her meals to prevent wear and tear on her teeth and reduce facial aging lines from chewing. Vegebation is also part of the ‘X-Man’ cultasy which proclaims that this activity will reduce the side effects of youthanesia. Etymology: vegetarian + libation; vegebation -n. An idiosyncratic method of eating, usually adopted for “health reasons”. Created by: Stevenson0.
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