Verboticism: Napigate

DEFINITION: n. A state of heightened, subconscious awareness that allows drivers to "safely" navigate and control a vehicle without watching the road. v. To drive without bothering to watch where you are going.
Created by: Nuwanda
Pronunciation: nap-a-gate
Sentence: After years of working the graveyard shift, Joel was highly skilled at napigating between his home and workplace. So successful in fact, that after retiring, he would sometimes awake with a start to find himself trying to unlock his old office.
Etymology: Navigate plus nap.
Points: 857
Comments: Napigate
artr - 2009-09-30: 14:43:00
I hate it when I go to work when I don\'t have to.
Nosila - 2009-10-01: 01:30:00
Love it...