Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To use animal training techniques to improve and direct the behavior of other people. n. A technique which uses the principles of animal training to solve a human behavioral riddle.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /fohk-loord/
Sentence: Sherry wasn't what you'd call 'book-smart' but she was very good at figuring out what people's motivations were, and which tactics would make them act the way she wanted. She had folklured her boyfriend into a marriage proposal, her parents into buying her another new car, and even her teachers into giving her good grades — now she was about to graduate college, thanks to another student, who was also her enamoured and very lonely tutor. She was definitely going to either work in sales, or in politics.
Etymology: from the word 'Folklore': Folk - people in general, or people of a distinct group (from German, volk "people") + Lured - tempted or enticed into a particular action; used a decoy for fishing or trapping (from Middle Low German, loder "bait")
She must have folklured her parents into buying her a new folkswagen! - Nosila, 2008-05-19: 16:56:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: pav lov er
Sentence: In order to break her husband Ivan of his sock-dropping habits, Anna rewarded him with love in order to get him to respond. She was a pavlover and if he still didn't learn to pick up his socks, she had to become a pavtufflover. But enough about their socks life...
Etymology: Pavlov (Russian physiologist who observed conditioned salivary responses in dogs (1849-1936)) & Lover (a person who loves or is loved)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: per - PET - yur - ait
Sentence: Using a system of punishments and rewards as she did with her doberman, Miriam attempted to perpeturate the same kinds of desired automatic responses from her boyfriend, Wilmont.
Etymology: Blend of perpetuate, pet, and saturate
Created by: shija
Pronunciation: school-laf-fool
Sentence: Have you tried schoolafooling?
Etymology: A blend of schooling and fooling.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: bōbēdēəns
Sentence: Jill believes in beaubedience. Her boyfriend knows how to behave because she has taught him well. Just last week when he spilled milk on the kitchen counter, she rubbed his nose in it and barked at him. At least she has given up smacking him with rolled-up newspaper.
Etymology: beau (a boyfriend or male admirer) + obedience (compliance with someone\'s wishes or orders or acknowledgment of their authority)
Created by: phoenix89
Pronunciation: hue - man- ee- trainer
Sentence: The one thing motivational speakers and animal trainers have in common is that they each teach their own audience how to become better.Some people can train their pets but need training themselves.Thats when you introduce the Humanitrainer. A session or few will have that human in shape in no time.
Etymology: human ( the one reading this paper) trainer ( someone who guides or educates another in a specific area)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: hen eee aaa gram
Sentence: Her use of the henneagram was richickulous, one fowl idea after another in her so called pursuit of eggselence.
Etymology: enneagram, hen
Another eggselent word, no yolks about it. Did you pullet out of the air or is it poultry in motion? - Nosila, 2008-05-19: 17:00:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: re-in-force-man
Sentence: Lia found that Max responded well to positive reinforceman one day by accident when she came home and found the dishes were done. She fussed on him, grilled his favorite steak and bought him a six-pack. Max immediately got up after the meal and did the dishes. Later that night while watching Victoria Stilwell train a Rottweiler on "It's Me or the Dog" she had a revelation. Perhaps she could teach Max to put the toilet seat down if she used a really good reward. She decided to learn some training techniques from Victoria and immediately went to the mall to get a little treat for him from Victoria's Secret.
Etymology: reinforcement + man: in Operant Conditioning reinforcement occurs when an event following a response will increase the likelihood of that response happening again. Animals trained with reinforcement techniques are trained by using treats and praise instead of negative reinforcement. Victoria Stilwell is a dog trainer on Animal Planet who uses reinforcement on ill-mannered dogs.
Clever word and story.... - mweinmann, 2009-06-30: 08:03:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: sigh-COL-dog-e
Sentence: Sue-Ellen soon wised up she could manage her children's own behaviour modification for the cost of an obedience training course for her pet. There was no reason to pay out megabucks on a professional, when she was an expert psycholdogist.
Etymology: psychology + dog
nice and original - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-19: 14:19:00
I think that's happened to me. Good one! - Mustang, 2008-05-19: 23:52:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: hoh/mes/ti/kate
Sentence: In most relationships, the woman has to homesticate the male so he can function in modern society.
Etymology: homo sapiens (the modern species of humans) + domesticate (to tame an animal to live with humans); therefore, homesticate (to tame a human to live with humans)
...but we can still 'devolve' during football games, can't we? Excellent word! - Tigger, 2008-05-19: 02:51:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: pav/low/veegan/theory
Sentence: The pavlovegantheory explores conditioning the reflexes of patrons to eat only vegetables when the subjects hear a bell ringing. An example would be the huge success of Potaco Bell.
Etymology: Pavolovian theory (dog's salivating when they hear a bell ringing) + vegan
couldn't see your verbotomy on my first list; thought I was the first with a Pavlov reference. Nice application. - stache, 2008-05-19: 08:34:00
couldn't see your verbotomy on my first list; thought I was the first with a Pavlov reference. Nice application. - stache, 2008-05-19: 13:11:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: rohl-roh-ver
Sentence: Jane's husband snores terribly if he sleeps on his back. She got tired of poking him in the ribs to get him to roll over onto his side. Watching him clicker-train their dog inspired her. That night, when the snoring started, she used the clicker. He immediately rolled onto his side. Her rollrover technique was a success. No more broken nails for her. No more sore ribs for him.
Etymology: roll over (a common trick dogs are trained to do) + Rover (a common dog name)
Created by: Verbotomy
Pronunciation: Sham-moo
Sentence: Shamu the proper noun has become the all-purpose verb in our house. It's shorthand for using the principles of animal training to solve a behavioral riddle. We shamu friends, family, and neighbors. We shamu each other. "Did you just shamu me?" we will ask the other.
Etymology: Shamu is the stage name for the star Orcas (killer whales) at SeaWorld, that inspired the title of Amy Sutherland's book, "What Shamu Taught Me".
The sentence is direct quote from Amy's book where she explains how she has adopted the word. ~ James - Verbotomy, 2008-05-19: 00:15:00
When this happens to me, I feel so Shamused. - Tigger, 2008-05-19: 02:54:00
Very shamutable! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-19: 06:38:00
Yes, if we apply shamu to creativity we get a shamutation. ~ James - Verbotomy, 2008-05-19: 15:46:00
I think it's time for as a serious stuff, what about the science, theory or study of shamu: "Shamulogy" - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-20: 22:26:00
Oops! I think it's time for the serious stuff, what about the science, theory or study of shamu: "Shamulogy" - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-20: 22:29:00
Created by: skeeterzirra
Pronunciation: rhymes with housebreak
Sentence: If all men are dogs, where's a man-whisperer to teach women how to spousebreak them?
Etymology: Housebreak
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Man-ayp-yu-layt
Sentence: Pam was hoping that when Bob saw the documentary on how the apes adapted the various things in their surroundings to use as tools, that it may spur him on to getting on with all the little jobs that needed doing around the house
Etymology: Man(Human being) +ape (a large tailess primate) +(manipulate (to cleverly control or influence) =manapulate
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: CRIT-ehr-swayde
Sentence: Using techniques she'd learned as an animal trainer Roseanne often resorted to those methods with people and would try to crittersuade them to do things according to her wishes.
Etymology: Blend of critter and persuade
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: pav lov po shun
Sentence: Valentina trained dogs for a living, so it was no surprise that when she wanted her boyfriend, Charlie, to do her bidding, she had a method. She fed him a pavlovpotion and he would do anything for her without question.
Etymology: Pavlov (Russian physiologist who observed conditioned salivary responses in dogs (1849-1936)) & Love Potion (a drink credited with magical power; can make the one who takes it love the one who gave it)
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: sir/cus/i/tus
Sentence: I used a circusitous route but the leash worked wonders for keeping the kids in check.
Etymology: circus + circuitous (devious)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: per-PET-yur-ayt
Sentence: Using a system of punishments and rewards as she did with her doberman, Lucille attempted to perpeturate the same kinds of desired automatic responses from her boyfriend, Wilbur.
Etymology: Blend of 'pet' (a pampered and usually spoiled child) 'perpetuate' ( to make perpetual or cause to last indefinitely) and 'saturate' ( to treat, furnish, or charge with something to the point where no more can be absorbed, dissolved, or retained)
Created by: rebelvin
Pronunciation: PET+pedAGOGY
Sentence: I know she is training me like a pet, but I just fall for her petagogy every time.
Etymology: PET+pedAGOGY
love it - petaj, 2008-05-19: 05:43:00
That's it! - pieceof314, 2008-05-19: 08:26:00
excellent - galwaywegian, 2008-05-19: 14:01:00
Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-22: 01:19:00
Created by: josje
Pronunciation: treaser
Sentence: i am a perfect treaser
Etymology: trainer en teaser
Created by: Rutilus
Pronunciation: rec-wag-nishun
Sentence: Phoebe loved Max. He was the human equivalent of a pet dog. He was loyal, forgiving and subservient. She could get him to do anything as long as she rewarded him, giving him treats and a little recwagnition for his trouble.
Etymology: recognition - noticing someone/something; wag - movement of dog's tail (associated with contentment)
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: re-in-force-men
Sentence: Paula used both positive and negative reinforcemen to get whatever she wanted. Her technique included the rewards of steaks, sports, beer, and the occasional night out with the boys; however, she discovered that sex could be used both positively as a reward and negatively by withdrawing the reward when appropriate.
Etymology: reinforcement: technic whereby the delivery of a stimulus, good or bad, after a response increases the likelihood of the behavior repeating. + men: creatures that have been test subjects for women since the dawn of civilization
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: bahrk koh ding
Sentence: she was going to train this guy allright. If barkcoding didn't work the rolled up newspaper sure would
Etymology: bark barcoding
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: dəgwispərər
Sentence: Doug's girlfriend is great at getting him to do what she wants by applying the best pet training techniques. A treat here, a scratch behind the ear there. She keeps it all positive, no smack with a rolled-up newspaper here. She is so good at it that her friends call her the Dougwhisperer.
Etymology: Doug () + Dog Whisperer (The Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan, is a dog trainer who adopts a sympathetic view of the motives, needs, and desires of the dog, based on natural dog behavior and modern dog psychology)
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: rhymes with "obedience school"
Sentence: They had tried everything, it seemed, to eliminate their son’s thumbsucking: behaviour modification, ignoring, even praise. Nothing worked until obediencesocool! The idea of simply complying with their requests actually became the new cool thing to do! They hoped this new trend would last and spawn similar trends.
Etymology: A play on a dog "obedience school".
Cool word...what you have to do with teens these days... - Nosila, 2009-06-30: 01:22:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: pav love boat
Sentence: When the USS LoveDogs pulled into San Diego Bay, many people came to welcome it. Not many knew that it was actually a PavLoveboat, whose human cargo were people who loved their dogs. Behaviorists used the on-ship experience to train the passengers and their pets to work better together. Poodles could paddle, Chihuahuas could Wow,Terriors could terrorize;Pinschers could pinch;a Beagle was now legal;A Dingo could play Bingo;a Jack Russell could Hustle;A Maltese could Tease;a Pekingnese could peak;and a Shepherd could be heard all over the Poop Deck.
Etymology: pavlov (Russian physiologist who observed conditioned salivary responses in dogs (1849-1936) & Love Boat (is an American television series set on a cruise ship, which aired on the ABC Television Network from 1977 until 1986.)
Makes me drool just reading about it. - Mustang, 2009-06-30: 18:41:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: tuff pav luv
Sentence: Anna used her psychological training to cure her boyfriend's bad habits. She called it toughpavlove because through conditioned response and a reward/punishment system, she got results and a cleaner house. Her Yorkie, Poopsie, was however, quite immune to the same training and pooped everywhere.
Etymology: Tough Love (The use of strict disciplinary measures and limitations on freedoms or privileges, as by a parent or guardian, as a means of fostering responsibility and expressing care or concern.) & Pavlov (Russian physiologist who observed conditioned salivary responses in dogs)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: fechnpā
Sentence: Jill is pleased with the progress with the training of her new boyfriend. He is doing well with sit (and be quiet), speak (when given permission) and stay (focused on your girlfriend only). Jill's proudest achievement is teaching him fetchnpay. All she has to do is mention she would like to have and release him to go get it. She still has to work on keeping him from getting distracted and buying too much for himself.
Etymology: fetch (go for and then bring back) n (and) pay (give someone money that is due for work done)
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: sham-oo-dyoo-kayt
Sentence: once she discovered how much he enjoyed being scratched on the back of the head, she found it simple enough to shamuducate her husband
Etymology: shamu, educate
Created by: stache
Pronunciation: pāv'lŭv'
Sentence: Janelle would pavlove Bart every night when he came home without the smell of cigarettes and beer about him; eventually, Bart stopped going to Moe's for drinks after work.
Etymology: Pavlov, Ivan, Russian physiologist who is best known for discovering the conditioned response; love, to have or express affection for another; also, sexual passion or desire.
nice! - galwaywegian, 2008-05-19: 14:06:00
Excellent word. Makes me salivate. lol - Mustang, 2008-05-19: 14:36:00
Created by: melodydrama
Pronunciation: bih-hand-uhl
Sentence: With some practice Jenny learned to successful behandle her boyfriend using a dogtrainer's guide.
Etymology: behave+handle
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: foke whis per er
Sentence: Abby decided to use her skills as a Horse Whisperer on her human family to see if the methods brought the same great results they had with her equine clients. With a large carrot, she approached her son Marvin cautiously, when he was again tying up her phone for hours. She bent close to his open ear, stroked his adolescent face gently and whispered the calming words which had the desired affect:"Get off that darn phone now or I will jam this carrot into your other ear!" At once he hung up and ran for his room. Yes, using Folkwhisperer methods worked every time... it wasn't tough love, but pavlove!
Etymology: folk (people in general)& the horse whisperer (a person who tames and trains horses by gentle methods and speech)
'Pavloved' your story! Too funny! My conditioned response was to LOL... - Tigger, 2008-05-19: 02:49:00
you might not believe it but I didn't read youir sentence before I posted. - stache, 2008-05-19: 13:13:00
I believe you, stache...not the first time great minds have thought alike... - Nosila, 2008-05-19: 16:54:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: pet - eh - kit
Sentence: Marjorie used petiquette to train her husband to do household chores. If he put the toilet seat down, he got a cookie; when he mowed the lawn, he got some ice cream. Every task had a "payoff" of some type..... She figured that if this worked on the dog, it might work on Charles.
Etymology: pet, etiquette (rules governing socially acceptable behavior)
They don't call it animal husbandry for nothing! Good Word. - Nosila, 2009-06-30: 01:23:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: hoh/mes/ti/kate
Sentence: In most relationships, the woman has to homesticate the male so he can function in modern society.
Etymology: homo sapiens (the modern species of humans) + domesticate (to tame an animal to live with humans); therefore, homesticate (to tame a human to live with humans)
good play on the human condition.... - mweinmann, 2009-06-30: 08:02:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: pav/low/veegan/theory
Sentence: The pavlovegantheory explores conditioning the reflexes of patrons to eat only vegetables when the subjects hear a bell ringing. An example would be the huge success of Potaco Bell.
Etymology: Pavolovian theory (dog's salivating when they hear a bell ringing) + vegan
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: Fy-dow-is-um
Sentence: Sally always knew how to get her way with Grant all she had to do was offer a "fidoisum" and he jumped! Grant knew the rewards were soon in sight and in just a few moments he would be Sally's lap dawg...
Etymology: Fido;Name for a dog. Isum;To be treated like a dog then to act like a dog, to fetch & roll over and do tricks:)~
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: POOCH-neek
Sentence: "If you have something to say." Roxie barked, "shut up." She hoped that her poochniques would make Bob think that he had a dog for a wife, and he would forever remain her best friend.
Etymology: Blend of POOCH: slang for dog; etymology unknown, could be from German "Putzi" a name for a lap-dog?? & TECHNIQUE.
Verbotomy - 2008-05-19: 00:01:00
Today's definition is inspired by Amy Sutherland's new book "What Shamu Taught me About Life, Love and Marriage". where she reminds us that "People are animals too!", and that "Any interaction is training". Now Amy has invented her own word for this and it's "Shamu", so I have added it today's list of verboticisms! Thanks Amy! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-06-29: 00:01:00
Today's definition is inspired by Amy Sutherland's book "What Shamu Taught me About Life, Love and Marriage", where she reminds us that "People are animals too!", and that "Any interaction is training". Of course, Amy has invented her own word for this -- "Shamu". Let's see what we come up with now... Thanks Amy! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-07-19: 00:41:00
Today's definition was suggested by amysutherland. Thank you amysutherland. ~ James