Verboticism: Rosettastorage
DEFINITION: n. An old media format that is no longer popular or easily accessible, such as floppy disks, VHS tapes or stone tablets. v. To try to access data stored in an old-fashioned media format, especially it requires the use archaic technology and/or protocols.
Created by: Banky
Pronunciation: row-set-tah-store-ridge
Sentence: Alex was fixated on amassing the largest collection of rosettastored modern media in the known world. The crown jewels in his menagerie were wax cylinders of Nine Inch Nails' "The Downward Spiral", "The Godfather Part III" presented in a swimming pool sized Zoetrope, and the painstaking and somewhat ironic translation of "The Mummy" in handpainted hieroglyphics. He would take various tour groups through the displays, pointing out the 8400 5 1/4" floppy disk download of the Wikipedia database on the left, the Russian woodcarvings of "Rocky IV" (mostly featuring gilded images of Drago as a werebear), and a series of dangerous pop-up books chronicling late 1970s blaxploitation pornography. Twice daily he would present various skits on a weekly rotating schedule; retellings of Judith Light Lifetime movies of the week in comedia dell'arte Punch and Judy shows, morality plays based on "Snow White" with wildly different dwarves, epic poems in which he related the trials and travels of Richard Branson, and on special occasions would present weeklong mesquite fueled smoke-signal presentations of Cormac McCarthy novels. His latest undertaking, an exhibit of "Norbit" on a series of Grecian urns was expected within the week.
Etymology: Rosetta stone - the large granite stone found by the French in 1799 which facilitated the deciperhing of Egyptian hieroglyphics + storage
Points: 1052
Comments: Rosettastorage
Jamagra - 2008-03-14: 11:21:00
Great word, awesome sentence!
Jamagra - 2008-03-14: 13:06:00
Great word, awesome sentence!
Jabberwocky - 2008-03-14: 14:16:00
silveryaspen - 2008-03-14: 17:58:00
OZZIEBOB - 2008-03-16: 17:06:00
Love the use of "rosseta". Great sentence,also.