Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., The uneasiness, social discomfort, and impending sense of doom which occurs when you realize that you've sent out a few too many emails after drinking way too much. v., To worry about your social status after a night of heavy drinking and stupid emailing.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: jranderson22
Pronunciation: dih-jee-gret
Sentence: I had a creeping sense of digigret that only worsened when I took a look inside my sent folder.
You really gave the finger to digigret! (lol) I'm wondering what other daring deeds those creeping digits did to cause digigret? Very funny verboticism! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-08: 21:24:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: vädkənēzēmāl
Sentence: When Bill woke up Sunday he vaguely remembered spending much of his Saturday night catching up with his friends. He cringed at the thought that he had sent a scathing vodkuneasymail to his boss. You can imagine how relieved he was when he found that email still in the drafts folder. A quick delete and a couple Advil improved the morning greatly.
Etymology: vodka (an alcoholic spirit of Russian origin made by distillation of rye, wheat, or potatoes) + eneasy (causing or feeling anxiety; troubled or uncomfortable) + email (messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: ben-der-sen-der
Sentence: A chill went through Cheryl as the third person directed a cold shoulder in her direction. Was this a harBINGEr of doom? That old bendersender feeling returned when she got to her desk, saw the empty bottle and red wine stains on the keyboard.
Etymology: bender (a heavy drinking session) sender (one who emails others)
I love the way your brain bends to come up with these! - emdeejay, 2008-12-03: 04:46:00
a bendersendermend - is the apology that follows in an attempt to redress offenses - petaj, 2008-12-03: 05:09:00
Addressed to the bendersender's friends? - emdeejay, 2008-12-03: 05:27:00
harBINGEr - laughed and thought it a great create - silveryaspen, 2008-12-03: 17:05:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: fayse down book
Sentence: When Leonard came home from work and got soused every night, he often felt a strong urge to phone, email, text or Facebook everyone he had ever known and say rambunctious things,which he did not remember in the morning. One morning, after such an he had achieved facedownbook, when his boss unfriended him by disabling him;his girl dumped him by text and he felt like a real A-ol...his textoserone was at an all-time low.
Etymology: Facebook (popular social media site on computer) & Face down (fallen on the floor;drunk;out of it)
Created by: loxhobabl
Pronunciation: al-kwur-tee
Sentence: Alcqwerty and boredom led to my rant on IM yesterday morning.
Etymology: alcohol + QWERTY
Created by: gregoriantumor
Pronunciation: al-ko-spam-i-tis
Sentence: The Nigerian spammer accuses his chronic spamming to alcospamitis.
Etymology: English; adj/adverb, 14th century
Created by: picabomama
Pronunciation: like regret, drop the first R
Sentence: It was the morning after the big celebration and Dmitri woke in a puddle of his own sick. Worried that he may have defiled his prized laptop, he gingerly tapped the mouse and waited. What he found was a fully operational computer, buzzing with reply e-mails. The previous evening's activities came into sharper focus as he scanned the subject lines in his in-box. His EGRET reached it's zenith as he read the e-mail firing him from the very job promotion he had been celebrating.
Etymology: regret, and e-mail
Excellent! Short and right to the point! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-08: 18:12:00
Great verboticism - Mustang, 2008-02-09: 04:10:00
Created by: hyperborean
Sentence: I looked at my phone this morning and realized iMeffed.
Etymology: i as in iPhone and effed as euphemism for f#!@ed.
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: Drunks-mails
Sentence: Dimwhitter Derloke had a very bad habit of sending drunkzmailz speaking his inebriated mind...when he should have gone to sleep instead of typing drunk.
Etymology: A play on the words Drunks and Mails.
Verbotomy - 2008-02-08: 03:25:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James
Tigger - 2008-02-08: 14:30:00
Ahh, e-mail and alcohol... They go together like peas and carrots, or like 'lack of inhibition' and 'lack of employment',
- 2008-02-26: 00:18:00
You hit my head with the bottle!
- 2008-02-26: 00:22:00
twice now!
Verbotomy - 2010-04-28: 00:22:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James