Verboticism: Stavine

DEFINITION: v. To see beauty in the midst of a complete disaster. n. The ability to see beauty in the rainbow hues of a toxic oil spill, or in the remnants of a poster torn down long ago, or in the subtle cracks in the plaster of a cheap, cold-water flat.
Created by: BeauKnows
Pronunciation: Sta-Vine
Sentence: Jim and Linda's water heater has a terrible leak. Upon moving for repairs Jim noticed an unusual water spot. Linda right behind him yelled and pointed, "Jesus!". Jim in shock, bowed his head and said "It's so stavine".
Etymology: Stain: A discoloration produced by foreign matter having penetrated into or chemically reacted with a material; a spot not easily removed. Divine : pertaining to a god, especially the Supreme Being.
Points: 836