Jasper Fforde’s First Among Sequels Arrives at Verbotomy

Who is the Real Thursday Next? And whose words will win the book? Play Verbotomy and win the First Among Sequels by Jasper Fforde.

First Among Sequels by Jasper Fforde

Don’t wait for the Next sequel. Make up your words here:
https://www.verbotomy.com/verbotomy.php. Win a signed copy of Jasper Fforde’s fifth Thursday Next novel, “First Among Sequels”

About the book: “First Among Sequels”

It is fourteen years since Thursday Next pegged out at the 1988 SuperHoop, and the Special Operations Network has been disbanded. Using Swindon’s Acme Carpets as a front, Thursday and her colleagues Bowden, Stig and Spike continue their same professions, only illegally. Of course, this front is itself a front for Thursday’s continued work at Jurisfiction, the Policing agency within BookWorld, and she is soon grappling with a recalcitrant new apprentice, an inter-genre war or two, and the inexplicable departure of comedy from the once-hilarious Thomas Hardy books.

Play Verbotomy. The top player of the week (who has not yet won a Fforde book) starting on October 19, 2009, will win a copy of the book!

Official Stuff:

Prize: First Among Sequels (Paperback) by Jasper Fforde (Approximate Retail Value: $15.00 US.)

Note: The book will be awarded to the Top Scoring Player who has not yet won a Jasper Fforde Book contest at Verbotomy.

Contest Start Date: October 19, 2009 at 12:01:00 am EDT
Contest End Date: October 25, 2009 at 11:59:00 pm EDT

For the Jasper Fforde: First Among Sequels weekly author ranking see: See: https://www.verbotomy.com/verbotomists.php?week=2009-10-19

For complete contest rules and regulations please see our Verbotomy Contest Rules and Regulations.

Be creative,


Jasper Fforde’s Lost Plots rescued at Verbotomy

The Well of Lost Plots is certainly deep. In fact, some literary scientists claim that it is actually “bigger than the internet”. Japser Fforde has denied this suggestion saying that it is only 385 pages long (U.K. paperback edition). Of course, reality has never limited Fforde, or Thursday Next…

The Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde
Is this a plot for word play?

In this book, Thursday is swimming through an ocean of mutating plot lines, full of dangerously ironic characters and sharp word play. It is a sea of words that could spell the end of Thursday Next. That’s why we’re calling on all readers to throw Thursday a rescue line — a few words to pull her back from the novel’s edge. And in this case, as in all of Japser Fforde’s bookworld, nothing floats better than an invented word. Especially if it tied to the reader’s imagination with clever twist. So don’t just sit there. Start typing! Send Thursday a life-line. And win you an autographed copy of the book!

Rescue Thursday Next. Tell your story using “made-up words”. Go to:
https://www.verbotomy.com/verbotomy.php. Win a signed copy of Jasper Forde’s third Thursday Next novel, The Well of Lost Plots.

About the book: “The Well of Lost Plots”

It’s almost impossible to summarize the amazing adventures in which the beguiling (and confused) Ms Next becomes involved, but after she leaves Swindon (and her life inside an unpublished book called Caversham Heights), she becomes involved in the inauguration of a golden age of fictional narrative. But this turns out to be a very dangerous experience…

Reviews: “The Well of Lost Plots
“This really is an incredibly imaginative and entertaining book that expands Fforde’s BookWorld to unbelievable proportions. It’s left me fervently hoping that there are more Thursday Next stories still to come.” amazon.com

“The novel is a treasure-trove of similar gems: sly little cracks that whiz past almost before you notice them. It is nonsense but, at its best, inspired nonsense…. There is a lightness in the execution which makes the comedy take wing… He is certainly a giggle-aloud author — a rare species.” Daily Telegraph

Invent some words and win a copy of The Well of Lost Plots at Verbotomy
Play Verbotomy. The top player of the week (who has not yet won a Fforde book) starting on October 5, 2009, will win a copy of the book!

Official Stuff:

Prize: Well of Lost Plots (Paperback) by Jasper Fforde (Approximate Retail Value: $15.00 US.)

Note: The book will be awarded to the Top Scoring Player who has not yet won a Jasper Fforde Book contest at Verbotomy.

Contest Start Date: October 5, 2009 at 12:01:00 am EDT
Contest End Date: October 11, 2009 at 11:59:00 pm EDT

For the Jasper Fforde: Well of Lost Plots weekly author ranking see: See: https://www.verbotomy.com/verbotomists.php?week=2009-10-5

For complete contest rules and regulations please see our Verbotomy Contest Rules and Regulations.

Be creative,


Jasper Fforde’s invented words Lost in a Good Book

How many invented words are there in Jasper Fforde’s vocabulary? No one really knows… And perhaps it is incalculable. However the number of “made-up words” used in his books has been closely monitored and documented by the Goliath Corporation. In fact, if you check the dedication page of “Lost in a Good Book” you will see that officially it includes 44 made-up words.

Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde
This book allegedly contains 44 made-up words. Fact or Fiction?

This number, 44, is however suspect. There are many rumors circulating that the actual number of neologisms contained within this book may be much higher! Some fictioneers suggest that the Goliath Corporation is deliberately hiding the actual number of neologisms found within the book! (Note: The Goliath Corporation never publicly uses the word “neologism” because it has been deemed to be far too “academic” by their all-powerful, and much feared, Marketing Department.) If you do search through the book you may, or may not, find more made-up words. It is believed that this inconsistency is result of tampering by illegal fictional characters, or perhaps by the over-active imaginations of readers who have immersed themselves within Fforde’s books. If the wording has been tampered with, and the meanings changed without prior permission, we need some serious literary detection! Ergo, we are sending out the Bat Signal to Thursday Next!

Test your creative wits and play with some “made-up words”. Go to:

If you’re funny and lucky, you can win a signed copy of Jasper Forde’s second Thursday Next novel, Lost in a Good Book.

About the book: “Lost in a Good Book”

Thursday Next, literary detective and newlywed is back to embark on an adventure that begins, quite literally on her own doorstep. It seems that Landen, her husband of four weeks, actually drowned in an accident when he was two years old. Someone, somewhere, sometime, is responsible. The sinister Goliath Corporation wants its operative Jack Schitt out of the poem in which Thursday trapped him, and it will do almost anything to achieve this – but bribing the ChronoGuard? Is that possible? Having barely caught her breath after The Eyre Affair, Thursday must battle corrupt politicians, try to save the world from extinction, and help the Neanderthals to species self-determination. Mastadon migrations, journeys into Just William, a chance meeting with the Flopsy Bunnies, and violent life-and-death struggles in the summer sales are all part of a greater plan. But whose? and why?

Reviews: “Lost in a Good Book”
“Jasper Fforde certainly rates an ‘E’ for Excellence in imagination. Asimov gave us a scientific look at future possibilities, Heinlein gave us imagination with a comic religious slant, and others have fictionally tweaked our imaginations to some degree. But no one except Jasper Fforde has opened up the vast possibilities of using characters from all fiction – fantasy, humor, scientific, adventure – whatever – to create such an incredible world as found in Lost In A Good Book.” whodunnit.com

“It may be that Fforde has succeeded in doing for the anxieties of 21st-century book lovers — nagged by the feeling that perhaps they aren’t getting as swept away by books as they used to — what Helen Fielding did for the anxieties of the 30-something single urban female. In attempting to come up with an adult Harry Potter, he may also have stumbled across that other Holy Grail of modern fiction, the male-friendly (or at least the gender-neutral) Bridget Jones — which, for everyone but Fforde’s accountant, is a fairly terrifying prospect.” New York Times

Invent some words and win a copy of Lost in a Good Book at Verbotomy
Play Verbotomy. The top player of the week starting on September 28, 2009, will win a copy of the book!

Official Stuff:

Prize: Lost in a Good Book (Paperback) by Jasper Fforde (Approximate Retail Value: $15.00 US.)

Note: The book will be awarded to the Top Scoring Player who did not win a Jasper Fforde Book in last week’s contest at Verbotomy.

Contest Start Date: September 28, 2009 at 12:01:00 am EDT
Contest End Date: October 3, 2009 at 11:59:00 pm EDT

For the Jasper Fforde: Lost in a Good Book weekly author ranking see: See: https://www.verbotomy.com/verbotomists.php?week=2009-09-28

For complete contest rules and regulations please see our Verbotomy Contest Rules and Regulations.

Be creative,



DEFINITION: v. intr. To arrive at a meeting completely unprepared and then work diligently and obviously to distract yourself from the proceedings. n. A person who attends a meeting but does not believe that they are paid enough to pay attention.

Our boss said I had to attend this meeting.

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Agendabender: /ah jenda ben der/ Todd was a first class Agendabender. He hated meetings with a passion and felt they were a waste of time. Sometimes they had meetings just to decide when the next meeting would be! He was considered a renegade for not wanting to attend the meetings, he felt it cut into his time at work. Iromically, those persons who convened meetings ad nauseum, just want to hear their own voices and ideas and apparently did not have enough real work to do, nor deadlines to meet. Todd analyzed what these meetings comprised: “Minutes” of the meetings should actually be called “Hours”; The “Board Room” should have been renamed The “Bored Room”; the “Chair Person” should be called the “Stare Person”…’cause they always managed to spear the attendees with their eyes; and Preparation for a meeting?…the only one anyone really needed was “Preparation H” for the long periods of time spent sitting on the hard wooden chairs! Yes, it was obvious to Todd that some people in his firm got their MBA’s specializing in congregation and mind-numbing rhetoric. Unbeknownst to the other attendees, Todd’s days attending these mindless marathons were soon to be ended. He had just inherited the company from his uncle and his first order of business would be to agendabender the hell out of these pointless meetings! Etymology: agenda { a list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting)} & bender (someone who modifies the rules to suit themselves) & genderbender (for rhyming purposes, not that there’s anything wrong with that!) Created by: Nosila.

Comments on Agendabender:

silveryaspen, 2008-03-24: 01:35:00
I admire your witty word plays in quotes, and your story, for they very humorously and successfully convey the feeling of frustration. Perhaps before his agendabender to ease his frustration, he went on another kind of bender!

OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-24: 02:26:00
Perhaps Todd is a “Boy George” fan? Clever word; luv the sentence!

Contratendant: /ˈkän-trÉ™-ˈten-dÉ™nt/ Lars spent the entire meeting paging through the Wall Street Journal and humming absently to himself, to his son’s 5th grade teacher’s great consternation. “Mr. Beauregard!” she exclaimed, “I can’t believe you would be such a contratendant to this parent-teacher conference!” Etymology: From the Greek, contra, meaning an illegal association with a Middle-Eastern dictatorship; from the Kusumapura, ten, meaning “of brace-wearing age”; and from the Irish, dant, meaning, “shall not,” or, literally, “dare not.” Created by: doseydotes.

Comments on Contratendant:

stache, 2008-03-24: 14:30:00
Your etymologies are always so very enlightening. Superlatively done. Keep up the good work!

OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-24: 19:50:00
Close to the mark!

Spectraitor: /spec-tray-tur/ John attended the morning meeting merely as a spectraitor. He successfully sabotaged establishing the agenda for the day. Etymology: spectator (onlooker) + traitor (subversive element) Created by: Jabberwocky.

Comments on Spectraitor:

silveryaspen, 2008-03-24: 10:32:00
Wow! I admire the way you select words and put them together in your sentence and verboticisms so that we don’t just read and understand … they also evoke feelings and emotions … of all kinds. Not only is your sentence and word right on the definition, but evokes that antipathy we all feel when it happens. Outstanding verboticism!

OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-24: 19:49:00
Cleverly constructed word.

Tigger, 2008-03-24: 21:16:00
…now if he could only get the competition to pay him for sabotaging the meetings. Hmmm. Nice word!

Muteinear: /mutineer/ Lara’s selective deafness was not causing as much of a problem in the Dyslexia Association meetings as she would have liked. As a muteinear she had only lent half an ear to proceedings and the minutes she prepared appeared to be written in anagrams. She thought this would show them all the contempt she felt for the meetings. However, as most of the attendees were dyslexic they found her anagramatic minutes actually made easy reading. Etymology: mute (not speaking as one does in a meeting) + in ear (not listening either) + mutineer (one who rebels) + the whole word looks like the minutes have been sabotaged to make them difficult to read. Created by: petaj.

Comments on Muteinear:

silveryaspen, 2008-03-24: 01:47:00
I admire the interplay between your pronunciation and etymology as well as the words you chose to blend so cleverly and the way you defined them. Muteinear and mutineer really nailed the definition, too. Outstanding word!

petaj, 2008-03-24: 06:33:00
Minuteering can be as difficult as climbing a mountain! when you have a mute in ear. Thanks silvery for the thoughtful comments you make on verbotomies.

purpleartichokes, 2008-03-24: 08:29:00
Great word!

Tigger, 2008-03-24: 21:19:00
Dyslexics Untie! Funny sentence, petaj.

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

Be Creative,


the create-a-word game

Definition Comments:

Verbotomy2008-03-24: 00:01:00
Today’s definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James

arrrteest2008-03-24: 07:46:00
This is a poem I actually wrote in a meeting:

Meeting Hell
By David E. Selvin

As I sit here in this meeting,
My mind’s attention span is fleeting,
I contemplate actually retreating,
From this place in meeting hell.

But from the clock, it’s click and clocking,
My state of mind, it keeps on mocking,
My inner scream, to me, is shocking,
As I hallucinate the ending bell.

Still, I came with no allusion,
Complicit in my blind collusion,
For my schedule’s planned intrusion,
That I’ve come to accept, but dread.

I arrive and check the seating,
Politely smile and say a greeting,
Knowing sanity will take a beating,
Within the confines of my weary head.

Still, although, I’m stuck here sitting,
My stomach lining must be pitting,
A straight jacket soon just might be fitting,
And only time will surely tell.

I hope a response is not required,
They might notice sanity expired,
And ability to reason duly mired,
My interest level a labored sell.

I awake: Is it a nightmare?
I catch myself with an insipid blank stare,
Hearing talking though the stale air,
Not all sure where it’s coming from.

Try to focus. What is the topic?
The planner’s plans were quite myopic,
My mind is on an island tropic,
My body sits here limp and numb.

I hope I don’t get called to answer,
My pulse would rise as if a dancer,
My body pained as if full with cancer,
Reacting like a hammered thumb.

A sympathetic nod of head,
Seems to follow just what is said,
But an EEG would read out “dead,”
An indication not all is well.

I’m not sure what I gain from training,
For what topic that it’s pertaining,
The whole experience is very draining,
My angst is what I need to quell.
My angst is what I need to quell.
Verbotomy2008-03-24: 08:40:00
Excellent poem arrrteest! It insubordinuttily captures the disenwaged spirit of a slacktendant agendabender. ~ James

Jamagra2008-03-24: 09:19:00
Quoth the employee, “Nevermore!”

silveryaspen2008-03-24: 11:07:00
Remistram and James, your definition and cartoon are a big hit! They not only inspired great verboticisms (not a bad one in the bunch again) but even poetry! Laughter, too! Great job!

silveryaspen2008-03-24: 11:10:00
Did you write your poem in a meeting hell, arrrteest? It is a wonderfully well done rhyme and adds much to our time here today! I’m so glad you shared it with us.

arrrteest2008-03-24: 13:36:00
Write it in meeting hell? Yes, I did! It was a mind numbing, pointless, poorly thought out, going through the motions, no followthrough afterwards, dead in the water, series of meetings/”trainings” that is enherent within large organizations. It was complete with “activators,” “capture sheets” and “group participation.” Aaaah phoey. You bet. Am I sarred for life? Well let’s just say the poem saved me from $$$$ of therapy. If you want to be productive and positive in a meeting, don’t sit next to me. LOL!

purpleartichokes2008-03-24: 16:00:00
Great poem arrrteest! I think I was at that meeting.

Jamagra2008-03-24: 16:41:00
Wow Arteest! Glad you have writing as an outlet from meeting hell! I really do NOT miss those days!

arrrteest2008-03-24: 17:22:00
“inherent”-ah an errant moment


DEFINITION: n. The moment of loss, hesitation and confusion, which occurs when you enter a room and immediately forget why. v. intr. To forget why you entered a room.

Why did I come into this room?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Roomnesia: /room-nee-zha/ Sue noticed that after turning 40, episodes of geriantics were occurring more frequently, and roomnesia was most definitely one of them. She clearly remembered tucking the carrot into her cleavage, but had to go mission fishin’ when she found herself in the bathroom with it. Etymology: room, amnesia Created by: purpleartichokes.

Comments on Roomnesia:

ErWenn, 2008-03-21: 09:07:00
Another simple, but effective word.

Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:46:00
geriantics could turn into geriantricks – another great definition

silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 13:18:00
Carrot in the cleavage and mission fission, then seeing the carrot in her cleavage in the cartoon … brought lots of laughter! Funtastic!

arrrteest, 2008-03-21: 13:32:00
The scary part of it is that I was experiencing this much before 40!

Banky, 2008-03-21: 20:31:00
I dig roomnesia, but I think I like geriantics even more. I’ve been looking for a word to describe walking in on my octagenarian parents doing it besides “OHMYGODMYEYES”

OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 01:08:00
I once claim I had roomnesia – Roxie wouldn’t buy it!

Mustang, 2008-03-22: 06:56:00
I’m thinking Sue might also be dealing with a severe case of roomatism. Her roomune system has been compromised.

Entrefugue: /ŏn’trā fyōōg/ “What the hell was it I was after?” Herman muttered as he wandered about his bungalow. In the middle of an oil change, he had gotten dirty oil on the pocket of his jeans, his keys and the doorknob in the process of reentering. He could only stand there, empty beer bottle in hand, and hope his entrefugue would soon pass. Etymology: entree, the act of entering; fugue, a period during which a person suffers from loss of memory, often begins a new life, and, upon recovery, remembers nothing of the amnesic phase. Created by: stache.

Comments on Entrefugue:

silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 01:37:00
Great opening line … broke out laughing and can’t quit … for the last lines in your etymology … made me laugh even harder! Funtastic!

Tigger, 2008-03-21: 02:10:00
Neat word. With a slight variation, “Entréefugue” could be used for when you forget what you ate for dinner.

purpleartichokes, 2008-03-21: 06:19:00
Great word!

ErWenn, 2008-03-21: 09:04:00
There’s definitely something about this definition that’s begging to be put into French. It reminds me of concepts like deja vu or je ne sais quoi. So this word is right on. Fun to say with a French accent too.

ErWenn, 2008-03-21: 09:05:00
Ooh, that actually gives me an idea for a different “word” for today’s definition: “je ne sais porquoi”.

Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:40:00
great word

petaj, 2008-03-21: 23:52:00
that could send you into a spin – would that be a centrifugue

OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 00:40:00

Whyunwise: /why – un – wise/ Whynona, lived in a whyte house. She walked down her whyte hall, to her whybrary room, but when she got there, she asked herself “Why?” Over and over, her searching mind, asked the eternal whyning question: “Why am I here?.” By and by, she had to admit she did not know. She remained whyunwise! Shelving it, for the time being, she was heard muttering “Anybody got a whys cracker?” Etymology: Why: asking for a reason. Unwise: not having the answer. Abreviated form: y & y’s … related to m & m’s … cause I’m wishing this were a sweeter creation … instead of the usual so and so! Created by: silveryaspen.

Comments on Whyunwise:

silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 01:33:00
Oh … by the way … Whynona’s house is not in Whyoming! Her song of the day is Why? Why, oh why did I ever leave Whyoming.”

Nosila, 2008-03-21: 02:05:00
I don’t know why, but I love the story. Maybe Whynona will see a whynoceros if she drinks enough whyne. Why, Why, Why, DeWhywa???

silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 02:38:00
I am enjoying your enhancements above … to story and music both! That is much better song!

Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:50:00
whys words

OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 00:53:00
Some many questions; some few answers! Great sentence and words!

Mustang, 2008-03-22: 04:36:00
I think maybe Whynona is simply a whyner, or maybe a whyar? I would hope she’d whyse up.

silveryaspen, 2008-03-22: 14:18:00
So glad this was good for inspiring a few more creative laughs!

Ignoroomus: /-ig-nuh-room-uhs-/ Heather just stood there, in the kitchen, looking around the room with a vacant expression, experiencing another case of ignoroomus. She’d been standing there for several minutes now, trying to remember what she came in here for, and she realized that she really had to go to the bathroom… which was ironic, since she was just in the bathroom five minutes ago, wondering what she was supposed to be doing there too. Brenda thought about it as she reluctantly returned to the bathroom — she’d recently dyed her hair blonde, and she wondered if her recurring case of ignoroomus was some sort of karmic revenge for all of those blonde jokes she had told over the years. She was so distracted by this thought that, when she entered the bathroom again, she’d forgotten why she was there. Etymology: blend of; Ignoramus – extremely ignorant person, fool, dunce (from Latin, ignorare “not to know”) + room – portion of space within a building (from German, raum “spacious”) Created by: Tigger.

Comments on Ignoroomus:

silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 01:52:00
Brilliant etymology and blending. A superb creation!

Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:42:00
very funny Tigger

OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 01:10:00
Great work; funny,too!

Mustang, 2008-03-23: 05:20:00
Sounds like a case of roomatic fever.

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

Be Creative,


the create-a-word game

Definition Comments:

Verbotomy2008-03-21: 00:01:00
Today’s definition was suggested by Jamagra. Thank you Jamagra. ~ James

arrrteest2008-03-21: 01:10:00
Been there many a time. It is weird when it happens when you’re driving.

silveryaspen2008-03-21: 02:04:00
Whysly done, you Whys ones, Jamagra and James! (big silly grin/wink)

ErWenn2008-03-21: 02:06:00
Now this is a concept that genuinely needs a good word.

Jamagra2008-03-21: 02:27:00
James! How did you know about my harvest gold toilet?!

Jamagra2008-03-21: 02:32:00
James! How did you know about my harvest gold toilet?!

Jamagra2008-03-21: 02:34:00
Ack. Sorry about the deux referring to the loo.

purpleartichokes2008-03-21: 05:30:00
I’m curious as to why there’s a carrot in her cleavage. Perhaps she was going there to eat it?

stache2008-03-21: 09:08:00
looks like a band-aid to me. great toon in any event. captures the feeling to a tee. and I should know.

purpleartichokes2008-03-21: 12:19:00
BTW, lovely toilet jamagra, but you really should remove the band-aid/carrot before you pose for pictures with it.

silveryaspen2008-03-21: 13:20:00
Brings a whole new meaning to the expression carrot top!

stache2008-03-21: 13:57:00
On third look I think it’s merely an alluring peek at the d’ecolletage. Or else her bra is showing.

doseydotes2008-03-21: 14:19:00
I don’t think the foreign object is her decollete, stache. I think it may be a partially-developed conjoined twin. More to the point, I’m pretty sure I know why she went into the WC: She was trying to find a “W”.

Jamagra2008-03-21: 14:22:00
The band-aided carrot in the cleavage is sort of an Easter tradition at my house. Don’t ask. heh.

stache2008-03-21: 14:25:00
mmmmmm. band-aids and carrots.

stache2008-03-21: 14:26:00
mmmmmmmm. partially-developed conjoined twins.

Verbotomy2008-03-21: 14:31:00
I think it’s a carrot, a d’ecolletaged carrot. I thought it’d be better to use a carrot rather than a stick. Besides the stick is Jamagra’s harvest gold toilet. ~ James

stache2008-03-21: 14:35:00
mmmmmmmm. partially-developed conjoined twins.

doseydotes2008-03-21: 14:43:00
See, that’s the problem with this world. There are plenty of religious holidays that feature band-aided carrots, but not a single one that features partially-developed conjoined twins. If that’s not descrimination, I don’t know what is. I mean, who speaks for them? Besides the fully-developed twins to which they are joined, that is.

doseydotes2008-03-21: 14:47:00

doseydotes2008-03-21: 14:47:00

Verbotomy2008-03-21: 14:51:00
I think the conjoined twins problem is replicating itself. I will fix this, one moment please… ~ James

Verbotomy2008-03-21: 15:06:00
There I fixed it. And I added safety valve which will prevent accidental repeat flushing — oops I mean posting. ~ James

purpleartichokes2008-03-21: 18:45:00
Ah, sounds like a Kohler. Whooooosh! I dunno Jamagra, I think I’d remove that injured carrot before the Easter Buny comes sniffin’ around. But then again…

purpleartichokes2008-03-21: 20:11:00
BTW James, great toon! Actually laughed out loud at this one, and the one a few days ago, but I forget what it was. Um, I took a trip to toonesia?

Verbotomy2008-03-21: 22:44:00
Thanks Purple! Perhaps the carrot catered to an obsession with vegetables? ~ James

Nosila2008-03-21: 23:59:00
Hello? It’s Easter. Of course you’d place a carrot there to ensure the Easter Bunny might bring you something…DUH! Lettuce cornsider what would turnip with a bean there, done that attitude; a higher celery;frequent leeks; a Satsquash; and pepper that with the BEETles; Italian Scallions; and I’d haqve been on Okra Winfrey!

purpleartichokes2008-03-23: 20:09:00
HA! Lovely comment to endive the weekend!