Crockfights: But they’re not my dishes!

DEFINITION: n. A discussion among family members, or room mates, which often turns into a full-blown yelling match, and which seems to occur every night whenever it’s time to do the dishes. v. To fight about the dishes.

But they're not my dishes!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Crockfights: /krok fye tz/ It was the same every night after dinner. The Crockfights would begin.
The 3 roommates would brawl over dish duty. They were armor-PLATED, they acted like MUGS, they DISHED it out to each other, the KNIVES were out and they would SINK to new lows. We were BOWLED over by the MAGNUMtude of their aggression. Just because they had to do the DISHES. They put the CUT in Cutlery, SPOON-fed each other venom and sPLATTERed each other with soap suds. There was PANdemonium until we told them to FORK off or we would send them on a slow VESSEL or a flying SAUCER to CHINA. Nothing is GRATER than love and WARE is the love??? Etymology: Crock (an earthen jar (made of baked clay) also (nonsense; foolish talk); Crockery (tableware (eating and serving dishes) collectively) & Fights (an intense verbal dispute;the act of fighting; any contest or struggle) & Play on CockFights (a match in a cockpit between two fighting cocks heeled with metal gaffs)

Created by: Nosila.

Comments on Crockfights:

splendiction, 2009-09-28: 21:50:00
Wow – nothing’s measuringCUP to your sentence! Chef’s Surprise for the 3 doommates!

Dishharmony: /dishhärmənē/ Every one of the roommates loved to eat but afterwards there was often dishharmony. Some acted dishabled, others tried to dishappear while others just created dishcord. It wasn*t that people really forgot whose turn it was as much as they dishapproved of the way the the others left things in the kitchen. Just about everybody was ready to dishmember Fred when he boiled water and fixed his instant oatmeal in the the pot only to leave it on the stove. Etymology: dish (a shallow, typically flat-bottomed container for cooking or serving food) + disharmony (lack of harmony or agreement) Created by: artr.

Comments on Dishharmony:

galwaywegian, 2009-09-28: 10:12:00

Nosila, 2009-09-28: 16:38:00
Fred was dishlexic and couldn’t read the iunstructions…good word.

Dishagreement: // Once again there was the same dishagreement over the kitchen chores. Etymology: Created by: roobee9.

Comments on Dishagreement:

Nosila, 2009-09-29: 01:14:00
dishy word

Dishcord: /DISH cord/ Dishcord would eventually result when no clean dishes were left! Painful cries, gasps and sneers preceded the noisy “dishcht it” scene: easier to throw ’em all away and buy new ones, than to clean ’em up! Good cheap dishes instead of dishpan hands! One day someone finally decided to buy paper plates and be ECO friendly, saving all that water! Etymology: From: discord and dish. Created by: splendiction.

Comments on Dishcord:

Nosila, 2009-09-29: 01:13:00
But losing trees..good word!

mweinmann, 2009-09-29: 08:01:00

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Karmagettin: The toast fell butter-side down.

DEFINITION: n. The feeling you get when fate plays a stupid little trick on you, just to remind you that life isn’t fair. v. To suddenly remember that you’ve been screwed by the powers that be.

The toast fell butter-side down.

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Karmagettin: /kärmÉ™getin/ Harry seems to be surprised every time fate slaps him in the face. He refuses to change his behaviors so he keeps karmagettin the same results. Somehow this only makes him more determined to continue on the same course. Such is the life of a bulldog. Etymology: karma (destiny or fate, following as effect from cause) + gettin (come to have or hold something; receive) a plat on Armageddon – the last battle between good and evil before the Day of Judgment Created by: artr.

Comments on Karmagettin:

Nosila, 2009-09-25: 17:32:00

Fateality: /fayt-al-i-ty/ Sitting at his desk, Joe contemplated his fateality when he realized that he wasn’t still dreaming and he really didn’t have his pants on. Etymology: reality: quality and state of things being true + fate: supposed force or princible that predetermines events + fatality: a decree made by fate or the quality of being doomed by disaster Created by: mrskellyscl.

Comments on Fateality:

Nosila, 2009-09-25: 17:36:00
There’s sale down the street he should go to where pants are half off!

Fatealistic: /fait – ah – list – tik/ Gloria discovered that just by changing one letter in the word fatalistic, she had a new word for the feeling she was having… Every little thing seemed to go wrong for her and because of these little events which kept adding up, she began to feel fatealistic. Etymology: fate, fatalistic Created by: mweinmann.

Comments on Fatealistic:

Nosila, 2009-09-25: 17:33:00
Fateall attraction!

Karmadyoferrors: /kar ma dee ov er rors/ Georgina’s day just went from bad to worse. It was a karmadyoferrors. She didn’t make it to the toaster before it flung her bread on the sweep-needed floor. Her heel broke while racing for the bus. Everyone on the public transit stared aghast at her, as she had only applied eye make-up to one eye, not the other and had forgotten her make-up case at home. When she got to her office, her computer had crashed and the milk she put in her coffee curdled. She went to the ladies’ room to sort out herself and freshen up. Of course, Fate has a way of telling you who your real friends are at work. She walked into the meeting with the new Japanese gentlemen clients and was not advised that her second and third buttons on her shirt had popped open or that the back of her skirt had been inadvertantly caught in the top of her pantyhose. She smiled apologetically, but that spinach salad she had at lunch had lodged itself between each of her front teeth and blacked out two of them.
Yup, she looked real purty… Etymology: Karma (the effects of a person’s actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation) & Comedy of Errors (A humorous occurrence). Created by: Nosila.

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Incallnito: Give me a call

DEFINITION: n. A message, which does not include a name, a number, or any other relevant information which could be used to identify the caller. v. To leave a message without identifying yourself.

Give me a call

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Incallnito: /in-call-nee-toe/ Jim preferred to be incallnito when he called friends, just in case he owed them money. Etymology: incognito: one whose identity is concealed + call Created by: mrskellyscl.

Comments on Incallnito:

mweinmann, 2009-09-24: 06:59:00
this is clever; like it!

Nosila, 2009-09-24: 19:28:00
Love the word…and love your pic…you look just like a lady I worked with called Hazel, from England…any relation?

mrskellyscl, 2009-09-24: 22:42:00
umm…no, although I have used witch hazel once or twice.

Nosila, 2009-09-25: 17:34:00
Which hazel did you use???

Callmoflage: /kall – moe – flaj/ It looked like a phone call, it looked like a message. Wait; it was a callmoflage because Monica could not tell who it was from. The identity of the caller remained hidden inside the message and could not be identified. Etymology: call, camoflage (hide by closely resembling the natural environment) Created by: mweinmann.

Comments on Callmoflage:

Nosila, 2009-09-25: 00:31:00
The callmoflage before the storm…good word!

Callerhidee: /kawl ler hy dee/ Ginger’s new phone had all the bells and whistles and yet she still received mysterious calls from unknown senders.
The person trying to reach her obviously had a callerhidee feature on their phone. After fretting for two weeks that she was being stalked by some masher, she went to the phone company. Mystery solved…it turned out to be a five year old in Buenos Aires who had just discovered his mom’s phone and among other things, loved the beepy noises that the re-dial button made. Etymology: Play on Caller ID (a small display that will show you the telephone number of the party calling you) & Hide (make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing) Created by: Nosila.

Anonymessage: /ənänəmesij/ Joan*s friend Mary is one of those people who lives in her own little world. She will start a conversation in her head 5 minutes before she starts to talk to you. It*s your job to catch up. It*s no wonder that Joan*s voicemail is full of anonymessages from her. By the time the beep sounds, Mary is half done with what she had to say. It*s like coming in late on a movie or TV show, hoping that you can figure out what you*ve missed. Etymology: anonymous (a person not identified by name) + message (a verbal, written, or recorded communication sent to or left for a recipient who cannot be contacted directly) Created by: artr.

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Communicaddiction: Did you get my email?

DEFINITION: n. A psychological dependency on electronic messaging which often leads to compulsive emailing, even among people who are sitting inches apart. v. To email, twitter, or text compulsively.

Did you get my email?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Communicaddiction: /kom myoon ick ad dikt shun/ Byron had a communicaddiction and was never seen without being glued to a computer, blackberry ot other latest device to contact other humans. The main problem with this communicaddiction, was that Byron could not communicate verbally in person with other humans. Without the crutches of modern technology, he was powerless to transmit his emotions and develop real relationships. He was not alone in his dependency. We know that the early pioneers of e-mail, only developed it so that a person could send a joke to a co-worker only inches away in the same room, on company time… Etymology: Communicate ( transmit thoughts or feelings or information;be in contact; interchange information or ideas) & Addiction (being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming) Created by: Nosila.

Thumbunicate: /θəmyoōnəkāt/ Qwerty can only thumbunicate with the rest of the world via his Crackberry from his home deep in the heart of Textus. Etymology: thumb (the short, thick first digit of the human hand, set lower and apart from the other four and opposable to them) + communicate (share or exchange information, news, or ideas) Created by: artr.

Comments on Thumbunicate:

galwaywegian, 2009-09-23: 12:14:00

Commpulsion: /kom puhlll shun/ Harry the commpulsive comms wizard told his fluffy white owl his message carrying services would no longer be required since the arrival of twitter. Twitt? to who? his feathered ex-friend hooted Etymology: communications, compulsion Created by: galwaywegian.

Comments on Commpulsion:

Nosila, 2009-09-23: 10:36:00
What a hoot…owl like it!

Qwertycate: /kw3rti-cate / Ashley, Meghan and Tiffany would qwertycate with each other for hours, even if they were sitting in the same room together, at the movies or in school. When they began to text instead of speak, their parents and teachers worried that they were losing the ability to express themselves in speech, except for an occasional “whatever” when questioned by an adult.
Doctors are becoming concerned that qwertycation can become a powerful addiction with teenagers, young adults and those parents who have learned how to text by their kids who constantly hunt them down via the phone to ask stupid questions. Etymology: qwerty: a computer keyboard. Named for the first six letters on the left hand of a standard English typewriting keyboard, it is the name adopted for miniature keyboards used in texting devices such as phones. + communicate: exchange ideas or information Created by: mrskellyscl.

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Thumbunicate: Did you get my email?

DEFINITION: n. A psychological dependency on electronic messaging which often leads to compulsive emailing, even among people who are sitting inches apart. v. To email, twitter, or text compulsively.

Did you get my email?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Thumbunicate: /θəmyoōnəkāt/ Qwerty can only thumbunicate with the rest of the world via his Crackberry from his home deep in the heart of Textus. Etymology: thumb (the short, thick first digit of the human hand, set lower and apart from the other four and opposable to them) + communicate (share or exchange information, news, or ideas) Created by: artr.

Comments on Thumbunicate:

galwaywegian, 2009-09-23: 12:14:00

Qwertycate: /kw3rti-cate / Ashley, Meghan and Tiffany would qwertycate with each other for hours, even if they were sitting in the same room together, at the movies or in school. When they began to text instead of speak, their parents and teachers worried that they were losing the ability to express themselves in speech, except for an occasional “whatever” when questioned by an adult.
Doctors are becoming concerned that qwertycation can become a powerful addiction with teenagers, young adults and those parents who have learned how to text by their kids who constantly hunt them down via the phone to ask stupid questions. Etymology: qwerty: a computer keyboard. Named for the first six letters on the left hand of a standard English typewriting keyboard, it is the name adopted for miniature keyboards used in texting devices such as phones. + communicate: exchange ideas or information Created by: mrskellyscl.

Tweetfreak: /tweet – freek/ When I met Elijah, I knew there was something different about him. He seemed to be mute. If I asked him a question, he would smile and type. By the time I walked away, I had the answer on my Blackberry. Elijah had become a tweetfreak; he had apparantly decided he would rather twitter than talk. Etymology: tweet (Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users’ updates known as tweets), freak (addict: someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction) Created by: mweinmann.

Communicaddiction: /kom myoon ick ad dikt shun/ Byron had a communicaddiction and was never scene without being glued to a computer, blackberry ot other latest device to contact other humans. The main problem with this communicaddiction, was that Byron could not communicate verbally in person with other humans. Without the crutches of modern technology, he was powerless to transmit his emotions and develop real relationships. He was not alone in his dependency. We know that the early pioneers of e-mail, only developed it so that a person could send a joke to a co-worker only inches away in the same room, on company time… Etymology: Communicate ( transmit thoughts or feelings or information;be in contact; interchange information or ideas) & Addiction (being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming) Created by: Nosila.

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