Verboticism: Himpression

'I'm dancing on the boss's desk  '

DEFINITION: v., To facilitate camaraderie among your colleagues by making fun at your boss's expense, only to discover that you-know-who is standing right behind you. n., A professional faux pas made with the best intentions.

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: him/presh/un

Sentence: Elaine was a hoot. No matter how bad the day was going, she could always uplift the mood in Purchasing. Unfortunately, having her back to the boss's office door turned her last afternoon "show" into nothing more than a horrifying himpression. Needless to say, Elaine doesn't work here anymore. :(

Etymology: Being caught by a male while doing an impression of him.

Points: 1094

Comments: Himpression

Nosila - 2008-10-22: 01:15:00
Himpressive word!