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'This job sucks, but I love it...'

DEFINITION: n., A person who diligently and persistently complains about their work. v., To enjoy bellyaching about your job so much that you would never consider quitting.

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: bur/oh/crab

Sentence: To be a successful bureaucrab you must have a love/hate relationship with your job and everybody else's jobs. Making life difficult and and frustrating must be a top priority.

Etymology: bureaucrat + crabby


Lovely! - purpleartichokes, 2007-10-18: 13:57:00

Great! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-18: 18:20:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: dis-ploi-ee

Sentence: Mack is a great disployee. No matter what the company does, he can find the down side of it. The company throws a holiday party; they should have put the money into larger raises. The company pays for employee's parking; garages are ugly and unhealthy because of exhaust fumes. If his dad wasn't the owner, he'd have quit long ago.

Etymology: dis (to show disrespect for; affront) + employee (a person working for another person or a business firm for pay)

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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: BEHL-lee-yay

Sentence: Alex plan was this: why aspire to supervising manager when he could bellyyay all he wanted as managerial supervisor?

Etymology: bellyache + yay

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: whin/a/hol/ic

Sentence: My boss is a major whinaholic about his job. Our hours are 8:30 - 5:00, but he arrives at 7:30 and leaves at 5:30 so he can smooze and cruise with the staff, but never stops bitching about what he has to do.

Etymology: whine + workaholic


Tried to create my word on 'holic'- you came up with a goodun! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-18: 18:28:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: sisəfəs (just like the real word)

Sentence: George was such a Sisyfuss. He complained about getting to work. He complained about being at work. He complained about the work he did. He complained about the trip home. While at work he complained about his home life. He not only rolled that big rock up the hill, he pushed it down again trying to take out as many others as possible as it went down. Some say he is able to keep his youthful appearance because he never uses the muscles in his face that are required for smiling.

Etymology: Sisyphus (the son of Aeolus, punished in Hades for his misdeeds in life by being condemned to the eternal task of rolling a large stone to the top of a hill, from which it always rolled down again) + fuss (show unnecessary or excessive concern about something)


hillarious! - galwaywegian, 2008-09-16: 06:30:00

hooterbug Great job! - hooterbug, 2008-09-16: 07:26:00


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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: em-ploi-vent

Sentence: His endless employvent forced his co-workers to wear their Ipods whilst at work which eventually led to their termination not his.

Etymology: employment + vent (as in to express out loud)

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: job/stin/grate

Sentence: Hal's favourite part of the day was spent jobstingrating. On weekends he felt sad and underdepreciated.

Etymology: job + obstinate + grate

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: grype fit ter

Sentence: Charlie had gone to trade school to get his ticket, so that he would always be able to find work. After a few years of being a pipefitter, he got bored and became a gripefitter. He complained about everything to everybody, but did not want to give up his status and benefits, plus the money was great. Apparently complaining about his job ran in his family as one of his brothers was a whine merchant, another a beef industry executive and the third a journeymoan electrician.

Etymology: Gripe (to complain) & Pipefitter (A pipefitter (also called steamfitter), not to be mistaken for a plumber, is a tradesman who lays out, assembles, fabricates, maintains and repairs mechanical piping systems)

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: kol/leev

Sentence: It was bad enough that my desk was moved away from window with the gorgeous city view. I now had to endure working side by side with Ken, the company's colleave. Everyday it was the same. Ranting, whining, threatening and the packing and unpacking of his personal belongings, only to then have to "smile and wave" at the end of the day as he said "Another day another dollar. See you tomorrow."

Etymology: colleague + leave

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Created by: Boomertoo


Sentence: He was the consummate gripeonista of the entire office.

Etymology: Gripe and the ending "onista" as loosley adopted from the Spanish, e.g. "fashionista."

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-18: 00:48:00
Today's definition was suggested by brimuth. Thank you brimuth! ~ James

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-09-16: 03:37:00
"occupulation" is a great word, and easy to pronounce, too.

galwaywegian - 2008-09-16: 06:29:00

galwaywegian - 2008-09-16: 06:29:00
oops that was meant for sisyfuss

lumina - 2008-09-18: 02:22:00
Nosila! Your "pation" fit was GREAT! NOBODY stop him! HA! Is owning a pawn shop a hockupation? Shouldn't the kid on the corner in his yellow traffic get up get paid for that blockupation? Ok, somebody slap us both... :) Congrats on the win Nose!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-15: 00:09:00
Today's definition was suggested by brimuth. Thank you brimuth. ~ James

wordslikevenom - 2011-06-30: 19:40:00
Vintage ;)