Vote for the best verboticism.

'Did you get the boss's message?'

DEFINITION: v., To grasp the meaning of muddled texts like blog posts, emails and text messages where standard grammatical or spelling conventions have been ignored. n., The ability to read and understand confused or poorly written messages.

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Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...

You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.


Created by: dubld

Pronunciation: dee-sigh-burr-skate

Sentence: He had to decyberscate the the cryptic text.

Etymology: De + Cyber/Cypher + Obfuscate


nice - reminds me of rollerball - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-15: 13:01:00

A good'un that's "c" to the "g"! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-15: 17:34:00


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Created by: LotusB

Pronunciation: text-a-mess-ology

Sentence: Thank goodness Lisa's so good at textamessology, or she'd never understand her sister's messages!

Etymology: Text (words/wording) + a (a) + mess (untidy/jumble) + ology (science/branch of knowledge) = Textamessology

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Created by: garythesnail

Pronunciation: Slu-text-i-zhion

Sentence: When her husband sent her an IM, Jane said 'What is this?' Her husband said I have slatextion. It says: Get eggs, coffee and milk at the store, please.

Etymology: Slang+text+suffix "ition"

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Created by: hooterbug

Pronunciation: kwûr'kē

Sentence: Fortunately I have one of the new QWERKY keypads on my Crackberry that will decipher whatever I'm texting incorrectly and change it to intelligible English before it is sent. Nothing is worse than poor KEYBONICS!!!!

Etymology: From the proper QWERTY keypad and of course..please practice correct KEYBONICS


Who can qwibble with a word like that? - Nosila, 2008-10-14: 20:16:00

metrohumanx Good one, H-bug! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 12:19:00


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Created by: xirtam

Pronunciation: krip-tuh-grahsp

Sentence: See if you can cryptograsp what I am typing. "You don't hvae to crroeclty sepll erevyhting jsut hvae all the ltteres, and hvae the fsrit and lsat lteetr in the crreoct poistoin." Pretty cool.

Etymology: crypto from cryptogram, A piece of writing in code or cipher. + grasp, mental hold or capacity; power to understand.


Nice! - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-15: 19:00:00


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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: text-cra-poh-late

Sentence: Although the message may have been written in Sanskrit, Bob was able to textcrapolate that he was to pk up da kdz aftr wrk.

Etymology: text, crap, extrapolate


good one purple - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-15: 08:55:00

Nice bit of cyberdazzle! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-15: 17:39:00

y, thnk ya! - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-15: 18:58:00

gets my vote :) - badsnudge, 2007-11-15: 22:25:00


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Created by: QuantumMechanic

Pronunciation: dee lee' ted

Sentence: I deleeted Joe's text: he's driving and texting again.

Etymology: de (undo, as a process) + leet (from l33t)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: kripˈtō sloōth

Sentence: Debbie needed to become a cryptosleuth. She loved teaching at the Community College but trying to decipher messages from her Generation TXT students put a real strain on her sense of rightness. She and her bff would lol at e-mails from her students.

Etymology: cryptographer (the art of writing or solving codes) + Sleuth (a detective)


metrohumanx LOVE cryptosleuth. I like saying CRYPTO....cryptoanything. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 07:51:00


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Created by: perkolady

Pronunciation: sec-ra-TAL-ent

Sentence: "Hmm, forward that message to Sylvia--she's got amazing secretalent."

Etymology: From your standard secretary, nurse, or other aid-giving person's miraculous ability to read their superiors' chickenscratch.

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Created by: SpaceCadet

Pronunciation: uhn-SKRAM-AH-grAHm

Sentence: - "Wow man, you can unscramblagram that? I can't make heads or tails of this egarbage!" Johnny said. - "Yeah dude, I'm a regular unscramblagrammer... I guess I'm just good at getting into the sender's state of mind, you know?" Mike replied. - "Whoah..." said Johnny.

Etymology: 1. "unscramble": (verb) to restore (a scrambled message) to intelligible form; "unscrambler" (noun), a person or thing that unscrambles. 2. "agram", from "agrammatical" = "a-" (prefix) not + "grammatical" (adj.) conforming to the rules of grammar

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Created by: jkernen1


Sentence: The jibberish you texted wasn't easy to confunderstand.

Etymology: confuse + understand

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Created by: astorey

Pronunciation: get-a-bite

Sentence: Tess thought she could multitask, but alas, as with so many people, she was not as good as she thought. She would send frequent getabytes to her friends, her husband and the random work contact who was unfortunately positioned at the top of her contact list. While those close to her were able to interpret her getabytes correctly, her colleague could never figure out if Tess was hitting on him or trying to turn him into her personal concierge. Either way, he wasn't into her.

Etymology: To "get" as in both to receive and to understand+ "byte" as in the increment of data, combined to sound like gigabyte or another of the many byte words they make up these days.


Yes, we have the technology...we just don't know how to use it correctly! - Nosila, 2008-10-14: 20:10:00


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Created by: hendrixius

Pronunciation: dee-sibe-fur-ing

Sentence: I am having trouble decybphering this text message; WTF does MLFJJUICK 4 NOLK mean?

Etymology: decipher and cyber

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Created by: looseball




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Created by: StarLizard

Pronunciation: Ana-grasp

Sentence: Lucy loved browsing the chat sites, because it allowed her to practice her anagrasp abilities, which came handy when monitoring her son's 'sent' items.

Etymology: Mix of anagram and grasp.

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: dee-sigh-bah

Sentence: when i texted 'flz 88 grm nb h5g nnzz' to my friend i was confident he would be able to decyber it

Etymology: decipher, cyber

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Created by: zxvasdf

Pronunciation: Qwert lyze

Sentence: Because in this day and age people are wont to multitask, as showcased in the common combination of driving and texting, more and more people are becoming skilled in qwertlysis. The same mental processes are also applied to old timers trying to qwertlyze the newfangled 'net jargon floating about on the web.

Etymology: Qwerty (traditional configuration of the keyboard designed in the days of typewriters to spread apart the commonly used letters, thus preventing jamming. This configuration is not necessary in the digital age) & analyze (to examine methodically by separating into parts and studying their interrelations)


interesting etymology - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-14: 13:20:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: pree sy fer

Sentence: Buzz took a summer job being a 'gofer' for Mr. Dave DaVinci, who was a man about town. He equipped Buzz and all his office staff with Blackberries so he could contact them constantly and give them instruction no matter when or where. This would be fine, but he had made up his own abbreviations which when put together, made absolutely no sense. Buzz was the only one who seemed to be able to precypher these messages and anticipate his boss' needs. No one else was able to translate the encriptions from the boss. Buzz would later brag that he had cracked DaVinci's Code.

Etymology: pre (Before it happens, prior to) & cypher (a message written in a secret code;a secret method of writing;convert ordinary language into code)


metrohumanx Hahaha- miles of smiles, Nosie!.....buzzberries to you! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-14: 02:58:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: tex-ti-col-o-gist

Sentence: Having twin 15 year old daughters, and a 13 year old son qualified Sara as an expert texticologist and she was often called as an expert witness in court proceedings where text interpretation was needed.

Etymology: lexicology:the study of words and their meanings + text: + (-ologist-science or study of)texting: sending a text message


good one - Nosila, 2010-03-11: 16:12:00


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Created by: gregflynn





gregflynn Noun: Ntrprt8n - gregflynn, 2007-11-15: 00:09:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: sahy-ber-TEKS-ter-i-tee

Sentence: Bob was worried when he recieved an email, in cyberslang, saying: " i h8 u q-tip!" His grandson, Thomas, who had cybertexterity with rab, told him: " don't let it 'k' your 'b' it's t-i-c and p2c2e."

Etymology: 1. cybertexterity:blend of cyber, text & dexterity. 2.q-tip:an elderly, white-haired person. 3."k" his "b": bug him. 3."t-in-c":tongue in cheek. 4. rab :level of understanding above the general knowledge of a given subject. 5.p2c2e:too complicated too exp


yikes! no idea what that means - I have very litte cybertexterity (great word) - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-15: 13:03:00

Yep, I like it too! - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-15: 19:01:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: tex/hume

Sentence: His job was to texhume cryptic messages that had been buried in emails.

Etymology: TEXHUME - verb from TEXT (a unit of connected writing) + EXHUME (to revive, or restore; bring to light)


Good word - Nosila, 2008-10-14: 20:14:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: GOB-ehl-de-geek

Sentence: As are all his associates, Lyndon is a total gobbledegeek who can instantly decipher the garbled lingo and abbreviations used by those who textmessage and post on blogs and forums.

Etymology: Blend of 'gobbledegook' (language characterized by circumlocution and jargon, usually hard to understand) and 'geek' (one who is knowledgeable about current technology)

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: sĭn-těks-tə-fī'

Sentence: After only two weeks of dating, Melissa was able to syntextify Jared's messages by supplementalizing them with proper grammar and spelling. She supposed it was worth the effort -- all the other girls thought Jared was cute, and he certainly was popular.

Etymology: syntax (Greek, syntaxis "a putting together or in order") + text (Late Latin, textus "written account") + [identi]fy (Medieval Latin, identificāre "to make to resemble")

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: tex/hume

Sentence: His job was to texhume cryptic messages that had been buried in emails.

Etymology: text + exhume


K-rad ! c u l8r - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-15: 17:37:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: text/cav/ay/tor

Sentence: When archaeologists unearth blackberries in the future they will need textcavators to decipher the messages.

Etymology: excavator + text


Good Usage. - dubld, 2007-11-15: 12:46:00

Great word and real cyberwocky! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-15: 17:36:00


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Created by: sipsoccer

Pronunciation: (Text-a-ty-tus)

Sentence: What the heck? You got textititis or something? I can't read your texts.

Etymology: Text: what you do or see. ititis: diseased

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Created by: abrar

Pronunciation: TEXT-STAND

Sentence: I've received a funny text from the Boss. Please Txtstand me :)

Etymology: Txt( TEXT) stand (understand)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: dijibər

Sentence: Claire is the perfect personal assistant to Mr. BigPants. She is the only one who can degibber his cryptic e-mails and memos. Most agree that his notes could be created by a chipmunk dancing on a keyboard. They also believe that most of the great ideas that come out of the head office are really generated by Claire. She just smiles and gives credit to her boss.

Etymology: de (denoting removal or reversal) + gibber (speak rapidly and unintelligibly)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Sie-ber-fath-um

Sentence: Mary Lou was an old hand at internet communications and could cyberfathom any and all internet shorthand

Etymology: cybernetics and comprehension


neat - nerdkiller, 2007-11-15: 18:34:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: geek code er

Sentence: Josh could unravel any online message...he was a geekcoder of the top degree. If he had of lived 60 years earlier, he would have been called (The Man Called Incryted`.

Etymology: Geek (nerd, computer whiz) & Coder (someone who can encrypt/decrypt secret messages) Wordplay on Decoder (translater of encrypted messages)

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Inter-pret-ex-t

Sentence: Jane's mum just couldn't get to grips with the predictive text on her cellphone, luckily Jane was an expert in interpretext, so when her mum's muddled messages came through she understood exactly what she was trying to say.

Etymology: Interpret (Understand the meaning of, translate) + Text (Written or printed words, message left on cellphone) ORIGIN Latin textus from texere 'weave' = Interpretext)


great combo - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-14: 13:21:00

Very clever. - Mustang, 2008-10-14: 17:22:00

metrohumanx Intuitive and eminently pronounceable word! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 07:48:00


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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: dee-MUN-gul

Sentence: The message was almost hopelessly unreadable until Jeremy stepped in to demungle it.

Etymology: "to Mung" is a hacker term which means to alter in some negative way. A mungle message would be altered to be unreadable. To demungle would make it whole again, right?

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Created by: yaelash

Pronunciation: clear-mext

Sentence: he had very good clearmexting abilities. even when his kid wrote him a note while eating dropping icecream and riding the bike at the same time, he could figure out what was written there.

Etymology: the combination of clear+messy+text, the ability to make a clear text out of a messy one.

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: jum/bl/gi/a

Sentence: The new boss seemed to have his own language when it came to texting. At first everyone was nervous. It wasn't until someone made a call down to the mailroom where Simon the jumbleguya worked. He could unscramble eggs.

Etymology: play on Jambalaya


metrohumanx Twenty lashes with a wet noodle, Lumina. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-14: 02:34:00

Youch! (mix of Yummy and Ouch) :) - lumina, 2008-10-14: 10:04:00

great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-14: 13:20:00


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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: dee-JIBBER-cript..........Degibbercrypt is an existing word. (Based a match found for Degibbercrypt found by TheFreeDictionary.)...I find this unlikely, and I stand by my word. -Metro

Sentence: Each dreary morning, Stubbly Stu entered the Temple of Technology where he was employed as an InfoTech specialist. Winter was approaching and the sun's piercing rays bounced off the freshly waxed hallway floors into his tender eyeballs, which had not fully recovered from a gin-soaked weekend of cyber-debauchery. Stunned and amazed, Stubbly Stu saw a cluster of his co-workers gathered in a confused knot and arguing with an intensity usually displayed at a much later, and more humane, time of day. Sookie was waving her Blackberry, Jeff had unholstered his cellfone, and poor low-tech Mark was clutching a crumpled E-mail memo he had printed out, not assigning any reality to something he could not hold in his hand. They all looked up at the same time and saw Stubbly Stu standing there agog. "Stu! Help us!" cried Sookie. "The boss sent out a memo, and we can't figure out if we're all fired or if we're to hurry down to the conference center!" The boss, newly arrived from Red China, stubbornly refused to learn more than the rudiments of Engrish, and regarded punctuation and spelling as a capitalist plot intended to make her "lose face". "Stand back, folks!" Stubbly Stu said with a flourish..." I'm going to DEGIBBERCRYPT this message RIGHT NOW!".....and so he did. They were all fired. :)

Etymology: Fusion of DECRYPT and GIBBERISH.....DECRYPT:transitive verb -to convert (as a coded message) into intelligible form; to recognize and interpret (an electronic signal).....GIBBERISH:unintelligible or meaningless language; a technical or esoteric language; pretentious or needlessly obscure language often generated by pompous or incompetent pseudotechnocrats who have attained positions of power, or think they have.


metrohumanx A mind is a terrible thing. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-14: 02:40:00

Eggzellint! - Mustang, 2008-10-14: 17:21:00

Great story and word! - Nosila, 2008-10-14: 20:15:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: gob-uhl-deh-kook

Sentence: Fenster is an absolute gobbledekook who can instantly decipher the garbled lingo used by those who textmessage and post on blogs and forums.

Etymology: Blend of 'gobbledegook' (language characterized by circumlocution and jargon, usually hard to understand) and 'kook' (an eccentric, strange, or foolish person)


metrohumanx Love that jargon, Mustang! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-14: 02:33:00


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Created by: Amaya1961




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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: diss leks ik ohn

Sentence: he was a walking dyslexicon, the sweet spell of success.

Etymology: dyslexic lexicon


The dyslexicon in your sentence is a noun. - buffalocargo, 2015-08-21: 09:03:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: dee sye for

Sentence: Once again Nancy had to try and decode her boss's text message. She always hoped her hunky boss would find her as attractive as she found him and send her a personal message. So far she could only dsighfor his texts, which all seemed to be business related. It did not help that he was such a poor speller and tended to multitask while texting her instructions. The latest message was especially confusing. "Gout 4 drinks? Call" She didn't know if she should pretty herself up and make reservations or call his doctor to make an appointment...

Etymology: Decypher (convert code into ordinary language;read with difficulty) & Sigh For (an utterance made by exhaling audibly; indicating anxiety about one's emotional attachment for someone)

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: text/cav/ay/tor

Sentence: When archaeologists unearth blackberries in the future they will need textcavators to decipher the messages.

Etymology: excavator + text


Cute word...I dig it. - Nosila, 2008-10-14: 20:13:00


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Created by: solocard

Pronunciation: bayb-lol-fish-cayt

Sentence: Even though Jimmy was adamant that his texts were easily understood, it took a while before his parents were able to babelolfishcate his messages.

Etymology: From the term "Babel Fish", mixed with internet speak. Other usages include Babelwtfish.


petaj Got give a vote for a HGTTG reference - petaj, 2007-11-16: 06:51:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: kode depen dent

Sentence: When Marnie's boss acquired a PDA device, she had to transcribe his peculiar messages. She became so good at deciphering his notes that she developed a codedependent ability to read any bizarre messages anywhere and make sense of them. Now she was having trouble going back to reading books with straightforward language...they were no longer a challenge to her intellectually.

Etymology: Code (a coding system used for transmitting messages requiring brevity or secrecy;a process to convert ordinary language into code and vice-versa & Dependent (of a clause; unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence) & Wordplay on Co-Dependent (mutual dependence)

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Created by: comborracha

Pronunciation: a-sume-a-sife

Sentence: I didn't put enough thought into assumaciphing his message. I didn't realize that "ples get ma bgle t/ cm chee" does not mean please get my mom a bagel with kim chee.

Etymology: assume+decipher

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: sīfərfaðəm

Sentence: Harry spent his career breaking coded messages in his job at the NSA. Despite this he has trouble trying to cypherfathom emails and texts from his kids.

Etymology: cypher (a secret or disguised way of writing) + fathom (understand)

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Created by: MithrilShadow

Pronunciation: tekst-ˈli-tə-ˌrāt

Sentence: Joel had to textliterate the message from his boss's strange grammar form to English, in order for any one in the office to understand what he wanted them to do.

Etymology: Text: the original words and form of a written or printed work Transliterate: to represent or spell in the characters of another alphabet


I love this word ! Thanks for contributing ! - emilylind, 2007-11-15: 20:39:00


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Created by: verbotomer

Pronunciation: ˈiːˌdjuːs

Sentence: "I educed that he meant, 'see you later' when he sent, 'cUL8rrrr11111!!!'"

Etymology: similar meaning to the original educe, but with the stress on the first syllable, modelled on Internet-related words such as email, ebusiness, etc. It can also be spelled 'e-duce'.

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Created by: thegoatisbad

Pronunciation: di-a-leh-xt

Sentence: "OMG" never flashed through Kimberly's mind the way it flashed through the fingers of her niece, Destiny on the popular social networking site, facespace. Having joined in order to seal her place as the cool aunt, she had been frustrated by her inability to understand the dialext. LOL did not mean "lots of love" nor did MILTF mean "My independent life that's full" and this lead to many misunderstandings.

Etymology: dialect (language specific to a group or region) + text (hint: you're reading it)


vg - Nosila, 2010-03-11: 22:49:00


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Created by: leechdude

Pronunciation: in-text-pret

Sentence: It was difficult to intextpret what Diego was trying to say but Joe figured it meant, 'never enter the ladies' washroom.'

Etymology: interpret, text

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Created by: nerdkiller

Pronunciation: Lawl-cat-ass-tro-fee

Sentence: AYBABTU was a bigger lolcatastrophy than YTMND. A shame since it was, IMHO, the best meme in the history of ever.

Etymology: lolcat: refers to the web meme of mid 2007 catastrophy: a disaster


oops I jumped the gun. This has nothing to do with the challenge. I should read directions. - nerdkiller, 2007-11-15: 18:37:00


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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: ling/jist

Sentence: A talented lingist can unravel the meaning of any text.

Etymology: linguist + gist


Good one Porsche! - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-15: 19:03:00


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Created by: emilylind

Pronunciation: Say jumble then reader

Sentence: He's a amazing jumblreader !


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Created by: badsnudge

Pronunciation: ˈlēt-ə-rət

Sentence: "OMG! ure rly noobi5h. lkjlkjlkj" wrote the daughter to her father, which may have otherwise resulted in hurt feelings, but fortunatly, the father was not leeterate (also l33t3r8), and had no idea what she meant, and only figured that there must have been something wrong with her or his phone.

Etymology: l33t + literate.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: in-TER-pre-text

Sentence: "LOLzords, OMG the roflcopters r here, pk m3 ^ @ 4", was the message she received. Tyson was clearly sending this SMS to hide his true wishes about when he should be collected from his friend's place. Carole's interpretext however was too good for her to be confused and she picked him up at the prearranged time.

Etymology: interpret (clarify meaning) + text (in this case an SMS message) + inter (bury) + pretext (something serving to conceal)

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: di-sahy-fe-text

Sentence: She knew what days to steer clear of her boss, she intuitively could tell how messed up he was by her inability to deciphetext his morning messages.

Etymology: decipher + text

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Created by: thebaron

Pronunciation: de-cryp-ta-text

Sentence: Jason could easily decryptatext his boss' practically unreadable messages.

Etymology: de(undo) crypt (hidden message) text (words)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-15: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Tigger. Thank you Tigger! ~ James

lumina - 2008-10-14: 00:53:00

lumina - 2008-10-14: 00:58:00
Sorry bout that folks. Put my word in the comment area by accident.

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-10-14: 02:48:00
I never know WHERE my comments are gonna pop up. Life IS uncertainty, I guess.

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-10-14: 02:49:00
See what I mean?

zxvasdf zxvasdf - 2008-10-14: 08:47:00
I sure do!

lumina - 2008-10-16: 19:54:00
Yes, add them and just hope they show up where you thought. Since this seems a good a place as any AND since I waited long enough to not "jump the gun" like the other time I thought I had the winning word... "I would like to thank The Academy, the cast and crew, Kraft service, all little people I stepped on to get here, of course God, Jesus and my parents...for if it wasn't for them I would be here." *music kicks in...dancing guy with hook comes out from behind curtains..." "OH! I have to hurry!!! You like me! You really, really like me!" (classis Sally Field Oscar moment...but you guys knew that, right?) :)

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-03-11: 00:35:00
Today's definition was suggested by Tigger. Thank you Tigger. ~ James