Verboticism: Fauxnaticism

DEFINITION: v. To pretend to be enthusiastic even when you are not, simply because everyone else is. n. Fake enthusiasm.
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: foh-NAT-uh-siz-um
Sentence: 'I don't think I like wearing these orange robes,' Donald reflected, as he chanted "Hare Krishna" along with his two new friends at the airport, 'and baldness doesn't really suit me either.' But as a passerby dropped a coin into his bowl, his friends both gave him encouraging smiles, and in his fauxnaticism, all his doubts were quickly forgotten.
Etymology: Faux (artificial or imitation; fake) & Fanaticism (excessive, irrational zeal).
Points: 1163
Comments: Fauxnaticism
Nosila - 2009-12-08: 09:27:00