DEFINITION: n., The uneasiness, social discomfort, and/or impending sense of doom which occurs when you realize that you’ve sent out a few too many emails after drinking way too much. v. intr., To be worried about your social standing after a night of heavy drinking and stupid emailing.
VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Clicksand: /klik – sand/ Knowing there was nothing he could do to fix the inevitable drunken harm he’d done at the keyboard the previous night, Bob accepted the impending reprocussions as he stewed in his own clicksand. Etymology: click (computer or texting) + (quick)sand + click send (modified past tense of clicking the send button to send an email that now cannot be unsent) Created by: Magnetic.
Comments on Clicksand:
silveryaspen, 2008-02-08: 11:30:00
Excellent choice of words well blended into into a simple clear-meaning catchy verboticism. Reprocussions is a nifty one, too. Excellent creations!Jabberwocky, 2008-02-08: 12:47:00
fantastic wordOZZIEBOB, 2008-02-10: 16:40:00
absolutely great!
Tipsymailaise: /tip-see-mail-ayz/ After a night of pounding down shots, singing rousing bouts of “What Shall We Do With a Drunken Mailer?”, and sending out dozens of Jack Danmails, Bob awoke to an In Box full of hate mail, three computer viruses, and a heavy sense of tipsymailaise. Etymology: tipsy, email, malaise Created by: purpleartichokes.
Comments on Tipsymailaise:
galwaywegian, 2008-02-08: 06:28:00
Sounds like a fairly nasty dis e-asesilveryaspen, 2008-02-08: 11:25:00
Terrific Puns … Double Funs! Can I get tipsymalise from the fumes when I open JackDanmails?Jabberwocky, 2008-02-08: 12:46:00
nice one purple and now I’ve got that song n my head for the rest of the daypicabomama, 2008-02-09: 07:59:00
I especially like the reference Jack Danmails in the sentence.OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-10: 16:52:00
Great sentence; luv the word!
Rogueemailephant: /rowg-emial-efant/ The rogueemailephant finally sent one too many drunken emails which forced the company into bankruptcy. He hasn’t been herd from since, although it has been speculated that he may try to join the Societe Generelephants. Etymology: email + rogue elephant (person who avoids others) Created by: Jabberwocky.
Comments on Rogueemailephant:
galwaywegian, 2008-02-08: 07:38:00
I assume he will packiederm his bags and gosilveryaspen, 2008-02-08: 10:45:00
You’re very hugely creative, today! Evokes thoughts of rogue mails big as elephants! Can you e-male us ladies some to Njoy? (very red faced with longlived laughter)silveryaspen, 2008-02-08: 10:46:00
Great puns … through and through … you are so good at what you do!purpleartichokes, 2008-02-08: 11:44:00
And here’s the sad truth about drunken elephants…, 2008-02-08: 12:52:00
truly shocking story but at least they went out happyNosila, 2008-02-09: 03:51:00
Very cute, almost Babaric…did you pull that one out of your trunk?OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-10: 16:50:00
Creative and interesting!
Egret: /like regret, drop the first R/ It was the morning after the big celebration and Dmitri woke in a puddle of his own sick. Worried that he may have defiled his prized laptop, he gingerly tapped the mouse and waited. What he found was a fully operational computer, buzzing with reply e-mails. The previous evening’s activities came into sharper focus as he scanned the subject lines in his in-box. His EGRET reached it’s zenith as he read the e-mail firing him from the very job promotion he had been celebrating. Etymology: regret, and e-mail Created by: picabomama.
Comments on Egret:
silveryaspen, 2008-02-08: 18:12:00
Excellent! Short and right to the point!Mustang, 2008-02-09: 04:10:00
Great verboticism
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Definition Comments:
Verbotomy – 2008-02-08: 03:25:00
Today’s definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ JamesTigger – 2008-02-08: 14:30:00
Ahh, e-mail and alcohol… They go together like peas and carrots, or like ‘lack of inhibition’ and ‘lack of employment’,