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'Excuse me, but that's my button.'

DEFINITION: v. To push a push-button that has just been pushed by someone else because you "need" to push it yourself; common at elevators, traffic lights, and family meetings. n. A person who "needs" to push their own buttons.

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Created by: pinwheel

Pronunciation: re/dun/dant

Sentence: I know it was redonedant to press the button again but you never know, perhaps he didn't press it hard enough!

Etymology: redundant + done

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Created by: PythianHabenero

Pronunciation: re-ca-push-yu-late

Sentence: Notwithstanding the fact that Jack had just pushed the button, Jill had to recapushulate it anyways.

Etymology: recapitulate, push

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Created by: WhiteRhino

Pronunciation: Re-butt-on

Sentence: Linda rebuttoned the elevator switch nervously.

Etymology: Re - again Button - uh...button.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: buht'n-UHP-man-ship

Sentence: Bob wasn't a nice man; if he didn't get his own way, he would become pushy. Frequently he would be "pushing someones button," and if that didn't work he would "push their keys." Also he thought that he was a tough dude and joined "The Push," but they thought he was nothing more than a "push-fire" and a real "push-over." Even at lifts and traffic lights, he always tried his buttonupmanship, telling little old ladies to "button-up their lip." He had no success with the younger ladies also, when it came to "push-on-up." Seeking a free night's fun at someone else's expense, he thought he might push his luck with the ladies at a "pushing school" or a "buttonhole factory," but when it came to "push and shove," they stomped on his "button and bows" and told him to "push off" or he'd be "pushing clouds" sooner than he thought.

Etymology: BUTTON: n. any small knob or disk pressed to activate an electric circuit, release a spring, or otherwise operate or open a machine, small door, toy, etc. ONEUPMANSHIP n. the attitude or practice of trying to keep one step ahead of a friend or competitor;


I like it. - lumina, 2008-06-19: 02:28:00

Funny, and very clever. - Mustang, 2008-06-19: 06:31:00

great word and sentence - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-19: 11:41:00

Bob, is his last name Pushkin by any chance? He'll be doing that till they put him in a push chair! - Nosila, 2008-06-19: 20:29:00


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Created by: toadstool57

Pronunciation: push-wackd

Sentence: Although it was already pressed, Jill pushwhacked the buton continuously until the elevator arrived.

Etymology: push, bushwhack


Jill was a pushover. - purpleartichokes, 2007-04-10: 09:21:00


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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: push + sess + ive

Sentence: That guy came up and hit the elevator call button right after I did, even though he SAW me do it! Did he think I didn't do it *right*?

Etymology: push + posessive (or obsessive, if you prefer)

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Created by: nickolucas

Pronunciation: in-do-action-ary

Sentence: HEs such an indoactioanry that he has to push ever one of his buttons.


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Created by: LonePaladin


Sentence: As soon as he entered the elevator, he felt compelled to remash the button for his floor, even though it was already lit.


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: PUNCH-uh-gin

Sentence: At work, Delbert had earned the nickname 'Punchagain' for his habit of repressing buttons in the elevator even after his coworkers had already done so.

Etymology: Blend of the words 'punch' and 'again'

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: re press gall eree

Sentence: Simon's repressgallery button on his phone was working overtime...I mean if you pushed again, would something magically appear? Well, only if you are in a theatre or other place where contact was awkward! Right?

Etymology: repress: (put out of one's consciousness or to press again) & Press Gallery (an area (sometimes in a balcony) set aside for reporters (especially in a legislative hall)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-10: 02:32:00
Today's definition was suggested by Osomatic.
Thank you Osomatic! ~ James

Mustang - 2008-06-19: 08:28:00
Being compushive isnt easy. It takes lots of energy and ingenuity.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-10-27: 02:10:00
Today's definition was suggested by Osomatic. Thank you Osomatic. ~ James