Verboticism: Predispaversion
DEFINITION: v. To prevent someone from participating in an undesired activity by engaging them in another activity which makes it impossible to do the first. n. Two things cannot be done at the same time.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: pree-dis-puh-vur-zhuh
Sentence: When Janet noticed her boyfriend, Jamie's propensity for chewing on pens, she decided to treat his bad habit with predispaversion. She dipped all the pens in the house in hot sauce. Her little experiment backfired when he developed a taste for the fiery concoction and almost doubled their food and pen budget. She also got burned the other morning when she wrote her self a note with one of her mangled pens just before applying her eye shadow.
Etymology: predisposition (tendency to a condition or quality, usually based on the combined effects of genetic and environmental factors) + aversion (a strong feeling of dislike, opposition, repugnance, or antipathy)
Points: 1367