Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To instinctively answer your cell phone ring, even when caught in a somewhat compromising position. n. The instinct to answer your phone
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: ziggy41
Pronunciation: In-col-un-ta-ee
Sentence: It was such a turnoff when she incalluntarily answered her cell to find it was her mother who had called.
Etymology: Involuntary (instinctively, spontaneous) + call (a telephone communication)
great word ziggy41 - Jabberwocky, 2007-05-18: 11:34:00
Created by: rockchic101
Pronunciation: insta-action
Sentence: The phone rang, so his gut instaction was to answer.
Etymology: combination of instant and reaction
Created by: whipspeak
Pronunciation: foh-nat-ik
Sentence: Sheila was a phonatic about answering calls. Tony... not so much.
Etymology: phone + fanatic: person possessed by excessive zeal
phontastc word - Nosila, 2009-12-03: 18:29:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: sex-em-ess
Sentence: Sam was overwrought when he realised that Anna had been sexemessing despite his ardour and best efforts.
Etymology: SMS - short message service + sex (a compromising position) + sexy mess (can be the result of answering your phone at an inappropriate time)
I sexemess too - kensiesfate, 2007-05-19: 00:07:00
Created by: lwoodsky
Pronunciation: pik-uh-PUL-shun
Sentence: The stark echo confirms that Jane's pickupulsion extended even to the loo.
Etymology: archaic 20th cent Eng. v. to answer a ringing phone; to lift or pick up the receiver in order to respond to a phone call; + [comp]ulsion: loss of choice or control in a personal decision, usually as a result of obsession
Created by: BemaSelf
Pronunciation: Hi-phone-et-ics
Sentence: The guy totally has Hiphonetics or something. He answered the phone even though we were in the shower together!
Etymology: Hello, Hi, Phone, Phonetics
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: kawl day ting
Sentence: George hated the fact that Lulu had that new feature on her phone, calldating. It meant that every time they had relations, she would answer every call. This was annoying, especially since their trysts only lasted an hour, until she had to handle her next client...
Etymology: Wordplay on Call-Waiting...Dating (having a steady, intimate relationship)
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: cell-us-inter-rupt-us
Sentence: My cellphone rings and it's cellusinterruptus again. "Let's just ignore it," he whispers; but it's too late. "What if it's the babysitter?" "What if there's a problem or the baby's sick?" "What if Susan's had a car accident?" "What if Timmy's fallen down a well?" "What if I just give up and watch TV?" he says, and storms out of the room.
Etymology: cell: cell phone + interrupt: prevent or disturb + us -- wordplay on coitus interruptus: self-withdrawal during lovemaking
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: SELL-eh-dik-shun
Sentence: Harold has what amounts to a celladdiction, an irresistible instinct to answer calls on his cell phone, no matter the time of day or activity he might be engaged in, even including romantic interludes.
Etymology: Blend of words 'cell' (for cell phone) and 'addiction' (n. the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming)
Verbotomy - 2007-05-18: 03:12:00
Today's definition was suggested by duchessella. Thank you duchessella! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-12-03: 00:22:00
Today's definition was suggested by duchessella. Thank you duchessella. ~ James