Verboticism: Hootingallery

DEFINITION: v. To express your love of nature by covering your lawn with statues, ornaments and other plastic figurines. n. A home which is infested with gnomes, elves, plastic animals, and other lawn ornaments.
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: hoot ing gal ur ee
Sentence: Fey Array bought every whimsical and fanciful, other worldly and unwordly, lawn knick-knack, and bit of bric-a-brac, of mythical and mystical, gnomes, elves, fairies, grrr-animals, and even a few alien indiscernibles. She then rigged them, so they would talk and sing, grunt and groan, squeek and squawk, and even moan. Her yard was not only a bijouterie, it was a hootery. Her loud cacaphony of embellishments, (some say it was an emhellishment) not only stunnged the eyes, it also blasted the ears .... until the day, old man Remington went shooting in her hootingallery!
Etymology: HOOT, HOOTING, GALLERY. Yes hootingallery is a pun of SHOOTING GALLERY. Hoot - any things (or anyone) that are highly amusing and funny. Hooting - shouting and laughing sounds that are usually quite loud. Gallery - has many meanings but the one that applies here is: a place where objects are exhibited. /// FEY ARRAY - is a word play on Faye Wray who starred in the original King Kong film. Fey means mystical. Array - a collection of objects arranged for viewing. /// bijou - ornamental objects and trinkets. Thus a bijouterie is the place where these are. (I thought bijouterie was a real word but didn't find it in Encarta's online dictionary and was too tired/lazy to look in other dictionaries.) /// In my Fictionary, a hootery is any collection of items that are a hoot or make hooting noises. /// Emhellishment is a verbotomy of embellishment and hell. /// Stunnged is a verbotomy of stunned and stung. /// Thank goodness this long etymology is doneg! (done/dung)
Points: 1607