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DEFINITION: n. A pop culture entertainment property, which has transcended itself and become a de facto religion with legions of devotees, prescribed rituals and sacred texts. v. To follow a pop culture icon with unquestioning devotion.
Top verboticism of the day created by mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: i-con-o-lize
Sentence: Some celebrities, musical stars and sports figures have been so iconolized in the press that they can be girlfriend beaters, wife cheaters, drug abusive, self-indulgent idiots and still command the love and admiration of millions of followers who have no idea what a real hero is.
Etymology: icon: an idol; one who is the object of devotion + idolize: to regard with blind devotion or devotion; to worship as an idol
Created by: mrskellyscl.
it's good :) - sanssouci, 2010-01-13: 18:47:00
More Top Verboticisms:
(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Cultasy: /cul-tas-ee/ Jimmy and Jenny met at a 'X-Men' conference in New York last year. What they love most about their cultasy are the costumes and the chants recited three times a day in hopes that they will come in contact with the natural earth bound x-rays which will transform them like their heros. Etymology: cult + fantasy Created by: Stevenson0.
X-cellent! - Nosila, 2010-01-14: 01:56:00
Americanidolater: /am erik an eye doll a ter/ It starts with auditions in several cities each season. The best and the worst are shown and voted through by a panel of esteemed judges to the next tier of competition. Eventually everyone in North America gets hooked and calls to vote for their favorites. Hitherto unknowns are all of a sudden the talk around water coolers each morning and each member of the general public will become an americanidolater. Millions of votes are cast each week until a winner is chosen. Sadly, not that many people vote in elections. Of course if the people running for office were as honest as Simon or as talented as the unknowns on stage, maybe election participation would improve greatly... Etymology: American Idol (Pop Culture tv series where nobody's can audition their sining talents for judges and win big money & recording contracts and become overnight sensations) & Idolater (a devoted worshipper and admirer of idols) Created by: Nosila.
Lennonite: /len - un - eyt/ In 1965, Julia became a Lennonite. She listened to the Beatles endelessly and became so obsessed with John Lennon that she worshipped him as if he were a God. Etymology: Lennon (John Lennon), Mennonite ( a group of Christian Anabaptist denominations ) Created by: mweinmann.
Lennonite this is a fab word, I am suprised there wasn't a mass cult dedicated to Lennon anyway. - sanssouci, 2010-01-13: 18:50:00
Imagine... - Nosila, 2010-01-13: 21:21:00
To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: Going where no man has gone before.
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Today's definition was inspired by Robert J. Sawyer. One of the neat things about Rob's writing is that he likes to ask questions about the big issues -- like religion and ethics -- while he peppers his stories with pop culture references. And one of his favorite pop icons is Star Trek! Rob we love you! And we celebrate Star Trek in your honor! Not that we're getting religious about it or anything... Thanks! ~ James
scrabbelicious - 2008-08-12: 16:18:00