Verboticism: Jobogma

'Do you think I should stick to the plan?'

DEFINITION: v. To stick to your plan even though you've realized it's dumb. n. A stupid plan, especially if it's a career plan suggested by parents, teachers or guidance counselors who want you to be something that you're not.

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: job-OGG-muh

Sentence: Her aptitude test just made her depressed- Said her fate was to be a Webmaster… But a shepherd of sheep was her dreamjob BoPeep knew that techiestuff just slipped on past her. She decided to take their JOBOGMA to heart- And swore by it with her every breath- A servant of haste on the World Wide Waste, She cried at her Blue Screen Of Death.

Etymology: JOB+(bog)+dOGMA= JOBOGMA.....JOB: something produced by or as if by work; perhaps from obsolete English job lump.....BOG: transitive verb : to cause to sink into or as if into a bog or a deadend job, impede, mire; Middle English (Scots), from Scottish Gaelic & Irish bog- (as in bogluachair bulrushes), from bog marshy, literally, soft, from Middle Irish bocc; probably akin to Old English būgan to bend.....DOGMA: a point of view or tenet put forth by a career counselor as authoritative without adequate grounds; Latin dogmat-, dogma, from Greek, from dokein to seem.

Points: 1601

Comments: Jobogma

metrohumanx - 2009-06-08: 05:14:00
I'm a little dismayed by the lowbrow profanity that gets twittered....

Nosila - 2009-06-08: 21:26:00
Welcome back, metro...missed youand your witticisms!

mweinmann - 2009-06-09: 08:13:00
great word....good to see you creating again...