Verboticism: Dejavogue
DEFINITION: n., A fashion item so old that it has gone out of and come back into style. v., To save outdated clothing hoping that it will come back into style.
Created by: kabloozie
Pronunciation: day-jah-vOg
Sentence: Mom, I don't think that Dynasty era jacket and those massive shoulder pads are in dejavogue just yet.
Etymology: deja vu + vogue
Points: 686
Comments: Dejavogue
kabloozie - 2007-10-17: 02:51:00
...getting out my Dolphin shorts any day now...
MrDave2176 - 2007-10-17: 17:22:00
You and I seem to be on the same channel...(or is that Chanel?)
OZZIEBOB - 2007-10-17: 17:45:00