Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v., To grasp the meaning of muddled texts like blog posts, emails and text messages where standard grammatical or spelling conventions have been ignored. n., The ability to read and understand confused or poorly written messages.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: text-cra-poh-late
Sentence: Although the message may have been written in Sanskrit, Bob was able to textcrapolate that he was to pk up da kdz aftr wrk.
Etymology: text, crap, extrapolate
good one purple - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-15: 08:55:00
Nice bit of cyberdazzle! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-15: 17:39:00
y, thnk ya! - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-15: 18:58:00
gets my vote :) - badsnudge, 2007-11-15: 22:25:00
Created by: abrar
Pronunciation: TEXT-STAND
Sentence: I've received a funny text from the Boss. Please Txtstand me :)
Etymology: Txt( TEXT) stand (understand)
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: sahy-ber-TEKS-ter-i-tee
Sentence: Bob was worried when he recieved an email, in cyberslang, saying: " i h8 u q-tip!" His grandson, Thomas, who had cybertexterity with rab, told him: " don't let it 'k' your 'b' it's t-i-c and p2c2e."
Etymology: 1. cybertexterity:blend of cyber, text & dexterity. 2.q-tip:an elderly, white-haired person. 3."k" his "b": bug him. 3."t-in-c":tongue in cheek. 4. rab :level of understanding above the general knowledge of a given subject. 5.p2c2e:too complicated too exp
yikes! no idea what that means - I have very litte cybertexterity (great word) - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-15: 13:03:00
Yep, I like it too! - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-15: 19:01:00
Created by: emilylind
Pronunciation: Say jumble then reader
Sentence: He's a amazing jumblreader !
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: text/cav/ay/tor
Sentence: When archaeologists unearth blackberries in the future they will need textcavators to decipher the messages.
Etymology: excavator + text
Cute word...I dig it. - Nosila, 2008-10-14: 20:13:00
Created by: sipsoccer
Pronunciation: (Text-a-ty-tus)
Sentence: What the heck? You got textititis or something? I can't read your texts.
Etymology: Text: what you do or see. ititis: diseased
Created by: badsnudge
Pronunciation: ˈlēt-ə-rət
Sentence: "OMG! ure rly noobi5h. lkjlkjlkj" wrote the daughter to her father, which may have otherwise resulted in hurt feelings, but fortunatly, the father was not leeterate (also l33t3r8), and had no idea what she meant, and only figured that there must have been something wrong with her or his phone.
Etymology: l33t + literate.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: sīfərfaðəm
Sentence: Harry spent his career breaking coded messages in his job at the NSA. Despite this he has trouble trying to cypherfathom emails and texts from his kids.
Etymology: cypher (a secret or disguised way of writing) + fathom (understand)
Created by: nerdkiller
Pronunciation: Lawl-cat-ass-tro-fee
Sentence: AYBABTU was a bigger lolcatastrophy than YTMND. A shame since it was, IMHO, the best meme in the history of ever.
Etymology: lolcat: refers to the web meme of mid 2007 catastrophy: a disaster
oops I jumped the gun. This has nothing to do with the challenge. I should read directions. - nerdkiller, 2007-11-15: 18:37:00
Verbotomy - 2007-11-15: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Tigger. Thank you Tigger! ~ James
lumina - 2008-10-14: 00:53:00
lumina - 2008-10-14: 00:58:00
Sorry bout that folks. Put my word in the comment area by accident.
metrohumanx - 2008-10-14: 02:48:00
I never know WHERE my comments are gonna pop up. Life IS uncertainty, I guess.
metrohumanx - 2008-10-14: 02:49:00
See what I mean?
zxvasdf - 2008-10-14: 08:47:00
I sure do!
lumina - 2008-10-16: 19:54:00
Yes, add them and just hope they show up where you thought. Since this seems a good a place as any AND since I waited long enough to not "jump the gun" like the other time I thought I had the winning word... "I would like to thank The Academy, the cast and crew, Kraft service, all little people I stepped on to get here, of course God, Jesus and my parents...for if it wasn't for them I would be here." *music kicks in...dancing guy with hook comes out from behind curtains..." "OH! I have to hurry!!! You like me! You really, really like me!" (classis Sally Field Oscar moment...but you guys knew that, right?) :)
Verbotomy - 2010-03-11: 00:35:00
Today's definition was suggested by Tigger. Thank you Tigger. ~ James