Verboticism: Deficipe

'You made that without using a real turkey?'

DEFINITION: v., To leave out an important ingredient when you are sharing a favorite recipe so that no one else can make it taste as good as yours. n., A recipe that is missing one or more key ingredients.

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Created by: logarithm

Pronunciation: dih-fI-sih-pi

Sentence: Cheng is tired of people asking for his mouth-watering roast duck recipe, so he created a deficipe instead to be given out to anyone, anytime without have to worry if it would affect his restaurant business.

Etymology: 1) Deficient: falling short of some prescribed norm. 2) Recipe: directions for making something.

Points: 662

Comments: Deficipe

logarithm - 2008-11-27: 01:34:00
Cheng is tired of people asking for his mouth-watering roast duck recipe, so he created a deficipe instead to be given out to anyone, anytime without have to worry about his restaurant business.

logarithm - 2008-11-27: 01:35:00
Sheet I accidentally wrote the sentence in the comment box again! :-P