Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A discussion among family members, or room mates, which often turns into a full-blown yelling match, and which seems to occur every night whenever it's time to do the dishes. v. To fight about the dishes.
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Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: dish/cush/shun
Sentence: A heated dishcussion broke out every evening.
Etymology: dish + discussion
I know it's lame but it's late in the game - porsche, 2007-03-09: 14:10:00
Created by: BMott
Pronunciation: sink-o-sus
Sentence: They all suffered from a severe case of sinkosis as they shouted profanities at each other over who's turn it was to wash dishes.
Etymology: Sink: That marvelous gadget used to clean dishes. -- Osis: from psychosis, an abnormal state of mind brought on by a dirty sink. :-)
psycholgically astute - wordmeister, 2007-03-09: 00:37:00
They probably had that sinking feeling you get of impending doom - your turn! - petaj, 2007-03-09: 04:32:00
That's not knife! Badumdum! My son was diagnosed with sinkosis. It's a devastating disorder. (For my kitchen!) - Sed8ed, 2007-03-09: 05:02:00
Created by: wordmeister
Pronunciation: dish-to-pee-ah
Sentence: Our pleasant family dinner quickly dishcended into a dishturbing dishtopia as soon as Dad said "Time for dishes." Mom tried to calm things down with a few platetitudes, but they were left broken on the kichen floor.
Etymology: dish + dystopia
What a dishfunctional family! I wonder whether Mom cupitulated in the end... - Discoveria, 2007-03-09: 12:12:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: diss chawrd
Sentence: The only positive thing that could be said about the evening disschored is that nobosy ever threw plates. They were too greasy to pick up.
Etymology: dischord diss chore
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: pretty much like brawl
Sentence: The housemates were left dishtraught, and in Dishabillé after yet another browl. Crook Ray and cut Leroy (say them quickly) declared they would not be joining in the chorefare ever again.
Etymology: bowl (dish) + brawl (a noisy fight in a crowd)
I really like chorefare! It's very versatile. - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-09: 06:21:00
Chorefare encompasses all kinds of domestic skirmishes - toilet terrorism, bathroom battles, laundry lambasting, etc. - petaj, 2007-03-09: 08:07:00
Created by: Shellbow
Pronunciation: plat-ter-ruh-cuss
Sentence: Aunt Sally started a huge platteruckus at Thanksgiving.
Etymology: Platter + ruckus
Created by: roobee9
Sentence: Once again there was the same dishagreement over the kitchen chores.
dishy word - Nosila, 2009-09-29: 01:14:00
Created by: swallowedbyafish
Sentence: There always seemed to be a big dishpute every night after dinner.
Etymology: dish + dispute
Boy, howdy, can I ever relate to that! - Sed8ed, 2007-03-09: 05:00:00
I guess they were dishinclined to do the washing up... - Discoveria, 2007-03-09: 05:30:00
Great Word!! Between your 'dishpute' and my 'dishcord' and Purple's 'dishagreement' there's a lot of broken china. - Stevenson0, 2007-03-09: 09:16:00
China can be expensive to replace. Better to use everyday dinnerwar. - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-09: 09:27:00
I dishcovered that even the best laid plans can lead to dishaster... - Alchemist, 2007-03-09: 10:02:00
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: DISH cord
Sentence: Dishcord would eventually result when no clean dishes were left! Painful cries, gasps and sneers preceded the noisy "dishcht it" scene: easier to throw 'em all away and buy new ones, than to clean 'em up! Good cheap dishes instead of dishpan hands! One day someone finally decided to buy paper plates and be ECO friendly, saving all that water!
Etymology: From: discord and dish.
But losing trees..good word! - Nosila, 2009-09-29: 01:13:00
clever. - mweinmann, 2009-09-29: 08:01:00
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: dish-ah-gree-ment
Sentence: What started out as a dishcussion, quickly escalated to a dishagreement, followed by a full-blown dawnnybrook.
Etymology: dish, disagreement
During the kitchencounterattack, there was a dishagreement about the dishpute which caused much dishcord, but the dishsoapopera prevented further sinkosis. - Stevenson0, 2007-03-09: 09:33:00
Dishonesty is the root cause, but I dishapprove of dishipating responsibility. Otherwise everyone ends up dishappointed. - Alchemist, 2007-03-09: 09:58:00
what a dishaster - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-09: 10:34:00
Yes, quite dishturbing. I think this is what is referred to as a mental dishorder. - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-09: 11:15:00
Mental dishorders need to be treated with pantrydepressants, but after that it's best to remain dishpassionate until the washing up has been complated. - Discoveria, 2007-03-09: 12:16:00
I sudspect that there is a dishproportionate amount of soapoforic information being disheminated here. - Alchemist, 2007-03-10: 12:39:00
Verbotomy - 2007-03-09: 00:15:01
Today's definition was suggested by petaj.
Thank you petaj! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-09-28: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by petaj. Thank you petaj. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-09-28: 08:23:00
Hey Verbotomists, Nosila has won the last week's prize -- a signed copy Jasper Fforde's "The Eyre Affair". Clearly, she using her communicaddiction to make the most of this karmadyoferrors. I'm looking forward to seeing how she fares in this week's verbal crockfight. ~ James