Vote for the best verboticism.

'This bank machine is so stupid.'

DEFINITION: v., To have the strength of character, persistence of heart, and dimness of wit to follow an unchanging course of action even when it is completely ineffective. n., A person who unhappily does the same thing over and over again.

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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.


Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ri/duhn/duhns

Sentence: Amy is a classic redundunce who needs to do things thirty, or forty times before she realizes they don't work.

Etymology: redundant + dunce


good word good word good word good word - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-24: 10:35:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ri/duhn/duhns

Sentence: Jenny is a classic redundunce who needs to do things thirty, or forty times before she realizes they don't work.

Etymology: REDUNDUNCE - noun from REDUNDANT (unnecessary repetition) + DUNCE (dull-witted, stupid, or ignorant person)

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Created by: pungineer

Pronunciation: thick/o/mat

Sentence: Even though Petula was obviously a rocket scientist of some repute when it came to machines clearly marked out of order, she showed all the classic behaviours of your typical thickomat: the staring blankly, the repeated button pressing, the endless waiting for something to happen....

Etymology: thick (not terribly clever)+ o-mat (denoting humdrum machine) doormat (individual feeling powerless to change their circumstances)

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Created by: yellowbird

Pronunciation: more-on-toe-nus

Sentence: Jill was still morontonously swiping the stolen bank card and trying pin numbers when the police finally arrived.

Etymology: moron + monotonous


perfect for the cartoon - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-22: 11:46:00

Are moronobots always in a morontonous morutony? Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-23: 06:06:00


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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: ri-rut-oh-kur

Sentence: Jim purposely jammed the new Xerox machine and failed to fix it each time, having to call the technician in and do the dirty work. This was a common rerutoccurance for Jim, part of his daily repertoire on how to successfully annoy his co-workers.

Etymology: reoccur + rut

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Created by: youmustvotenato

Pronunciation: sigh-clo-sigh-ko

Sentence: Whenever you play angry birds, you tend to go cyclopsycho thinking the outcome will be different

Etymology: cycle and psychotic

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Created by: hiladizzle

Pronunciation: Pro-blu-seless

Sentence: Trying to use a broken phone is probluseless.

Etymology: Prolonged (to lengthen in duration) + Blue (holding or offering little hope; dismal; bleak) + Useless (without useful qualities; of no practical good)

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Created by: jhill1229

Pronunciation: klu lent

Sentence: The cluelant kept trying to unlock the car door with the ignition key.


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Created by: idavecook




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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: dee/ni/a/late

Sentence: In an attempt to one, not miss out on the sale at Bloomie's, and two not be humiliated in front of her peers, Dianne continued to denialate her Mastercard. By the time security and her husband pulled her away kicking and screaming, her card was but a shred of plastic hot to the touch.

Etymology: Denial: The act of asserting that something alleged is not true. Annihilate: To destroy a considerable part of.

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Created by: xirtam

Pronunciation: gal·lan· tard

Sentence: The gallantard knight returned every day for years trying to pull the sword from the stone.

Etymology: Old French galant + Latin retardāre

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Created by: KenM2

Pronunciation: rah-pea-chun

Sentence: She is in a constant state of repeation

Etymology: Repeat+action

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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: per-SIS-tard / dun-see-KAY-shun

Sentence: Donna was well known as a persistard. She would often continue to push the elevator button after it was lit, and would send back her Publisher's Clearing House entries (with subscriptions). She hoped her duncication would pay off one day.

Etymology: n: Persistard =persistance + (re)tard; v: Duncication = dunce + (dedi)cation


ha! - good one :) - Lidipop, 2007-10-24: 12:09:00

If I had been drinking milk whilst reading this it would have shot straight out my nose! :D Good one!! - Lolagrrl, 2007-10-24: 14:01:00

That actually is a good one, come to think of it! On another note, Isn't it funny to notice that you can almost tell how many points a word will have simply by looking at the comments? - Kevcom, 2007-10-24: 23:00:00


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Created by: svnfsvn

Pronunciation: dop timist

Sentence: phil felt like an doptimist while looking at his paycheck

Etymology: dope +optimist

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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: pur-DIHTS-tehns

Sentence: Alex proceeded to call the girl who dumped him with noble perditztence.

Etymology: persistence + ditz

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: per-syst-en-AY-shush

Sentence: Ingrid is never willing to accept any kind of failure, even if all the evidence substantiates it as final and complete, and she is persistenacious to a ridiculous degree in retrying her efforts repeatedly, thinking that in time repetition will win out.

Etymology: Blend of persist and tenacious.


Great blend. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-23: 06:04:00


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Created by: Mustang




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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: rēdoō-fəs

Sentence: Victor was such a redoofus that he spent 20 minutes punching the auto-opening key fob aimed at the wrong car. He did wonder who had put a bumper sticker for some random cause on his car and why he suddenly had a child's car seat in his car but still he persisted, moving to different angles and pushing the button harder. The only thing that broke his trance was the car owner getting in the car and driving away. That was the point at which he remembered that he was driving his wife's car because his was in the shop.

Etymology: redo (do (something) again or differently)+ doofus (do (something) again or differently)


funny and probably true - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-22: 11:47:00


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Created by: deanliddell

Pronunciation: oh-see-deed-hur

Sentence: Frank could never adjust to eating oat cereal and drinking coffee in the morning. The former was in hopes of lowering his cholesterol and the later was a bad habit. In combination these made him spend so much time in his morning constitution that he was always late for work. It never dawned on him to get up earlier, or just stop his bad habit.

Etymology: A phonetic variant of OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder, and a flippant reference to a serious psychological conditon where one persists in repetitive behaviors and mental acts that are not realistic to reduce their levels of stress and anxiety.

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Created by: libertybelle

Pronunciation: igg-nor-veer-ans

Sentence: Becky's ignorverance made her continually try to drive her Hummer under the bank drive through, knowing each time that she wouldn't fit and she'd have to back up and park.

Etymology: ignorance + perserverance

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Created by: kimbo123

Pronunciation: compulsive-dimwit

Sentence: She kept trying over and over making her a compulsivdimwit.


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: muh-RASS-sij-oo-ate

Sentence: Despite his best intentions, Bob morassiduated with morotony. His failure was not his " falling in the mud" but that he remained stuck there!

Etymology: Blend of MORON: a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment; or dim of wit; MORASS: any confusing or troublesome situation, esp. one from which it is difficult to free oneself; entanglement- "stuck in the mud" & ASSIDUATE: to be constant in application or effort; diligent in working at a task; to be persevering;


so many good words - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-22: 11:46:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: soo per floo zee it tee

Sentence: She'd been in the Game for a while and had seen her fortunes take a tumble over the past few years. And yet, each evening she spent hours dolling herself up and putting on provocative clothes to go out and do her job. Twila had earned the nickname Twilight Twila from her co-workers, the cops and the johns she had known. She walked in the area known as the Strip and plied her trade. But for the last few years, business was not booming, if fact many nights none of her gentlemen friends came calling. Still, she got on her see-through blouses,her mini skirts and her war paint before she hit the streets. She walked and walked every night to no avail. The other girls got attention, but never her anymore. Twila was a superflooziety, an underemployed hooker. She was beginning to wonder if her age was a factor...maybe she should start living off those government pension cheques she had been getting in the mail lately. Afterall, she wasn't likely to get a gold watch for her 45 years in this business! And besides, they did not make support hose in a fishnet style...

Etymology: Superfluous (more than is needed, desired, or required) & Floozie (a prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets)

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Created by: aholden2021




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Created by: bzav1

Pronunciation: tek - ni - o - pee - a

Sentence: In a state of technyopia, Larry continued to randomly push buttons on the remote control, begging for the DVD to begin.

Etymology: technology + myopia

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: ten as sit ee

Sentence: Ivana shows pure tenassity when she endlessly tries to get money out of her overdrawn account on the bank machine. She reckons that if she still has a card, it should still magically provide her with funds...

Etymology: Tenacity (persistent determination) & Ass (a pompous fool)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: dee-TERM-eh-nut

Sentence: Lucinda is a thorough determinut, never willing to accept any kind of failure, even though all indications prove that failure is final and absolute.

Etymology: Blend of 'determined' (resolute; staunch) and 'nut' (someone who is foolish, silly, or insane)

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Created by: Mrgoodtimes

Pronunciation: En - va - nahtee

Sentence: Pablo Dominguez III's invanity was unstoppable, despite the team's losing streak of 15 games he insisted it had nothing to do with his unique no goalie coaching strategy.

Etymology: Vanity - Insanity (doing the same thing over and over expecting diff results)

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Created by: NeuroGlyph




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Created by: wtwhitaker

Pronunciation: Per-sis-tens-com-pol-siv-dis-or-der

Sentence: Even though, in the back of her mind she knew it would never work, she really had PERSISTENCECOMPULSIVEDISOREDER to try her password again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again......... and again.


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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: un-yeel-ding-dong

Sentence: Despite the fact that it clearly didn't fit, Sue remained an unyieldingdong, and continuted to try to insert her house key into the car's ignition.

Etymology: unyielding, ding-dong


Great idea! But why not just "unyieldong"? - milorush, 2007-10-24: 10:28:00

funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-24: 10:38:00

Cuz then it would have a phallic connotation, which, in retrospect, might not have been a bad idea ;-). - purpleartichokes, 2007-10-24: 11:43:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: haf/wit/u/al

Sentence: Sally was a halfwitual bargain shopper who repeatedly bought the giant size box of cereal at Costco to save money and then always threw out half of it when it went stale.

Etymology: half wit + habitual


Excellent combination - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-23: 05:56:00


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Created by: CDH167

Pronunciation: un dee tard

Sentence: "She hasn't called me back about tonight's concert, so I'll just text her again. Don't look at me like I'm an undetard!"

Etymology: Blend of 'undeterred' and 'retard'

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: urr sissss tan sss

Sentence: On previous occasions her errsistance gained her victory. thid time, however, it got her a barring order and a suspended sentence.

Etymology: persistance, err

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Created by: sterncohen

Pronunciation: BUSH-ate

Sentence: OK, now we're really lost - would you stop being such a Bushate and ask somebody for directions?

Etymology: Bush, US President known for persisting at all costs with failed policies; -ate, suffix denoting a condition or state of being.

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Created by: greenbree

Pronunciation: ri/pi/te/a/dli

Sentence: my mom repeteadly wash the floor of the house, she can't stop is like an obsession.

Etymology: Repeat+adly

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈɹiˌfe(ɪ)l/ /ˈrē-ˌfāl/

Sentence: In contrast to general persistence, which may be caused by a rational belief that things may be different next time, refailure is usually the result of obsessiveness, denial, or distraction.

Etymology: re- + fail

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Created by: zxvasdf

Pronunciation: Sis-y-phu-tile

Sentence: Her chronic bankruptcy and sisyphutile efforts earned her glances of repulsed horror from the clerks at the Shopmart. It was task of sisyphutilean magnitude, and despite this he assumed responsibility. The hunt for weeds and insects became so inexorably sisyphutiling that gardening was no longer a pleasure. To sisyphutile or not to sisyphutile?

Etymology: Sisyphus (mythological figure sentenced to an eternity of rolling a stone to the top of a hill only to have it roll back down) & futile (ineffective)


wonderful etymology - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-22: 11:47:00

A classical beauty. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-23: 06:09:00


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Created by: MissRabbit

Pronunciation: Few-till-ih-bot

Sentence: "Tommy must have asked Jill out three hundred times. Can't he see she'll never say yes? What a futilibot!"

Etymology: Futile - ineffective, useless; Bot - from 'robot', programmed to perform one action


I have an obseesion with words based on robot: Ildrobot: [noun] Part female human & part electronic being, designed to live on planets other than Earth. [From ild, an Old Norse feminine affix, and robot; also androbot and humobot.] Love futilibot. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-23: 06:03:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: ridəndəns

Sentence: Mary couldn’t believe the guy she saw the other day at the mall. He was standing by the entrance pushing the handicap opener button over and over despite the out-of-order sign. What a redundunce, she thought as she walked around him and into the mall. As she looked back, he was still poking the button.

Etymology: redundance (no longer needed or useful; superfluous) + dunce (a person who is slow at learning; a stupid person)

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: naht (if you're from Boston) parr tik ewe larr leee proh fow nd hhhh og

Sentence: this notparticularlyprofoundhog woke up the next morning to find everything was the same... she was still broke.

Etymology: groundhog, not particularly profound


ewe go, guroundhog! - Nosila, 2010-02-20: 02:14:00


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Created by: FreakyDeak

Pronunciation: teh-nah-sill-ee


Etymology: Tenacity + Silly

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Created by: earljw

Pronunciation: rep-id-i-ot

Sentence: "Look at that repidiot over there trying that same dollar in that vending machine over and over."

Etymology: Repeat + idiot

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Created by: vmalcolm

Pronunciation: /rekurəst/

Sentence: After the shift, the poor supermarket cashier, told her workmates about the recurrist she had to deal with during the previous afternoon!

Etymology: RECURRIST. Recur (To happen, come up, or show up again or repeatedly) + -ist (suff. One that performs a specified action)

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Created by: Entombor2

Pronunciation: bly ond

Sentence: that girl is so bliond she deserves to lose her money.



Entombor2 like blond and lion - Entombor2, 2007-10-28: 17:09:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: thingk-thuhngk

Sentence: Some of Marsha's friends call her bone-headed. She prefers to think of herself as persistent. In any case she will thinkthunk her way through most any situation, rushing in and trying the first solution that occurs to her, banging her head against failure, backing up and trying it again until she breaks something or someone steps in to do it for her.

Etymology: think (to consider something as a possible action, choice, etc) + thunk (an abrupt, dull sound)

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Created by: ajnemajrje

Pronunciation: tuhn-ul-vizh-un-d

Sentence: John is so tunnelvisioned; he keeps doing the same thing over and over again.

Etymology: A person who is tunnel visioned sees nothing but the task at hand and an unrelenting need for the task at hand to come to fruition even though it may never do so.

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Created by: badsnudge




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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: mode dem oper an dom

Sentence: Cindy was a creature of habit. She hated changes and so she had problems keeping up with modern technology. Since she never kept her debit receipts, she never knew how much money was in her bank account. And since most of her bills were paid by auto deduction and all her revenue sources were paid by automatic deposit, she had even less clue. She'd swipe her card until it ran out of funds and still kept trying to get money from it, because she was unclear what "Cannot process transaction" really meant. Finally her friend suggested changing banks to help her with her modemoperandom issue. The new bank was called Blunt Bank. Now, whenever she had run out of funds, the message that came up was very simple: "Piss off, you're broke!"

Etymology: Modem ((from a combination of MOdulate and DEModulate) electronic equipment consisting of a device used to connect computers by a telephone line) & Random (lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance;taken haphazardly)& play on Modus Operandi (an unvarying or habitual method of procedure)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ri/duhn/duhns

Sentence: Jenny is a classic redundunce who needs to do things thirty, or forty times before she realizes they don't work.

Etymology: REDUNDUNCE - noun from REDUNDANT (unnecessary repetition) + DUNCE (dull-witted, stupid, or ignorant person)


Good word! - Nosila, 2008-09-22: 01:13:00

very nice - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-23: 05:57:00


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Created by: leechdude

Pronunciation: bon-brane

Sentence: Shauna went ballistic bonebraining thousands of times to get the lead out of her pencil.

Etymology: bone-head (common term used meant to mean "idiot") insead of head, brain.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: ridəndənsē

Sentence: With 3 months until his retirement, Jack*s job became completely unnecessary. In a benevolent gesture, the company assigned him to a task that was as mindless as anyone could imagine. It was like a case of senior Groundhog Day. The redunduncy almost drove him into early dementia. Where he once viewed retirement with reluctance he now embraced the idea with glee.

Etymology: redundancy (the state of being no longer needed or useful) + dunce (a person who is slow at learning; a stupid person)

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Created by: Chickp

Pronunciation: Dumb/sis/tence

Sentence: The pure dumbsistence of Betty made her try her card over and over again although it was telling her she had insufficient funds.

Etymology: Dumb+Persistence

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: re doo do

Sentence: Renate kept blindly trying to get blood out of a stone...or in her case, money out of an empty account. She was a perfect speciman of a redodo. Keewp doing it over and over until you got what you wanted. Sure she had put money in there and sure she had debited her account at every store in town, but she seemed to think that it would automatically replace itself. This is how the redodo's became extinct!

Etymology: Redo (do over) & Dodo (extinct heavy flightless bird;dumb as a dodo bird)

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Created by: thegoatisbad

Pronunciation: 'blis-nor-ence

Sentence: Kimberly's blissnorence of what happened to discarded sweaters behind the tool shed was well-deserved.

Etymology: bliss (happiness) + ignorance (lack of comprehension)


were they purl-loined? - Nosila, 2010-02-20: 02:15:00


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Created by: shalla

Pronunciation: more-on-and-on-and-on

Sentence: Jimmy watched the moronandonandon stop, look at the door questioningly, grab the door's handle, and for the fourth time visibly strain to pull it, ignoring the big red letters PUSH splashed across the door's center.

Etymology: moron (an idiot) + on and on and on (to keep going for an extended time)

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Created by: Lidipop

Pronunciation: Dee-toe-lou-per

Sentence: what a dittolooper, doesn't she notice the line up behind her!!!

Etymology: ditto(same) + looper(tool that forms a loop) =dittolooper.

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Created by: Kevcom

Pronunciation: nerr-oh-new-gat-tory

Sentence: The frustrated kid slams his fingers down onto the keyboard in a Neuronugatorial fashion. The kid is playing Halo, but his machine just can't handle the special effects. Frquent slams of the hands try to unfreeze the frozen screen. Yet nothing happens when your neuronugatorial!

Etymology: neurotic + nugatory (obsessive + meaningless)

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Created by: thebaron


Sentence: You've got to be a real repodrone to work at that shoe factory!


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Created by: Lolagrrl

Pronunciation: ree-D'OHn-dant

Sentence: My inner genius was obviously out buying bagels as I redohndantly searched the house for the glasses perched neatly atop my noggin.

Etymology: Redundant - Exceeding what is necessary or natural + D'OH! - a statement that embodies all things idiotic. Made famous by Homer Simpson.


That bespectacled noggin must belong to a real d' beat me to the d'oh, d'oh! nice word - pungineer, 2007-10-24: 12:08:00


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Created by: zavijava


Sentence: She was sure that the door opened to the outside, that she kept pulling on it, even after her dimtermination gave her a broken nail.

Etymology: dim+determination

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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: lanced/a/lot

Sentence: Steve repeatedly lancedalot his hand as he took his daily shortcut swinging over the barbed wire fence.

Etymology: Lancelot (the bravest of King Arthur's knights) + lance + alot

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Created by: looseball


Sentence: her persestant actover is spell-binding


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: eh-feet-NAS-i-tee

Sentence: Despite his best intentions, Bob crassiduated with effetenacity. His failure was not his " falling in a hole" but that, as a rutator, he remained there!

Etymology: Effetenacity: (effete & tenacity), effete:incapable of efficient action... Crassiduate:(crass & assiduate), ... Rutator: (rut & rotator)

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: dum-as-sid-you-us

Sentence: I stood in line for 25 minutes because of a dumbassiduous woman who believed if she just tried harder the money would appear in her bank account.

Etymology: dumbass: someone who is not very bright; blockhead + assiduous: persistent;

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Created by: Kyoti

Pronunciation: Druhj-myool

Sentence: Gavin knew he needed to buy a new car, but money was tight, so he was going to remain a drudgemule every morning while spending 10-15 minutes coaxing the engine to life.

Etymology: Drudgery: difficult work + mule: stubborn animal.

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Created by: gothred

Pronunciation: Ree-pet-ee-turd


Etymology: repeat; to do something over and over, turd, faecal matter, slang for idiot. To do something over and over like an idiot.

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Created by: DrWebsterIII

Pronunciation: kart blaank

Sentence: Barbie was so cartblank, she thought any plastic card she used was carte blanche at any ATM for her monetary desires

Etymology: A spin off of carte blanche (a blank check) Making someone go card blank, crazy

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Re-pet-a-twit

Sentence: Tom was such a repetatwit that when he dialled a wrong number he would constantly use redial, in the hope of eventually gettng to speak to the right person.

Etymology: Repeat(To do or occur in the same way or form) + Twit(A foolish or silly person = Repetatwit

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Created by: veranadine


Sentence: I am not going to move back in with you Todd! Do I look like a bushifier or something? After maxing out ten others, he proceeded to bushify his way through yet another gold mastercard.


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Created by: MithrilShadow

Pronunciation: Pronounced phonetically

Sentence: The lady was insandant, she swiped her credit card through the machine for minutes even though it wasn't on.

Etymology: From the words "Insanity: something utterly foolish or unreasonable", "Insistence: continuing or inclined to persist in a course", and "Redundant: characterized by similarity or repetition"

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Created by: Katie

Pronunciation: Re-app-alate-shun



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Created by: milorush

Pronunciation: (n.) thĭk-tōō'-ĭt-tĭv-nĭs

Sentence: Margary's refusal to give up on her shiftless, alcoholic, womanizing husband demonstrates the thicktoitiveness of the proverbial moron looking for the corner of a round room.

Etymology: thick = "mentally slow; stupid; dull" + "-toitiveness (suffix from sticktoitiveness = "dogged perseverance; resolute tenacity")


libertybelle brilliant!! - libertybelle, 2007-10-24: 16:25:00

My other word for this definition was "duhtermination." - milorush, 2007-10-25: 10:59:00


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Created by: alanahnichole

Pronunciation: {}



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Created by: libwen




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Created by: brimuth

Pronunciation: boar - on - ist

Sentence: A compulsive boronist, James would stick at the same pointless task, despite knowing it was futile to comtinue.

Etymology: A boring person who honestly thinks his repeated actions will produce a desired result.

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: re/peet/in/offen/dur

Sentence: Sally was a repeatinoffender happily waiting for the bus for 15 minutes everyday before deciding to walk to the subway instead. The bus route was cancelled years ago.

Etymology: repeat offender + inoffensive

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Created by: Missnah

Pronunciation: Normally pronounced as stewp/tish/un, but the less common Stew/pa/tish/un is also heard.

Sentence: The stupetitious behaviour of the dog who kept trying to catch the cats through the closed window was hilarious for all those who were watching his numerous failed attempts.

Etymology: Stu- stems fro the word stupid, meaning idiotic. -petition comes from the word repitition meaning doing the same thing more than once

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: few-TILL-it-err-ay-shun

Sentence: Marjorie was an idiotto. Her futiliteration had been rewarded by a long, but unfulfilling, career in the jar inspection role at the glassworks.

Etymology: futile + iteration (idiotto -- idiot + ditto)


libertybelle terrific!! - libertybelle, 2007-10-24: 16:23:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-24: 01:27:00
Today's definition was suggested by Osomatic. Thank you Osomatic! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-19: 00:19:00
Today's definition was suggested by Osomatic. Thank you Osomatic. ~ James