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'I thought love was a two-way street'

DEFINITION: n. A lovable yet stupid pet. v. To be dumb, fat, lazy, arrogant, and totally, completely, irresistibly cute.

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Created by: DrWebsterIII

Pronunciation: an-a-mul-tru-is-tik

Sentence: It's not that I expect Teenie to bring me my slippers when I get home from a long shift, but it would be a nice switch from her usual animaltruistic ways to not have to cater to her

Etymology: N.E. (uws)


Animaltruistic...I get it! an altruistic animal :)~ Great word Drwebsterill! - abrakadeborah, 2009-04-24: 04:51:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: lab rad oh

Sentence: the only difference between Fifi and her darling labradoh was that only one of them was a natural blonde

Etymology: labrador doh

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: ig noh ray mau sser

Sentence: her ignoramouser dribbled, drooled, slept, sprawled and stank, but she hadn't had any visiting rodents since he'd arrived, which was fine by her.

Etymology: ignoramous mouser

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Created by: fabdiva

Pronunciation: dim-yum

Sentence: Linda often wondered why her dimyum always licked himself in front of guests.

Etymology: Dim - stupid or slow to understand. Yum - delicious

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: cat - tank - ur - us

Sentence: Mr. Whistkas is the most catankerous cat on the face of the earth but he is loved by all because he is sooo cute!

Etymology: cat + cantankerous


Wonderful blend! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-23: 10:14:00

Catalytic, man! - Nosila, 2009-04-23: 19:18:00


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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: moh-pet-tron

Sentence: Hammy the cat's mopetronic behaviour was starting to creep her out, the constant eye contact and weird little grunts he made by his empty food dish - he would lay there all day until she fed him again. If Hammy could talk he would say, "You must tell me how beautiful I am daily, and you must pet me when I want you to, not only that YOU are MY slave, you do what I want when I want."

Etymology: moron (a stupid dimwit) + pet (domesticated tamed animal companion)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: roh-lee-po-lee

Sentence: "Polly wants a cracker", a phrase repeated and reacted upon so many times that Polly is a rolypolly.

Etymology: rolly-poly (short and plumply round, as a person or a young anima) polly (a tame parrot)

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Created by: splendiction

Pronunciation: big nor a mut

Sentence: Sally’s bignoramut’s main activity was to wait by the door for her. Unfortunately, one day the big stupid fat dog lay too close to the door when Sally burst inside her apartment. “Bonkraashunch”! “Dawling! I’m sorry!” Sally cooed apologetically. “Thump thump thump...”

Etymology: From IGNORAMUS, BIG and MUT.

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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: charm id E us

Sentence: He rescued the mixed-breed bassett from the phound. The poor mutt had long, matted, hair, desperately in need of shampooing and clipping, along with a frighteningly ugly, part boxer, part schnauzer, part pugly, face ... earning him the name of Scrunge Bob Scare Pants ... so charmideous he was a blessing in disguise!

Etymology: HIDEOUSLY, CHARMING = CHARMIDEOUS. // A pound for hounds is a phound. // Pug ugly is pugly.


Love it! Scrunge Bob Scare Pants -ha, what a tail. If I had a Bassett, I'd call it Angela! - Nosila, 2009-04-23: 19:24:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: ədôrəbläb

Sentence: Wes thinks he owns a cat. He is wrong. That thing that eats cat food, purrs when scratched is not a cat at all. Cats are barely domesticated creatures that hunt mice and other small critters. Cats are agile and light of foot. Wes’ pet is none of these. What he has is an adorablob, a cute, treat eating, litter soiling lump of fur with the about as much ambition of a sofa cushion. Last week Wes had to trap and remove a mouse that was starting to establish a nest on Fatty McButterpants’ belly.

Etymology: adorable (inspiring great affection; delightful; charming) + blob (an indeterminate mass or shape)


karenanne "Fatty McButterpants"! That's great! ...Although it reminds me of NJ Governor Christie, who is not so cuddly.... - karenanne, 2010-11-05: 13:15:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-04-23: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James

mrskellyscl mrskellyscl - 2009-04-23: 07:31:00
The cat in the drawing looks just like Cartman:)

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-04-24: 10:31:00
Yes, he has the same body type (fat) and the same eyes (mischievous). Thanks! ~James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-11-05: 00:15:00
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James