DEFINITION: v. intr., To speak in an inspirational but perhaps incomprehensible manner by stringing together a series of grunts and clichés. n., An inarticulate TV or radio, post-game interview, typically given by a panting, toothless, sweating, verbally-challenged, and hugely overpaid, athletic superstar.
VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Beefcant: /beef-cant/ Once all the sports writers were present, the football hero rolled into his beefcant of all the wonderful things his team did on the field today. Etymology: beefcake (male with a muscular physique) + cant (jargon, lingo) Created by: Stevenson0.
Comments on Beefcant:
purpleman, 2008-02-04: 15:38:00
very nice!!!!!!!!purpleman, 2008-02-04: 18:11:00
wow its weird that no1 is puting any commantssilveryaspen, 2008-02-07: 21:01:00
Any comment I make would have me blushing and giggling … but I’ll share … finally. Stevenson, beefcant is a most appealing verboticism! Simply, because we ladies always like the beefcake that always comes with it!
Verbarrhoea: /Verb-A-ree-aar/ I was watching that boxer on TV the other day, Chris Eubank, and he was talking such verbarrhoea! He was all over the place. They get paid millions to dance around like a ponse and speak utter balls. Pah! Etymology: Verbal – Involving skills with words in a spoken manner. Diarrhoea – frequent, nasty and excessive bowel movement. Created by: Dougalistic.
Comments on Verbarrhoea:
sean30, 2008-02-04: 16:03:00
He is one of many “sports stars” that speak Verbarrhoea!!Mustang, 2008-02-04: 18:52:00
Excellent description of ‘jockese’ mumbo jumbo which is generally nothing more than a cliche’ festival.
Trightning: /tryt-ning/ John Edwards’ speeches are sheer trightning. He tries to convince poor people he’s one of them with rapid-fire down-home folksiness and then disappears, like a fart in the wind, off to another rally in his private jet. Etymology: trite + lightning Created by: Banky.
Comments on Trightning:
Jabberwocky, 2008-02-04: 13:40:00
very niceOZZIEBOB, 2008-02-04: 15:09:00
I like it!purpleman, 2008-02-04: 15:38:00
i like it but its hard to pronounce
Superfluent: /soo – PER – floo – unt/ Lindal gave his usual superfluent responses to the rapid fire questions about the game following his teams’ victory even though he had little to do with the outcome. Etymology: Mix of superfluous and fluent Created by: Mustang.
Comments on Superfluent:
Maxine, 2008-02-04: 08:40:00
Very clever, and it sounds natural, too!ErWenn, 2008-02-04: 09:57:00
So natural that I was convinced it was an actual word for a moment!HerOralHighness, 2008-02-04: 17:54:00
nice onepurpleman, 2008-02-04: 22:52:00
very good!!!!!!!!!bananabender, 2008-02-04: 23:53:00
A good blend!
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Definition Comments:
Verbotomy – 2008-02-04: 03:25:00
Today’s definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James