Verboticism: Charmideous

DEFINITION: n. A lovable yet stupid pet. v. To be dumb, fat, lazy, arrogant, and totally, completely, irresistibly cute.
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: charm id E us
Sentence: He rescued the mixed-breed bassett from the phound. The poor mutt had long, matted, hair, desperately in need of shampooing and clipping, along with a frighteningly ugly, part boxer, part schnauzer, part pugly, face ... earning him the name of Scrunge Bob Scare Pants ... so charmideous he was a blessing in disguise!
Etymology: HIDEOUSLY, CHARMING = CHARMIDEOUS. // A pound for hounds is a phound. // Pug ugly is pugly.
Points: 1895
Comments: Charmideous
Nosila - 2009-04-23: 19:24:00
Love it! Scrunge Bob Scare Pants -ha, what a tail. If I had a Bassett, I'd call it Angela!