Verboticism: Transglamorphrenia

'What's wrong with your husband's voice?'

DEFINITION: n. A person who adopts the stylings, mannerisms and even of the personality of their favorite rock, movie or television star. v. To derive your identity from someone else, especially a famous person.

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Created by: hyperborean

Pronunciation: trans-glam-ur-frehn-ee-uh

Sentence: His transglamorphrenia made him think he was deceiving others into believing he was Diana Ross. He pulled it off fairly well considering he weighed three hundred pounds and lived in a homeless shelter for men.

Etymology: trans (change, transfer, as in transvestite) + glamor (an air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement) + phrenia (mental disorder, as in schizophrenia)

Points: 1286

Comments: Transglamorphrenia

Jabberwocky - 2009-05-06: 13:25:00
funny sentence