Vote for the best verboticism.

'They don't make video games the way they used to...'

DEFINITION: n., A belief that the contraptions of yesteryear are superior, in almost every way, to modern, present-day technology. v., To wish that the today's technology was just as good as it was in the past.

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Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...

You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.


Created by: scola

Pronunciation: drek-noh-FEE-lee-ah

Sentence: Freddy loves to collect ancient video game consoles and home computers, but Maureen doesn't share his drecknofilia.

Etymology: Dreck (garbage, crap) + technophile (lover of technology).

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: gee-zer-tek

Sentence: Wally just doesn't trust a phone that seems to be smarter than he is. He's sure it is constantly pulling a fast one on him. He is much more at ease with his geezertech cell phone that he uses to talk to people and maybe, if he has to, send a text message.

Etymology: geezer (an odd or eccentric man) + tech (technology)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: pon/ger

Sentence: Watching people play Wii at Best Buy sent him into a nostalgic moment and he began to ponger how amaaaaaaazing Pong and IntelliVision were and STILL are, but the sales person had no idea what he was talking about when he asked what isle these games were in.

Etymology: ponder + pong (the original video game - hey I still have an original working Radio Shack model in my basement - any Verbotomists free after work today drop by and I'll show you a REAL game while I ponger how I was nearly class champion in the ol' days


Stevenson0, since you mentioned Intellivision how bout we play Dungeons and Dragons? - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 13:51:00

This could get serious Jabber! Depending on how tonight's Atari/Pong evening goes, just you could drop by tomorrow night for some D&D. - Stevenson0, 2007-11-08: 16:12:00


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Created by: Player1

Pronunciation: Ness-tahl-juh

Sentence: Somehow, playing the new Wii only made John feel NEStalgiac.

Etymology: NES + nostalgia

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: a ta ree ryz

Sentence: Joe's rec room was like a museum of obsolete and outdated technological wonders that were no longer compatible with modern systems. 8 Track Tapes;cassette music tapes;Beta videos; Video discs and player; reel to reel tape recorders; Brownie cameras; singles, 45's and 78 LP records;Atari and old Sega's; black & white tv; a wireless radio and 8mm and slide projectors filled his nether room. He had a computer with a 6 inch black screen with orange writing on it, that connected to nothing. His wife of course wanted all this sold at an Antique store or a garage sale. But Joe firmly believed he had bought the biggest and best of technology at the time and would ataririze his kids (who were too embarrassed to take friends downstairs) with the fact that the old ways were the best ways. He lived in the fantasy that all the new technology would fail and people would revert to the ancient items he possessed. His wife kept telling him, "Change the record, Joe!"

Etymology: Atari (one of the first video games produced in the 1980's)& Terrorize (fill with terror; frighten greatly)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: SAY-geh-snoo-tee

Sentence: Elwood was thoroughly segasnooty, totally convinced that his old outdated video games were superior to even the latest and most complex games.

Etymology: Blend of 'Sega' (video game) and 'snooty' (Snobbishly aloof; haughty)

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Created by: idavecook

Pronunciation: Atari+ itis

Sentence: The couple knew they could never spawn any offspring due to their overwhelming Ataritis.

Etymology: Atari-Best Video Game System Ever Itis- when you have some crazy thing goin on..

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Created by: xirtam

Pronunciation: In-tele-van-juh-list

Sentence: In Gary’s opinion the Intellivision was the greatest video game console ever made. He would go on and on about the strategy he used to play Astrosmash; it was almost as if he was giving a sermon. He was truly the last Intellivangelist.

Etymology: Intellivision is a video game console released by Mattel in 1979. + Evangelist: Greek euangelist; A person marked by evangelical enthusiasm for or support of any cause.


Deep and spiritual- good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 16:28:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: Nin ten shun

Sentence: Jamie's nintension was that all cyber games be as easy and fun as the original ones he had played non-stop as a boy.

Etymology: Nintendo (Japanese video game,literally translated means"Leave luck to Heaven" since 1974)& Intension (goal;aim;wish)

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Created by: Floatzilla




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Created by: whiteflag

Pronunciation: rem-uh-ni-sahy-uhns

Sentence: I was trying to teach grandpa how to send a text message but he doesn't want to learn. He stubbornly told me that he'd rather stick to his reminiscience of the telephone than have to endure the tiring of his fingers. "Listen to me Joe. All I have to do is dial the numbers to your grandma's phone and then she's on the line. Isn't that just great?" he added.

Etymology: reminiscence (a past memory remembered) + science (knowledge of something)

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Created by: Eyeshah

Pronunciation: /TEK-uh-verse/

Sentence: Mario was what you would call techaverse, preferring his Atari, Commodore 64, and Walkman to the high-tech devices of today.

Etymology: tech+averse

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: antēgizmānēə

Sentence: Herb just can’t stand the way his tech toys are constantly and repeatedly upgraded and replaced. It gets harder and harder to even find service providers that will allow him to use his 56k dial-up modem. His antigizmania even includes his car. If the Nash Rambler was good enough for Mom, its good enough for him.

Etymology: antique (belonging to ancient times) + gizmo + (a gadget) + mania (an excessive enthusiasm or desire)

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Created by: jmaadyes




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Created by: milorush

Pronunciation: (n.) rět'rō-fīl'

Sentence: Harvey, ever the retrophile, prefers his vinyl LP collection to digital, saying that the scratches and hissing only add character to the sound quality.

Etymology: retro- (of or designating an earlier time) + -phile = (one who prefers or loves)

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: pris-tek-NEE-cry

Sentence: Bob was a vecchi-teckie and pristechnik, whose pristechnicry was always the same (who pristechnicried with monotony): "They don't make things like they used to."

Etymology: Pristechnicry, a bend of pristine, technology, and cry in the sense cry out for, call for. Vecchi-tekkie : vecchi, Italian for "old" Pristechnik: one who believes in the superiority of former, primitive or the earliest forms of technology.

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Created by: cawnpore


Sentence: Granny technanachronized Syphon Filter and went on playing Pacman on my plasma screen...

Etymology: techno+anachronic+ize

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Created by: alrothstein




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Created by: thebaron

Pronunciation: pre-techno-lite

Sentence: John was a real pretechnolite, always bragging about the marvels of his 1984 Atari.

Etymology: pre (before) techno (technology) lite (elite)


Good one! - Stevenson0, 2007-11-08: 22:10:00


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Created by: Koekbroer

Pronunciation: first-jen-ist

Sentence: Doug hated being labeled a "firstgenist", even though that's exactly what he was, with his old Magnavox LaserDisk player that he was so proud of.

Etymology: first-generation proponent

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Created by: jrogan

Pronunciation: ti-er-dism

Sentence: He launched into a tiredism about Windows 95 whenever he started of his new laptop. Unfortunately it came with Vista and there was really nothing anyone could do but agree with his tiredistic view.

Etymology: tired+ ism

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Created by: zxvasdf

Pronunciation: ret ro gret

Sentence: With deep, shoulder shuddering retrogret 26 year old Sam exemplified on the various qualities that made a 90s console a much better play but he knew it was too far gone for these kids with their newfangled gadgets.

Etymology: Retro (reminiscent of the past) & regret (sense of loss and longing for someone or something gone)


simple but right on the mark - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-07: 14:02:00

terrific - OZZIEBOB, 2008-10-08: 01:18:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: pon/ger

Sentence: Watching people play Wii at Best Buy sent him into a nostalgic moment and he began to ponger how amaaaaaaazing Pong and IntelliVision were and STILL are, but the sales person had no idea what he was talking about when he asked what isle these games were in.

Etymology: PONGER - verb - from PONG (the original video game from the 1980's) + PONDER (To reflect, or consider with thoroughness and care; TO REFLECT)

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: atari/kwarian

Sentence: The atariquarians have monthly meetings to keep alive the grandeur of a better, sturdier video game experience

Etymology: atari (one of the first video game systems + antiquarian


...and they usually are Aquarians... - remistram, 2007-11-08: 09:25:00

Great Word as usual Jabber! I've invited all verbotomists to my house tonight to play Pong. Bring your Atari and you can attach it to my colour TV and we'll hook up Pong to the Black and White. We'll play some REAL video games. Everyone's welcome!! Purple, bring your Richard Harris and Beatle albums!!! I'll pick up a new needle for the record player on the way home from work. - Stevenson0, 2007-11-08: 09:29:00

sounds like a plan Stevenson0 and remistam, maybe it is the 'Age of Atariquarians' - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 11:48:00

Another great word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 16:25:00

Perhaps, they were antiquarians and yearned for "auldwangtime!" - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 18:01:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: tee vee not werks

Sentence: Grampa pined for the days when tv first came into the average home. Sure there were only 3 channnels; no remote controls (you got your exercise getting up every half hour to switch) and the shows ended at 11:00 pm, so you could get some sleep. Black and white tv meant you had to use your imagination to see the colors. That test pattern was mesmerizing, there were very few commercials and each night Gramp would end the evening with all-star wrestling followed by the national anthem. Nowadays, it was a case of tvnotworks. There were hundreds of channels to confuse you showing the same programs in a zillion different time zones. By the time you found one you wanted, it was over. Reality tv was what passed for entertainment on most channels...showing the depressing, tawdry side of life. You had to be an aerospace engineer to figure out all the recording contraptions on the remote...that elusive piece of hardware no one could ever find. Lost signals, cable outtages and such were new challenges. Nope, thought Grampa, give me the Ed Sullivan show every Sunday night to keep the family together...that was entertainment!

Etymology: TV Networks (broadcasting) a television communication system consisting of a group of broadcasting stations that all transmit the same programs) & Not Works (does not work;cause to not operate or function)

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Created by: Abraxised

Pronunciation: prow-tect-trow

Sentence: That guy is such a protectro

Etymology: protect(to defend)+retro(imitative of a style or fashion from the recent past.)

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Created by: looseball




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Created by: aiiden

Pronunciation: Classica-graphical-istics

Sentence: The classicagraphicalistics of old school console games are much more easy to understand than most of the newer video games now adays.

Etymology: classical+graphics+statistics


dork - aiiden, 2007-11-08: 10:26:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: nästaljəngk

Sentence: Wesley loves his nostaljunk. Thoroughly convinced that the games he grew up with are the best he spends most weekends scouring thrift markets and yard sales to feed his addiction. The fact is he spends so much time looking for controllers, games and consoles that he has little time to play.

Etymology: nostalgia (a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past) + junk (old or discarded articles that are considered useless or of little value)

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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: tehk-noh-STAHL-juh

Sentence: Alex's girlfriend could not put up with his fits of technostalgia and their Pong dates.

Etymology: technology + nostalgia


Alex should be sure to turn up at Stevenson0's tonight - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 13:47:00

Nice word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 16:33:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: teknō gēzər

Sentence: Albert was truly a technogeezer. He was thoroughly convinced that the past was where it's at. His mantra? "They don't make them like they used to" His drink of choice? Nehi grape. His tool of choice? Duct tape, the only thing holding most of his old junk together.

Etymology: techno (relating to technology or its use) + geezer(an old man, used as a disparaging term)


love the duct tape - a truly marvelous invention - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-07: 14:05:00


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Created by: jdriii

Pronunciation: nen-TEN-old

Sentence: He was so nintendold that he thinks old stuff is better than new.

Etymology: Blend of Nintendo and Old

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Created by: babypee

Pronunciation: nos-ta-lodge-i-kal

Sentence: ooh I'm nostalogical for the days of good video games...


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Created by: dhot47




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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: ăbə-kə-stăl'jə

Sentence: "Back in my day, we didn't have to wait for our slide rules to 'boot up!' Bah!" complained Grandpa, waxing abacustalgic, again, about the good ol' days. "And this VCR thingy you hooked up to my TV keeps blinking twelve o'clock ever since I kicked the cord out, and now it won't stop. What a lousy, piece of junk clock that thing is..." and so on.

Etymology: abacus (a manual computing device) + nostalgia (a longing for the past, often in idealized form).


I like the way this one sounds. - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-08: 08:43:00

So do I - nice word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 16:24:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: old-lang-sys-tem

Sentence: (sung to the tune of Auld Lang syne-traditionally done on New Year's Eve) Should old Ataris be forgot and ever shall we miss them. Should my old Sega be forgot and Auldlangsystems. The games of Auldlangsystems, dear, like Donkey Kong and Pong. These games that kids all play today are difficult and wrong.

Etymology: auld lang syne: times remembered with affection and nostalgia + system: video gaming platforms from the 70's and 80's such as Atari, Seaga, Commodore and Intellivision

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Created by: yellowbird


Sentence: "Pete's ponglonging made him buy that crummy old Amiga at his neighbor's garage sale."


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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Wish-ee-wash-er

Sentence: Betty Bygone was furious when her washing machine broke down, it was the third new one she had purchased in eighteen months. Being a wishywasher, she longed for the days when all things were made to last, She thought back to her old mum and the twin-tub she had that must have been at least twenty years old if not more and how clean the clothes were back then, not a stain in sight. Nowadays you would be lucky if anything lasted more than six months she thought to herself as she browsed the net looking for yet another machine.

Etymology: Wish(a desire for something) + Washer(a device that washes eg: washing machine) = Wishywasher


Betty Bygone is a great name - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-07: 14:01:00

good word and name - Nosila, 2008-10-07: 22:51:00


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Created by: kathleen



Etymology: DOS + -stalgia

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Created by: guyspeller1919

Pronunciation: pong-a-faze

Sentence: My dad is in a state of pongaphase because of the ancient game of pong.

Etymology: pong-first video game


NOOO - guyspeller1919, 2007-11-08: 21:12:00


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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: row-man-TRON-ik

Sentence: The romantronic aesthetic of the Victorian age is reflected in the recent appearance of steampunk devices like laptops and keyboards.

Etymology: roman(tic) + (elec)tronic


I just read about steampunk the other day--cool stuff! - mplsbohemian, 2007-11-08: 12:41:00

ahh how romantronic - I bet an old fashioned typewriter would bring tears to your eyes - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 13:43:00


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Created by: MissRabbit

Pronunciation: ŏb'sə-lŭst-ənt

Sentence: Afflicted with extreme obsolustence, Sandra and Bill refused to buy any video game created after they were born.

Etymology: From obsolescence: Being in the process of passing out of use or usefulness; and lust: to have a yearning or desire

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: pon/ger

Sentence: Watching people play Wii at Best Buy sent him into a nostalgic moment and he began to ponger how amaaaaaaazing Pong and IntelliVision were and STILL are, but the sales person had no idea what he was talking about when he asked what isle these games were in.

Etymology: PONGER - verb - from PONG (the original video game from the 1980's) + PONDER (To reflect, or consider with thoroughness and care; TO REFLECT)

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Created by: Lidipop

Pronunciation: Ko-lee-ko-gone!

Sentence: nothing beats Coleco Vision second generation home video game console...but man, technology like that is just gone...colecogone!! :)

Etymology: Coleco(gaming system)+ Gone.

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: ob-sul-ee-tust

Sentence: jeff's book keeping was based on the obselitist view that computers could never replace the common sense practicality of a well kept ledger

Etymology: obsolete, elitist


and another excellent word Riki - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 11:04:00

Agree! oh riki you're word's so fine, you're word's so fine it blows my mind, hey riki... - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-08: 11:59:00

Great Word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 16:22:00


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Created by: emilylind

Pronunciation: Say " yester " then " tec " and then " love " and " a " .

Sentence: He's such a yesterteclova !



You might want to change the spelling of your word. It's much better once you see what you intended. - astorey, 2008-10-07: 11:57:00


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Created by: skeeterzirra

Pronunciation: gear stal zha

Sentence: Who doesn't feel a wistful gearstagia when they hear Elvis' music the way it was meant to be played.. on a warm round sound of a tubed hi fi.

Etymology: gear + nostalgia = gearstalgia


Technostalgia would have been good, too. - skeeterzirra, 2008-10-07: 20:06:00


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Created by: thegoatisbad

Pronunciation: ar-door-kay-ic

Sentence: Kimberly spent most of her afternoons shuffling through her latest faxes and glancing toward Zinnia with disgust. Zinnia liked to ignore the office listening to her wireless, solar-powered satellite radio headset and Kimberly preferred the textured sound of her Victrola, or when she was especially ardorchaic, a conk shell strapped to her head.

Etymology: Ardor (enthusiasm, strong desire) + Archaic (old, primitive)

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: nosss tal jee at arrr eeee

Sentence: his nostalgiatari was so stifling, she had to send him pacmaning

Etymology: nostalgia atari

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: RE-troh-FANG-guh-ree

Sentence: Retrofanglery was the best word to describe Bob's unbending belief that the contraptions of yesteryear are superior, in every way, to today's technology.

Etymology: FANGLE: Something fashioned ; v. t. to fashion. .RETRO: affecting things past; of or designating the style of an earlier time; casting or relating back: & RY: state, condition, belief


retrofanglerglee would be good too - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-07: 14:04:00


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Created by: bzav1

Pronunciation: bay - tad - breath

Sentence: Bill waited with betadbreath for the release of Pong 2007. He could not seem to focus his eight track mind on anything else, neglecting his pet rock and chia pet.

Etymology: homonym for baited breath, beta - a once stellar format(second only to the eight track tape)


Brings back memories of the whole VHS-Beta war. Nice! - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-08: 20:34:00


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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: yes-tur-crazd

Sentence: Tom was so yestercrazed, he was still playing Zork.

Etymology: yesteryear, craze


Yestercrazed All my troubles seemed so far outweighed Now it looks as though they've gone and strayed Oh, I believe In yestercrazed - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 09:29:00

kinda corny but I had to make it rhyme and put a tune in your head for the day - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 09:29:00

Another Good One Purple! See you tonight at my house tonight to play Pong. Jabber's bringing her Atari too. Everyone's welcome!! Don't forget your Richard Harris and Beatle albums!!! Your vinyl will be find as I'm going to pick up a new needle for the record player. - Stevenson0, 2007-11-08: 09:46:00

ah Stevenson0 reminds me of the good old daze - I feel another song coming on " Those were the days, my friend We thought they'd never end We'd sing and dance forever and a day But now we work all day and play verbotomy.... - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 11:02:00

Gee thanks Jabber. Guess that song is just as depressing as the one that was stuck in my head - Yesteryou, Yesterme, Yesterday. Stevenson0 - I'm soooo there!!!! I'll run home and dust off the Commodore 64! - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-08: 11:02:00

MrDave2176 I have some 8-track tapes if anyone is interested. And original formula Coke! - MrDave2176, 2007-11-08: 11:12:00

8-track tapes - I think I have an old Genesis one - now we need an 8-track player - porsche, 2007-11-08: 11:45:00

Crap, I sold mine with my 1970 Camaro. - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-08: 11:55:00

Stevenson0, since you mentioned Intellivision how bout we play Dungeons and Dragons? - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 13:50:00


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Created by: libwen

Pronunciation: wist-fyl-ness

Sentence: Bill's dislike of cell phones, iPods, and flash drives were symptoms of his underlying wistfileness.

Etymology: wistfulness (sadness, yearning) + file (computer file)

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: say/gad/jet

Sentence: As if we would want to, dad constantly reminds us to stay out of his den AND that we are NOT to touch his segadgets. "As if."

Etymology: Sega + Gadget = Segadget


I like it! - Mustang, 2008-10-07: 23:14:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: superb + seeded

Sentence: Grumpy old men loved to sit around chatting about the superbseded transport arrangements they enjoyed when the aroma of horse manure lent a romantic ambience to their daily commute.

Etymology: superb + superseded

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Im-adj-in-al-jya

Sentence: During a moment of imaginalgia, Harold recalled the fun he had with his Atari while forgetting just how limited it was compared to his PSIII

Etymology: Imagination + nostalgia

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Created by: leechdude

Pronunciation: staal-juj

Sentence: Joe and Susan loved to play Pong and Mario Bros., they loved it so much it brainwashed them into a deep, deep stalejudge.

Etymology: stale (old), judge


why do i keep getting i points man!??! - leechdude, 2007-11-08: 20:13:00


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Created by: retoricaljoe


Sentence: You'd better leave out this atarism and buy the xbox kinect stuff...


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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: nos-giz-moh-tal-gee-uh

Sentence: He often had nosgizmotalgic dreams about the toys from his childhood, mainly his KISS army uniform and lawn darts.

Etymology: nostalgia + gizmo


Good Word: I tried to create my word around gizmo but failed! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 16:30:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: tek nold ojee

Sentence: Barry & Irma are firm believers in technoldogy. They drive classic restored automobiles. They still use their 8 tracks; their hi-fi and they still play on their Atari. According to their philosophy, Noah was the only one who knew how to build a boat and the Wright Brothers were the Right Brothers!

Etymology: Technology (the practical application of science to commerce or industry) & Old (ancient,just preceding something else in time or order)

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Created by: astorey

Pronunciation: Com-a-door

Sentence: Marcy tried to love the iMac, she even had a begrudging admiration for the functionality of Windows--though she felt they hit the point of diminishing returns after Windows 98. But, in her mind, Marcy was a true commadore, believing that the only computer worth using was one you had to program yourself.

Etymology: Commodore was one of the first PCs on the market. Commadore combines the brand with the verb "adore."


what a difference a letter makes - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-07: 14:06:00

I love it and got it immediately, which dates me. Commadore was previously used as a computer name. - skeeterzirra, 2008-10-07: 20:04:00

metrohumanx I had a commodore 16 with an audio cassette storage drive.....hahaha - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 09:45:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: say-guh-snob

Sentence: Brad was a Segasnob, believing that his old outdated video games were superior to even the latest from Wii.

Etymology: Blend of Sega™ and Snob

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: atari/kwarian

Sentence: The atariquarians have monthly meetings to keep alive the grandeur of a better, sturdier video game experience. They're also working on a musical called "The Age of Atariquarians".

Etymology: atari (one of the first video game systems + antiquarian


Very good word - TJayzz, 2008-10-07: 10:38:00

zxvasdf Haha. I'm down with the Age of Atariquarians. So when's the album coming out? - zxvasdf, 2008-10-07: 11:14:00

Like it a lot - OZZIEBOB, 2008-10-08: 01:19:00


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Created by: avandivai

Pronunciation: tek-noh-stahl-ji-ah

Sentence: Daisy despised her father for his technostalgia; his insistance on carrying his monstrously large and ancient cellphone while chaperoning the senior trip to Great America had made her a laughingstock in front of her friends.

Etymology: Technology (Electronic or digital products and systems) + Nostalgia (A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.)

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Created by: Kyoti

Pronunciation: Fill-CON-fuh-dense

Sentence: "Black and white televisions left more to the imagination and sparked creativity better than this crap," declared Grampa with philconfidence as he switched off his HDTV in the middle of yet another overbearing pre-paid program for male-enhancement products.

Etymology: Philco: a classic tube-filled electronic device manufacturer + Confidence: the feeling you get when you ignore the fact that the world is rapidly passing you by.


good one - Nosila, 2008-10-07: 22:53:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-08: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James'

mplsbohemian - 2007-11-08: 03:52:00
I actually do think Super Mario 3 rocked hardcore.

remistram - 2007-11-08: 09:18:00
Atari was the bomb!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-09: 21:08:00
You can actually download a version of Super Mario 3 to play on Wii. The best of both worlds ~ James

cawnpore - 2007-11-12: 21:57:00
Great word, it captures the meaning indeed!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-03-05: 00:12:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James

Svetikreink - 2020-03-05: 01:12:00

Genkareink - 2020-03-05: 02:20:00

Petrikreink - 2020-03-05: 06:51:00