Verboticism: Joklivity

'I can't believe I fell in love with this guy'

DEFINITION: n. An ingrained habit which is so entrenched in individual's personality that they practically have an identity crisis if anyone tries to change it. v. To try to modify a person's instinctive behavior and/or unconscious habits.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: joh-kliv-i-tee

Sentence: Andy sees humor in almost every situation. He is always clowning around to make his friends laugh. His joklivity ran head-first into the noclivity of the TSA agent at the airport and almost got him excluded from his flight. That could have caused woeclivity.

Etymology: joke (something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act) + proclivity (natural or habitual inclination or tendency; propensity; predisposition)

Points: 1061