Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v., To counsel patience and caution when it comes to romantic endeavors. n., An unexpected or unwanted chaperon who has a special knack for "putting ice on it" when people get the "hots".
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: lust - bust - ur
Sentence: Denise's mom ran to get the lustbuster when she noticed her daughter's date putting his arm around her. Duke's imposing stature and menacing growl soon cooled things off in the living room.
Etymology: lust (strong sexual attraction/urges)+ buster (someone or something who breaks things up)
Created by: emdeejay
Pronunciation: show ver row ver
Sentence: Candy was a carefree spirited soul whose adherence to her father Bob's moral standards could only be described as loose. Whilst this made her popular around many ends in town, her frolicksome nature was an embarrassment to Bob, as she would often attend the Sunday service looking a tad unkempt. After answering the door to yet another 'suitor' whose agenda was barely hidden, Bob decided to act. No longer would he watch them come and go. Only gents cut from the finest of cloth would be suitable for his Candy. He quickly hatched a plan, and the pup arrived the next day. By walking him past the towns seediest establishments, Bob trained the dog in the art of pheremone detection. When he took a shining to Candy, Bob knew he had done it! No more would you notice an errant hormone under his roof. After a few acid tests they named him in honour of his waftily touted snout: Chauvirover.
Etymology: (Male) Chauvinist: Man who demeans and objectifies women, often sexually. Rover: Standard issue canine name. Innuend... oh, never mind.
Very clever. Never thought of a guard dog before as a chastity belt! - silveryaspen, 2008-12-05: 01:55:00
Shove her over! - petaj, 2008-12-05: 02:34:00
a diamond in the "ruff" - Jabberwocky, 2008-12-05: 12:36:00
rover shows up it.. - mweinmann, 2008-12-06: 09:16:00
Created by: ianbkk
Pronunciation: WOE - cowboy
Sentence: Her woecowboy of a bestfriend walked in just as I was getting into my stride.
Etymology: Woe - sadness and a play on 'whoa'
Excellent! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-13: 12:51:00
Created by: paperhoard
Pronunciation: Wood-in-ate-or
Sentence: Jim thought he was going to get lucky with the office secretary until the dreaded woodinator appeared from behind the water cooler. Jim's quickly turned into a stick of warm butter.
Etymology: Wood - as in "to be sporting wood" an erection. Terminator - a person or thing that terminates (i.e. the wood).
Oh what he wood'n'do! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-13: 13:11:00
Created by: Nuwanda
Pronunciation: that's no moray
Sentence: When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie...that's amore. When your dad barges in while you're engaging in sin...thatsnomore. When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine...that's amore. When your roommate says "Hi! Oh, you're not the same guy!"...thatsnomore
Etymology: A slight tweaking of the Tony Bennett classic song.
Big hit here ... big as the song! If I were a teacher, I'd give it a Four A ! - silveryaspen, 2008-12-05: 15:10:00
Created by: 8Revolution8
Pronunciation: a/more/a/tude
Sentence: David does not want to go near Carol after the latest incident with her dad, and also her dad's got amoratude
Etymology: amour (love) + atitude (sharp attitude towards when someone gets the 'hots'
pretty sick word - dalmero8, 2008-02-13: 17:33:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: soup err droup err
Sentence: Rex was the perfect superdrooper, his smell alone had been known to counteract two viagra and a bottle of chianti.
Etymology: supertrooper(ask your parents if you're too young to remember ABBA), droop.
Great etymology ... even if recognizing it is outageous of me! Silly rhymes ... passing times ...your verbot does both for we! Ryhming, too! Your verbot has much for all! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-13: 13:34:00
Mama Mia, funny word! - purpleartichokes, 2008-02-13: 19:21:00
Interesting word. Sic em Rex! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-13: 19:29:00
Created by: dochanne
Pronunciation: Stall-a-moor
Sentence: Jackie had gone to a lot of effort, made dinner, set the table with candles and ensured her housemate was elsewhere for the evening. The final touches added to her hair and a spritz of perfume, then, her heart racing, she answered the doorbell.. His collogne was intoxicating and the smile enticing, a single rose in his hand. Dinner went well and the wine was flowing as fast as her pulse, his hand holding hers, when a sound startled them. A key in the front door, her flatmate home. What the hell? He withdrew and got shy, started clearing the dishes. Katie all smiles tut-tutted and loitered, her stupid flatmate playing stallamour again!
Etymology: Stall - to come to a halt, falter, or delay. Amour - hormone flushed embraces and love
great little story - Jabberwocky, 2008-12-05: 12:40:00
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈmeɪdṇˌfɛns/
Sentence: Even though her parents were out of town, her obnoxious nudgwink of a little brother kept making lewd comments every time I even looked at her, and that was enough of a maidenfence to keep me from even thinking about any hanky-panky.
Etymology: from maiden(head) + fence. Kinda looks like it has "defense" in there too.
K/nightly sword play! (fencing) Evokes the romaticism of a past age of chivalry. Very nice verbot! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-13: 13:09:00
Verbotomy - 2008-02-13: 00:21:00
Today's definition was suggested by freakystyley. Thank you freakystyley. ~ James
Dougalistic - 2008-02-13: 04:38:00
Great verbinition freakystyley!
dalmero8 - 2008-02-13: 17:29:00
pretty sick i have to say
galwaywegian - 2008-12-05: 07:21:00
Is this a new one? hurrah!
Verbotomy - 2010-05-03: 00:02:00
Today's definition was suggested by freakystyley. Thank you freakystyley. ~ James
Petrikreink - 2019-05-05: 10:43:00