Vote for the best verboticism.

'Man! That chick can ride.'

DEFINITION: v., To "surf", or ride in a freestanding position on a bus, train or subway. n., A sport popular among transit riders who attempt to complete the entire commute in a freestanding position without using the handrails.

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Created by: vmalcolm

Pronunciation: /viatiksweɪ/

Sentence: Counting on with the possibility to sit down, when Martha saw her ultimate enemy viatikswaying she decided to prove herself and the rest it was possible to viaticsway even carrying a handbag!

Etymology: VIATICSWAY. From Viatic (Of or relating to traveling, a road, or a way) + Sway (To swing back and forth or to and fro)


ooh - nice combo - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-10: 10:35:00


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Created by: blackkittynili

Pronunciation: ride-slide-bus

Sentence: She rideslidebussed across the seat so quickly, the only thing I could say was " Man! That Chick Can Slide Dude!"

Etymology: what the hell?? oh right... ride+slide+bus = rideslidebus

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: trälē älē

Sentence: Gidget loved her ride to work. She treated the bus like her personal pipeline. Her gnarliest move was a switchfoot trolleyollie. Her only wipeout happened when she tried to hang ten on some dude's brief case. It wasn't very good as a boogie board.

Etymology: trolley (a passenger vehicle powered by electricity obtained from an overhead cable by means of a trolley wheel) + Ollie (A no handed air move where a surfer leaves the water while maintaining control of his board and ultimately landing and riding out the move)


fantastic!! - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-10: 10:35:00

great blend & rhyme - OZZIEBOB, 2008-10-11: 16:57:00


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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: rye-dee-oh

Sentence: she handed over her money and looked at her bus ticket, her ticket to rideo

Etymology: ride, rodeo

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: trans-stans-it

Sentence: It was easier to transtancit when there were numerous people crammed into the car, they became a cushion especially when the trained screeched along tight corners.

Etymology: transit + stance

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Created by: jrogan

Pronunciation: ri dur

Sentence: I am da riduer

Etymology: I am french surfer on the bus

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Created by: xirtam

Pronunciation: toob-sur-fing

Sentence: While visiting London, Henry, Dean and Ray decided to go tubesurfing and see who could go the longest without touching a seat or an overhead strap, while they rode the underground from Wimbledon Park to Whitechpel.

Etymology: Tube: British name for the subway. + Surfing: The act or sport of riding the surf, as on a surfboard.

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Created by: thebaron

Pronunciation: wob-ble-trans-ing

Sentence: The train was so crowded, Ellen spent the whole ride wobbletransing again.


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Created by: zxvasdf

Pronunciation: Met ro surf ing

Sentence: Whether there were seats available or not, she engaged in metrosurfing whenever she went onto public transportation, knowing her mad skillz would shine when the sport gained serious recognition.

Etymology: Metro (public transportation via bus or subway) & surfing (the sport of riding on the crest or along the tunnel of a wave)

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Created by: Kevcom

Pronunciation: meh-trow-stanse

Sentence: Katherine assumed a wide metrostance in her offpeak travel to work. Since there were few people on the train, she spread her legs out in complete balance and stayed that way for the remainder of the trip: a whole 22 minutes!

Etymology: metro (transportation system) + stance (standing posture)

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Tram-sp-ort

Sentence: Jerry loved commuting to work ever since he discovered tramsport, he would make a point of standing in the aisle, trying to keep his balance. He especially liked to surf the corners and had got quite good at it over the past few months. He was sure it would become an olympic sport eventually if only he could convert a few of his fellow travellers.

Etymology: Tram(passenger vehicle run on rails, powered by electric overhead cables) + Sport(pleasure derived from a particuar activity,entertainment,fun) = Tramsport


it's the best way to stay awake on your way to work - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-10: 10:34:00


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Created by: Koekbroer

Pronunciation: strap-float-er


Etymology: staphanger + floater

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Created by: yaelash

Pronunciation: bus-ance

Sentence: the girl entered bus holding all her shoping bags and had to gather all her skill to busance herself when the bus started to gain speed.

Etymology: the combination of bus & balance, meaning: trying to balance oneself in a bus.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: sway/shun/mas/ter

Sentence: After years of riding the subway and never being able to get a seat, Jenny had become a swaytionmaster riding and surfing the subway without ever having to hold onto a rail.



Excellent! - Mustang, 2008-10-10: 05:10:00

love it - galwaywegian, 2008-10-12: 12:01:00


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Created by: looseball




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Created by: MithrilShadow

Pronunciation: ˈbəs-ˈbȯrd-ing

Sentence: She was the master of busboarding, not even sudden stops, sharp turns and traffic accidents could knock her down.

Etymology: Bus: a large motor vehicle designed to carry passengers usually along a fixed route according to a schedule Skate Boarding:to ride or perform stunts on a skateboard

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: kraws-toun-boog-ee

Sentence: While some people are content to sit idly on the bus, Sally prefers to crank up her iPod and get her day started with a little crosstownboogie.

Etymology: crosstown (a bus running primarily in a crosstown direction) + boogie (to dance energetically, especially to rock music)

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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: trans-bus-stand-in-stay-shun

Sentence: Sylvia rocked and weaved as the transit bus moved through the traffic. She was about to break her own transbustandinstation record as the bus approached her stop until a mini cooper pulled in front of the bus at the stop sign and the driver slammed on the brakes forcing her to grab a pole.

Etymology: trans-bus (beyond the bus) + stand + in station (absolutely still) = sounds like transubstantiation (the magical transformation wine and bread make in church)


funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-13: 16:28:00


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Created by: retoricaljoe


Sentence: The bus was too crowded this morning, that i had to try riderlance style.

Etymology: Rider + balance

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: kon-VEY-danz

Sentence: Suffering complete verblockage, Bob could only brainstorm: jauntjive, minogue, transjigrify, brakewalk, travellicate, trainambulist, transpirouette, transbumption, transpoise, brakegait, and conveydance. Roxie told him that he should see a Verbiatrist! PS: I'm still verbstipated: cho-cho-cha-cha, travacillate, trans....!

Etymology: Blend of conveyance:to carry from one place to another, to transport etc & dance.


excellent words and sentence - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-13: 09:49:00

Good grief, man, you only need one. - Osomatic, 2007-11-13: 18:20:00


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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: sŭb-swā'-ĭng

Sentence: That lady with the ugly, red skirt was holding her puke-green handbag while talking on her cell phone with the other hand, until finally exiting at the 114th Street station, subswaying all the way uptown like a pro -- a remarkable display of Metropoise, in my opinion.

Etymology: subway - an underground electric railroad (sub-, Latin prefix, "under" & -way, Old English, wegh "road") + sway - to move or swing to and fro (Middle English, sweyen)


She had some righteous skills, but her fashion sense was totally gnarly dude!! - Tigger, 2007-11-13: 02:40:00

Nice word-I like "metropoise" too! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-13: 17:44:00

good word! - yaelash, 2007-11-13: 18:17:00

Verbotomy Hey Tigger, I see you like the drawing today. Thanks! ~ James - Verbotomy, 2007-11-14: 00:02:00

Oh, the drawing is great, but that subswayer needs a a fashion-911. - Tigger, 2007-11-14: 00:21:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: SHUT-ehl-shuf-ehl

Sentence: Lucille has always enjoyed the rocking and jolting of the subway as she rides to and from her work and other outings and has perfected a shuttleshuffle for her own entertainment as well as providing smiles for her fellow passengers.

Etymology: Blend of 'shuttle'(a bus, train, or airplane that makes frequent short trips between two places) and 'shuffle' (to scrape the feet over the floor in dancing)

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Created by: StarLizard

Pronunciation: Transi + Stance

Sentence: Amy transistanced through the whole ride, all the time holding on to her two bags of groceries and her overstuffed purse.

Etymology: Transi - from Transit and Stance, well, from standing :)

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Created by: QuantumMechanic

Pronunciation: free tyoob

Sentence: Yesterday, during rush hour, he freetubed all the way from Union Station to Finch and Yonge!

Etymology: free (unbound to restraints) + tube (slang for London Underground, and subways in general)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: tran sports ill us trated

Sentence: Just as soon as it was recognized as a valid competition by the International Olympic Organizing Committee, June was going to try out for the transportsillustrated team. She was sure her daily rides had allowed her the quality time to practice and now she was a world class contender. Why if those IOOC dudes were to try and keep up with her demanding commute each day, they would see for themselves she could sway and lurch, without hands, on the bus, the Metro, the seabus and the commuter train. She could see it all now...the excitement of the Grand March into the Olympic Stadium with her fellow contenders, clad in smart uniforms proudly walking to the national anthem. She could see action photos of her coming over the news agency clips. She could see herself proudly accepting her Gold Medal for her country, which would put them at the top of the rankings. She would see her picture on the cover of Transports Illustrated Magazine as Athlete of the Year. When she triumphantly returned to a grateful hometown reception, she would have to hire an agent to handle all her commercial endorsements. Yes, the dream of glory was her inspiration to keep perfecting her game. Whoops...her reverie had caused her to miss her stop, again!

Etymology: transport (move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body;move something or somebody around; usually over long distances) & Sports (an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition) & Sports Illustrated (Popular magazine about, well, Sports & Bathing Suits)

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: all-a-board-ing

Sentence: Allaboarding is a sport designed to add a little excitement to a morning commute. As with surfboarding, skateboarding, flowboarding and snowboarding; allaboarding is about the skill of combining balance and motion using public transportation. Specialties can include: metroboarding for subway specialists, retroboarding for those who still use trolleys, transboarding for bus passengers and railboarding for train riders. In the sport of allaboarding travelers must make an entire commute without support from handrails or straps during frequent stops, starts and acceleration. Points are deducted for bumping other passengers, hitting someone in the knee, eye or crotch with a purse, briefcase or elbow, not using deodorant or marinating oneself in a vile perfume or cologne.

Etymology: boarding: sport of balancing on a board in motion; aboard: the act of getting aboard a bus, train or ship -- "All aboard" is an expression heard often in old movies from the engineer of a train or the driver of a bus or trolley


allaleulya! - Nosila, 2010-03-09: 15:08:00


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Created by: MissRabbit

Pronunciation: tōō'byə-bŭs

Sentence: Bored by his daily commute, Dan would routinely indulge his fantasies of becoming a pro surfer by tububusing whenever he was on public transportation.

Etymology: From tubular (surfing slang): awesome; and bus: (n) a common form of public transportation, or (v) to ride such a vehicle.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Mass-tranz-por-tal-unt

Sentence: Gertrude put her masstransportalent to good use when she had to stand for the entire route while riding the fully loaded and shaky subway.

Etymology: Mass transport + talent

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: sub wayv

Sentence: When Maria rides the subway on her daily commute, she performs the subwave. She balances herself against the motion without holding on to a rail. It keeps her in practice for her vacations in Big Sur.

Etymology: Subway (electric underground railway, public transport)& Wave (to emulate the motion of the ocean waves, as what surfers do)

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Created by: dubld

Pronunciation: trans-i-li-bree-um

Sentence: Man, look at that guy go, he is sick wit' it at transilibrium.

Etymology: transit + eqilibrium

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: bəsənōvə

Sentence: Jill doesn’t need a gym membership. She doesn’t need to jog. She keeps in shape by doing the bussanova all the way to and from work each day.

Etymology: bus (a large motor vehicle carrying passengers by road) + bossa nova (a dance like the samba, originating in Brazil)

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Created by: jesster

Pronunciation: me - TRO - dio

Sentence: It was a rough ride, but Joe was an experienced metrodeo rider.

Etymology: Metro + Rodeo

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: met-ro-shufl

Sentence: Miranda seemed to enjoy the rocking and jolting of the subway as she rode to and from her work and outings and had perfected a metroshuffle for her own entertainment as well as providing smiles for her fellow passengers.

Etymology: Blend of 'metro' (subway) and 'shuffle' (to scrape the feet over the floor in dancing)


it's a great workout! - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-10: 12:00:00

Like it - OZZIEBOB, 2008-10-11: 16:56:00

nice - galwaywegian, 2008-10-12: 12:00:00

metrohumanx Gotta like Metroshuffle! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-13: 11:17:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: brākdans

Sentence: Cindy didn*t use to enjoy her ride to work. When she didn*t get a seat, which was often, she would grab a strap and hold on for dear life. If she had stopped for coffee she would often spill it on herself or other passengers, maybe even sloshing some up her nose. Now she will get on the bus and forgo a seat even if available. The new sport is to brakedance all the way to work, holding on to nothing, swaying with every lurching turn and every sudden application of the brakes. It wakes her up so much better than a stop at Starbucks.

Etymology: Brake (a device for slowing or stopping a moving vehicle) + dance (move rhythmically to music) play off breakdancing


mrskellyscl cute-good word - mrskellyscl, 2010-03-09: 06:06:00

Heart braking good word! - Nosila, 2010-03-09: 23:53:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: shuffle-a-board

Sentence: Tired of the usual deck games and ready for some excitement on the ferry, Margot, would indulge in shuffleaboard whenever the waves were up on the cross-harbour trip.

Etymology: shuffleboard (deck game) + shuffle (moving the feet around a little) + aboard (on some kind of transport)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: sway/shun/master

Sentence: Carl was king of the swaytionmasters with his Elvis moves.

Etymology: station master + sway


Spot on Stevo: Sure was a lot of shake, rattle and roll on Melbourne's old "red-rattlers." - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-13: 17:50:00


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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: buss/shuffle

Sentence: The busshuffle is an entertaining past time for daily commuters

Etymology: bus + shuffle

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: kawr-ee-OD-uh-see

Sentence: Bob's daily ride to work was a challenging choreodyssey: a "journey of dance."

Etymology: blend of CHOREO (as in choreography): the art of composing ballets and other dances and planning and arranging the movements, steps, and patterns of dancers & ODYSSEY:A long adventurous voyage or trip.


great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-10: 10:32:00


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Created by: suzanne

Pronunciation: air-oh-naught-stix

Sentence: when you practise aironoughtsticks you need good balance.

Etymology: aeronautics = air+ nought meaning zero + sticks

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Created by: Abraxised

Pronunciation: shut-tle-skayt-ing

Sentence: That man can shuttleskate!


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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: trans-sport

Sentence: To make the day interesting, Sue would test her eqrailibrium by going handless during the transsport while riding the subwave.

Etymology: transportation, sport

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: buss/a/nova

Sentence: Muriel wasn't very adept at subway surfing but thoroughly enjoyed it. When she shamelessly bumped into other riders she would laugh and sing "blame it on the bussanova" (her latin syle of shimmy)

Etymology: bus + bosa nova


Blame it on the bussanova...Eydie Gorme' would be so proud.... great word! - Mustang, 2008-10-10: 06:59:00

I've heard of the Comet Express, but never the Bussanova. ;D Good one! - Kyoti, 2008-10-10: 16:56:00

Love it...the Dance of Love (Commuting) - Nosila, 2008-10-10: 22:25:00

Hilarioussly wonderfully perfect! - lumina, 2008-10-11: 16:10:00

Terrific - OZZIEBOB, 2008-10-11: 16:56:00

Very Funny - TJayzz, 2008-10-12: 21:02:00


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Created by: thegoatisbad

Pronunciation: hu-la-dyüp

Sentence: The first time Kimberly saw Zinnia was on a school bus in 1993. Zinnia was a new student and nobody on the bus would budge an inch to afford her a seat. Nervously, and awkwardly, Zinnia positioned and braced herself as the bus lurched toward school, continually redistributing her body weight and the weight of her backpack in rhythm with the jerky, crowded vehicle. Kimberly tried to articulate the intricate dance Zinnia seemed to be performing, and when the bus braked just hard enough for Zinnia to fall face-first, Kimberly had an epiphany: "Hula-dupe!"

Etymology: hula (a hip-centric dance popular at Hawaiian resorts) + dupe (someone easily fooled)

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Created by: comborracha


Sentence: With all the seats taken on the light rail, I had to transfalance for 12 miles on the way to work yesterday!

Etymology: transit+free (i.e. handsfree)+ balance

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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: pole + not

Sentence: I'm the champion in morning Red Line polenot - I never, ever, ever move my feet or grab the railing.

Etymology: polevault but, with "not." (I know, it's iffy.)

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Created by: emilylind

Pronunciation: Say surf then never and finally hold .

Sentence: Shes a great Surfbutneverhold .


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Created by: libertybelle

Pronunciation: ph-ree-ray-ling

Sentence: Frank's germophobia made it necessary to freerail his way to work everyday; he'd rather eat tacks than hold onto the grimey handrails and straps.

Etymology: free (as in not secured) + railing (as in railroad)


That sounds like a sport too... Nice one! - Tigger, 2007-11-14: 00:25:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: tran sit dans

Sentence: Whenever Nellie travelled to the city, she would do the transitdance. It might be the subway samba or the bus bump or the train tango, but she managed to do it, without holding on to anytrhing. Too bad it wasn't yet an Olympic sport, because Nellie would win a gold medal!

Etymology: Transit (commute;movement of passengers) & Dance (move in a graceful and rhythmical way)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: koatch a ratcha

Sentence: Elena commuted everyday for an hour on the bus and never was able to find a seat or a gentleman on it. She used her time to practice her dance steps and most enjoyed The Coacharacha as she called it. One day she brought her music and swayed to that tune, keeping her balance and shaking her hips. Before long others were joining her to make their commute more fun. The driver was greatly amused to see her lead a conga line of dancers off the bus downtown. Eventually she got a T-Mobile commercial getting everyone at her stop at the town square to dance the coacharacha which was a huge hit on Youtube!

Etymology: Coach (a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport or a railcar where passengers ride) & La Cucaracha (A Latin mambo-style dance to the the tune of La Cucaracha, a popular Spanish/Mexican folksong about a cockroach, thought to satirize the Spanish American War)

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Created by: Kyoti

Pronunciation: TOOB-shoot-ing

Sentence: After 15 years of riding the El, and never being able to find a good seat, Charisma began tubeshooting and lost twelve pounds in the first three weeks.

Etymology: Tube: another name for an underground train or subway + Shooting: common description used by surfers to indicate catching a wave. Also called "riding the curl", or "shooting the tube".


nice - galwaywegian, 2008-10-12: 12:01:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: Tee tee see legs

Sentence: It took years for her to get her TTsealegs but once she did, she bought a metropass so that she could surf as often as possible.

Etymology: TTC (short for Toronto transit Commission) + sea legs


Good for tsetse flyers too - wordmeister, 2007-11-13: 09:27:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-13: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James'

Kevcom - 2007-11-13: 06:53:00
Interesting definition today!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-14: 00:00:00
Thanks! And it's a great sport too. Try it next time you ride the bus. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-03-09: 00:17:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James