Verboticism: Perrieritate

DEFINITION: v. tr. To obsessively carry a water bottle always by one's side, regardless of how inconvenient, unnecessary, or impolite it may be. n. A person who constantly sips, sucks and gulps at a water bottle, fearing death by dehydration.
Created by: doseydotes
Pronunciation: pair-ee-ay-i-tate, or alternatively, pair-ee-ear-i-tate
Sentence: Bob's constant slurping from his water bottle in Tiffany's so perrieritated Meg that she finally cried out, "Give me that, you perrieritant!"
Etymology: Perrier + irritate
Points: 1070
Comments: Perrieritate
silveryaspen - 2008-02-21: 20:36:00
So good, but I saw it so late! I wish I had three votes! It's Great!